Index: doc/example-scripts/tk-locomotive.html =================================================================== diff -u -r71e18053ef7dd9a53f11d14f3a91b8a1091e90bb -rc4f449cb353be812ba6502ef8e9587e87881f59b --- doc/example-scripts/tk-locomotive.html (.../tk-locomotive.html) (revision 71e18053ef7dd9a53f11d14f3a91b8a1091e90bb) +++ doc/example-scripts/tk-locomotive.html (.../tk-locomotive.html) (revision c4f449cb353be812ba6502ef8e9587e87881f59b) @@ -1,970 +1,970 @@ - - - - - -Listing of doc/example-scripts/tk-locomotive.tcl - - - - - -

Example by <Richard Suchenwirth> -

  • -

    -translated from Tcl to XOTcl by gustaf neumann in 2001 -

  • -
  • -

    -translated from XOTcl to NX by gustaf neumann in 2010 -

  • -
-tk-locomotive.png -

Left mousebutton starts, middle slows down, right stops

package require Tk
-package require nx
-package require nx::trait
-nx::Class create Wheel {
-  :property x
-  :property y
-  :property r
-  :property {spokes 24}
-  :property {pivot 0}
-  :property {color red}
-  :property {tag ""}
-  :public method drawSpokes {} {
-    ::nx::var import [:info parent] c alpha
-    set delta [expr {360.0 / ${:spokes}}]
-    set deg2arc [expr {atan(1.0)*8/360.}]
-    for {set i 0} {$i < ${:spokes}} {incr i} {
-      set x1 [expr {${:x} + cos($deg2arc*$alpha) * ${:r}}]
-      set y1 [expr {${:y} + sin($deg2arc*$alpha) * ${:r}}]
-      $c create line ${:x} ${:y} $x1 $y1 -fill ${:color} -tag spoke
-      set alpha [expr {$alpha + $delta}]
-    }
-    if {[info exists :act_pivot]} {
-      lassign [set :act_pivot] item perc
-      set rp [expr {${:r} * $perc}]
-      set xp [expr {${:x} - $rp * cos($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
-      set yp [expr {${:y} - $rp * sin($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
-      $c coords $item $xp $yp [expr {$xp + 1}] [expr {$yp + 1}]
-    }
-  }
-  :method init {} {
-    ::nx::var import [:info parent] c alpha
-    set alpha 0.
-    set :y [expr {${:y} - ${:r}}]
-    $c create oval \
-        [expr {${:x} - ${:r}}] [expr {${:y} - ${:r}}] \
-        [expr {${:x} + ${:r}}] [expr {${:y} + ${:r}}] \
-        -outline white
-    set r1 [expr {${:r}-2}]
-    set W [$c create oval \
-               [expr {${:x} - $r1}] [expr {${:y} - $r1}] \
-               [expr {${:x} + $r1}] [expr {${:y} + $r1}] \
-               -outline ${:color} -width 2]
-    :drawSpokes
-    if {${:pivot}} {
-      set deg2arc [expr {atan(1.0) * 8 / 360.0}]
-      set rp [expr {$r1*${:pivot}}]
-      set xp [expr {${:x} - $rp * cos($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
-      set yp [expr {${:y} - $rp * sin($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
-      set new_pivot [$c create rect $xp $yp [expr {$xp + 1}] [expr {$yp + 1}] \
-                         -fill ${:color} -tag [list ${:tag} pivot]]
-      set :act_pivot [list $new_pivot ${:pivot}]
-      $c create arc [expr {${:x} - $r1}] [expr {${:y} - $r1}]\
-          [expr {${:x} + $r1}] [expr {${:y} + $r1}] \
-          -style chord -fill ${:color} -start 310 \
-          -extent 80 -tag counterweight
-      set :pivot $new_pivot
-    }
-    set rh [expr {${:r} / 12.0}]
-    $c create oval \
-        [expr {${:x} - $rh}] [expr {${:y} - $rh}] \
-        [expr {${:x} + $rh}] [expr {${:y} + $rh}] \
-        -fill white -tag hub
-    set :r $r1
-  }
-nx::Class create Locomotive {
-  :property {speed 4}
-  :require trait nx::trait::callback
-  :method turn {} {
-    set :alpha [expr {round(${:alpha} + 360 - ${:speed}) % 360}]
-    foreach i [${:c} find withtag counterweight] {
-      ${:c} itemconfig $i -start [expr {310 - ${:alpha}}]
-    }
-    ${:c} delete spoke
-    foreach wheel [:info children] { $wheel drawSpokes }
-    ${:c} raise hub
-    set xp0 [expr {105 + 15 * sin((${:alpha} - 90) * atan(1.0) * 8 / 360)}]
-    ${:c} delete piston
-    ${:c} coords p0 $xp0 120 [expr {$xp0+2}] 122 ;#CW
-    ${:c} create line 90 121 $xp0 121 -width 2 -fill white -tag piston ;#CW
-    :drawRod p0 p1 p2 p3
-    ${:c} raise p0
-    foreach i [${:c} find withtag smoke] {
-      if {[lindex [${:c} bbox $i] 3]<0} {
-        ${:c} delete $i
-      } else {
-        ${:c} move $i [expr {rand() * ${:speed} / 3.0}] [expr {rand() * 2 - 2}]
-      }
-    }
-    set t [${:c} create oval [${:c} bbox chimney] -fill white -outline white -tag smoke]
-    ${:c} move $t 0 -10
-    ${:c} lower smoke
-  }
-  :method drawRod {p0 p1 p2 p3} {
-    ${:c} delete rod
-    ${:c} create rect [${:c} bbox $p1 $p3] -fill white -tag rod
-    ${:c} create line {*}[lrange [${:c} bbox $p0] 0 1] \
-        {*}[lrange [${:c} bbox $p2] 0 1] -width 3 -fill white -tag rod
-    ${:c} raise rod
-    ${:c} raise pivot
-  }
-  :public method tick {} {
-    :turn
-    foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}
-    after 10 [self] tick
-  }
-  :public method throttle {} {
-    incr :speed 2
-    :tick
-  }
-  :public method break {} {
-    incr :speed -2
-    if {${:speed}<0} {set :speed 0}
-    :tick
-  }
-  :public method emergencyBreak {} {
-    set :speed 0
-    :tick
-  }
-  :method init {} {
-    set :c [canvas .c -width 600 -height 160 -background lightblue]
-    pack ${:c}
-    bind ${:c} <1> [:callback throttle]
-    bind ${:c} <2> [:callback break]
-    bind ${:c} <3> [:callback emergencyBreak]
-    ${:c} delete all
-    ${:c} create rect 32 115 360 125 -fill black ;# frame
-    ${:c} create rect 22 118 32 122 -fill grey30 ;# buffer
-    ${:c} create line 22 115 22 125
-    ${:c} create poly 60 95 40 115 50 115 70 95 -fill black
-    ${:c} create rect 60 45 310 95 -fill grey25 ;# boiler
-    ${:c} create oval 55 50 65 90 -fill black ;# smokebox
-    ${:c} create rect 70 32 85 50 -fill black -tag chimney
-    ${:c} create rect 40 52 90 75 -fill black ;# wind diverter
-    ${:c} create oval 130 36 150 52 -fill black ;# dome
-    ${:c} create rect 195 35 215 50 -fill black ;# sandbox
-    ${:c} create oval 260 36 280 52 -fill black ;# dome
-    ${:c} create rect 65 100 90 135 -fill black ;# cylinder
-    ${:c} create rect 90 120 92 122 -fill red -tag p0 ;# crossbar
-    ${:c} create rect 72 87 82 100 -fill black ;# steam tube
-    ${:c} create rect 310 40 370 115 -fill black ;# cab
-    ${:c} create rect 310 32 390 42 -fill grey30 ;# cab roof
-    ${:c} create text 338 82 -text "01 234" -fill gold -font {Times 7}
-    ${:c} create rect 318 48 333 66 -fill white ;# cab window #1
-    ${:c} create rect 338 48 355 66 -fill white ;# cab window #2
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 50 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 105 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 150 -y 150 -r 30 -pivot 0.5 -tag p1
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 215 -y 150 -r 30 -pivot 0.5 -tag p2
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 280 -y 150 -r 30 -pivot 0.5 -tag p3
-    :drawRod p0 p1 p2 p3
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 340 -y 150 -r 16 -spokes 12
-    ${:c} create rect 360 110 380 118 -fill black
-    ${:c} create rect 380 65 560 125 -fill black -tag tender
-    ${:c} create rect 560 118 570 122 -fill grey30 ;# buffer
-    ${:c} create line 571 116 571 125
-    ${:c} create rect 390 45 525 65 -fill black -tag tender
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 395 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 440 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
-    ${:c} create rect 380 132 456 142 -fill red
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 495 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
-    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 540 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
-    ${:c} create rect 480 132 556 142 -fill red -outline red
-    ${:c} create rect 0 150 600 160 -fill brown ;# earth
-    ${:c} create line 0 150 600 150 -fill grey -width 2 ;# rail
-    :tick
-  }
-Locomotive new

- - - + + + + + +Listing of doc/example-scripts/tk-locomotive.tcl + + + + + +

Example by <Richard Suchenwirth> +

  • +

    +translated from Tcl to XOTcl by gustaf neumann in 2001 +

  • +
  • +

    +translated from XOTcl to NX by gustaf neumann in 2010 +

  • +
+tk-locomotive.png +

Left mousebutton starts, middle slows down, right stops

package require Tk
+package require nx
+package require nx::trait
+nx::Class create Wheel {
+  :property x
+  :property y
+  :property r
+  :property {spokes 24}
+  :property {pivot 0}
+  :property {color red}
+  :property {tag ""}
+  :public method drawSpokes {} {
+    ::nx::var import [:info parent] c alpha
+    set delta [expr {360.0 / ${:spokes}}]
+    set deg2arc [expr {atan(1.0)*8/360.}]
+    for {set i 0} {$i < ${:spokes}} {incr i} {
+      set x1 [expr {${:x} + cos($deg2arc*$alpha) * ${:r}}]
+      set y1 [expr {${:y} + sin($deg2arc*$alpha) * ${:r}}]
+      $c create line ${:x} ${:y} $x1 $y1 -fill ${:color} -tag spoke
+      set alpha [expr {$alpha + $delta}]
+    }
+    if {[info exists :act_pivot]} {
+      lassign [set :act_pivot] item perc
+      set rp [expr {${:r} * $perc}]
+      set xp [expr {${:x} - $rp * cos($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
+      set yp [expr {${:y} - $rp * sin($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
+      $c coords $item $xp $yp [expr {$xp + 1}] [expr {$yp + 1}]
+    }
+  }
+  :method init {} {
+    ::nx::var import [:info parent] c alpha
+    set alpha 0.
+    set :y [expr {${:y} - ${:r}}]
+    $c create oval \
+        [expr {${:x} - ${:r}}] [expr {${:y} - ${:r}}] \
+        [expr {${:x} + ${:r}}] [expr {${:y} + ${:r}}] \
+        -outline white
+    set r1 [expr {${:r}-2}]
+    set W [$c create oval \
+               [expr {${:x} - $r1}] [expr {${:y} - $r1}] \
+               [expr {${:x} + $r1}] [expr {${:y} + $r1}] \
+               -outline ${:color} -width 2]
+    :drawSpokes
+    if {${:pivot}} {
+      set deg2arc [expr {atan(1.0) * 8 / 360.0}]
+      set rp [expr {$r1*${:pivot}}]
+      set xp [expr {${:x} - $rp * cos($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
+      set yp [expr {${:y} - $rp * sin($deg2arc * $alpha)}]
+      set new_pivot [$c create rect $xp $yp [expr {$xp + 1}] [expr {$yp + 1}] \
+                         -fill ${:color} -tag [list ${:tag} pivot]]
+      set :act_pivot [list $new_pivot ${:pivot}]
+      $c create arc [expr {${:x} - $r1}] [expr {${:y} - $r1}]\
+          [expr {${:x} + $r1}] [expr {${:y} + $r1}] \
+          -style chord -fill ${:color} -start 310 \
+          -extent 80 -tag counterweight
+      set :pivot $new_pivot
+    }
+    set rh [expr {${:r} / 12.0}]
+    $c create oval \
+        [expr {${:x} - $rh}] [expr {${:y} - $rh}] \
+        [expr {${:x} + $rh}] [expr {${:y} + $rh}] \
+        -fill white -tag hub
+    set :r $r1
+  }
+nx::Class create Locomotive {
+  :property {speed 4}
+  :require trait nx::trait::callback
+  :method turn {} {
+    set :alpha [expr {round(${:alpha} + 360 - ${:speed}) % 360}]
+    foreach i [${:c} find withtag counterweight] {
+      ${:c} itemconfig $i -start [expr {310 - ${:alpha}}]
+    }
+    ${:c} delete spoke
+    foreach wheel [:info children] { $wheel drawSpokes }
+    ${:c} raise hub
+    set xp0 [expr {105 + 15 * sin((${:alpha} - 90) * atan(1.0) * 8 / 360)}]
+    ${:c} delete piston
+    ${:c} coords p0 $xp0 120 [expr {$xp0+2}] 122 ;#CW
+    ${:c} create line 90 121 $xp0 121 -width 2 -fill white -tag piston ;#CW
+    :drawRod p0 p1 p2 p3
+    ${:c} raise p0
+    foreach i [${:c} find withtag smoke] {
+      if {[lindex [${:c} bbox $i] 3]<0} {
+        ${:c} delete $i
+      } else {
+        ${:c} move $i [expr {rand() * ${:speed} / 3.0}] [expr {rand() * 2 - 2}]
+      }
+    }
+    set t [${:c} create oval [${:c} bbox chimney] -fill white -outline white -tag smoke]
+    ${:c} move $t 0 -10
+    ${:c} lower smoke
+  }
+  :method drawRod {p0 p1 p2 p3} {
+    ${:c} delete rod
+    ${:c} create rect [${:c} bbox $p1 $p3] -fill white -tag rod
+    ${:c} create line {*}[lrange [${:c} bbox $p0] 0 1] \
+        {*}[lrange [${:c} bbox $p2] 0 1] -width 3 -fill white -tag rod
+    ${:c} raise rod
+    ${:c} raise pivot
+  }
+  :public method tick {} {
+    :turn
+    foreach i [after info] {after cancel $i}
+    after 10 [self] tick
+  }
+  :public method throttle {} {
+    incr :speed 2
+    :tick
+  }
+  :public method break {} {
+    incr :speed -2
+    if {${:speed}<0} {set :speed 0}
+    :tick
+  }
+  :public method emergencyBreak {} {
+    set :speed 0
+    :tick
+  }
+  :method init {} {
+    set :c [canvas .c -width 600 -height 160 -background lightblue]
+    pack ${:c}
+    bind ${:c} <1> [:callback throttle]
+    bind ${:c} <2> [:callback break]
+    bind ${:c} <3> [:callback emergencyBreak]
+    ${:c} delete all
+    ${:c} create rect 32 115 360 125 -fill black ;# frame
+    ${:c} create rect 22 118 32 122 -fill grey30 ;# buffer
+    ${:c} create line 22 115 22 125
+    ${:c} create poly 60 95 40 115 50 115 70 95 -fill black
+    ${:c} create rect 60 45 310 95 -fill grey25 ;# boiler
+    ${:c} create oval 55 50 65 90 -fill black ;# smokebox
+    ${:c} create rect 70 32 85 50 -fill black -tag chimney
+    ${:c} create rect 40 52 90 75 -fill black ;# wind diverter
+    ${:c} create oval 130 36 150 52 -fill black ;# dome
+    ${:c} create rect 195 35 215 50 -fill black ;# sandbox
+    ${:c} create oval 260 36 280 52 -fill black ;# dome
+    ${:c} create rect 65 100 90 135 -fill black ;# cylinder
+    ${:c} create rect 90 120 92 122 -fill red -tag p0 ;# crossbar
+    ${:c} create rect 72 87 82 100 -fill black ;# steam tube
+    ${:c} create rect 310 40 370 115 -fill black ;# cab
+    ${:c} create rect 310 32 390 42 -fill grey30 ;# cab roof
+    ${:c} create text 338 82 -text "01 234" -fill gold -font {Times 7}
+    ${:c} create rect 318 48 333 66 -fill white ;# cab window #1
+    ${:c} create rect 338 48 355 66 -fill white ;# cab window #2
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 50 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 105 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 150 -y 150 -r 30 -pivot 0.5 -tag p1
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 215 -y 150 -r 30 -pivot 0.5 -tag p2
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 280 -y 150 -r 30 -pivot 0.5 -tag p3
+    :drawRod p0 p1 p2 p3
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 340 -y 150 -r 16 -spokes 12
+    ${:c} create rect 360 110 380 118 -fill black
+    ${:c} create rect 380 65 560 125 -fill black -tag tender
+    ${:c} create rect 560 118 570 122 -fill grey30 ;# buffer
+    ${:c} create line 571 116 571 125
+    ${:c} create rect 390 45 525 65 -fill black -tag tender
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 395 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 440 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
+    ${:c} create rect 380 132 456 142 -fill red
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 495 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
+    Wheel new -childof [self] -x 540 -y 150 -r 13 -spokes 12
+    ${:c} create rect 480 132 556 142 -fill red -outline red
+    ${:c} create rect 0 150 600 160 -fill brown ;# earth
+    ${:c} create line 0 150 600 150 -fill grey -width 2 ;# rail
+    :tick
+  }
+Locomotive new

+ + +