Updates timezone data once again, bump version to 5.10.1b3
The timezone data from IANA has changed (probably several years ago), and the min/max years have to be changed to -2147481748/2147485547, which are no acceptable years for timestamps in PostgreSQL and Oracle. The new timezone data maps now these boundary values 1/9999.
This commit fixes as well a bug introduced by the last version of the timezone data in cases, where Tcl versions with older timezone data were used, and the fallback operations based on Tcl failed. Tcl versions 8.6.14* and Tcl 9.0* have up-to-date time zones, e.g. Tcl 8.6.13 still requires in some rare cases the fallback to the database, where the error might show up.
Upgrade timezone data to tzdb-2024a (Released 2024-02-01) from IANA
The last update of the timezone data of OpenACS happened on Sep 29, 2015 in the release process of OpenACS 5.9.0. The new timezone data is based on the newest released data from IANA reflecting the changes made by political bodies to time zone boundaries, UTC offsets, and daylight-saving rules. The procedures to update the database are described in RFC 6557 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6557.html) and contains data for e.g. Europe up to the year 2499.