Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/,v
diff -u -r1.81 -r1.82
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/ 29 Aug 2008 14:52:08 -0000 1.81
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/ 23 Oct 2008 13:04:02 -0000 1.82
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
The canonical repository for OpenACS content.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-folder.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-folder.sql,v
diff -u -r1.19 -r1.20
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-folder.sql 4 Jun 2006 00:45:22 -0000 1.19
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-folder.sql 23 Oct 2008 13:04:03 -0000 1.20
@@ -304,6 +304,12 @@
+ if folder_id = content_item.get_root_folder or
+ folder_id = content_template.get_root_folder then
+ raise_application_error( -20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Cannot copy root folder');
+ end if;
@@ -315,37 +321,44 @@
folder_id = copy.folder_id;
+ if v_valid_folders_p ^= 2 then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Not valid folder(s)');
+ end if;
+ if target_folder_id = folder_id then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Cannot copy a folder to itself');
+ end if;
+ if is_sub_folder(folder_id, target_folder_id) = 't' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Destination folder is subfolder');
+ end if;
+ if is_registered(target_folder_id,'content_folder') ^= 't' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Destination folder does not allow subfolders');
+ end if;
+ -- get the source folder info
- parent_id
+ name, label, description, parent_id
- v_current_folder_id
- from
- cr_items
+ v_name, v_label, v_description, v_current_folder_id
+ from
+ cr_items i, cr_folders f
- item_id = copy.folder_id;
+ f.folder_id = i.item_id
+ and
+ f.folder_id = copy.folder_id;
- if folder_id = content_item.get_root_folder or folder_id = content_template.get_root_folder or target_folder_id = folder_id then
- v_valid_folders_p := 0;
+ if v_current_folder_id = copy__target_folder_id and v_name = then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder is parent folder'';
end if;
- if v_valid_folders_p = 2 then
- -- get the source folder info
- select
- name, label, description
- into
- v_name, v_label, v_description
- from
- cr_items i, cr_folders f
- where
- f.folder_id = i.item_id
- and
- f.folder_id = copy.folder_id;
- if is_sub_folder(folder_id, target_folder_id) ^= 't' or v_current_folder_id != copy.target_folder_id or (v_name != and is not null) then
- if is not null then
- v_name :=;
- end if;
-- create the new folder
v_new_folder_id :=
parent_id => copy.target_folder_id,
@@ -383,14 +396,9 @@
end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
end copy;
-- returns 1 if the item_id passed in is a folder
function is_folder (
item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/upgrade/upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/upgrade/upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/upgrade/upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql 23 Oct 2008 13:04:03 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+-- @author Victor Guerra (
+-- @creation-date 2008-10-21
+-- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql,v 1.1 2008/10/23 13:04:03 victorg Exp $
+create or replace package body content_folder
+function new (
+ name in,
+ label in cr_folders.label%TYPE,
+ description in cr_folders.description%TYPE default null,
+ parent_id in cr_items.parent_id%TYPE default null,
+ context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null,
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE default null,
+ creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate,
+ creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null,
+ creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
+ security_inherit_p in acs_objects.security_inherit_p%TYPE default 't',
+ package_id in acs_objects.package_id%TYPE default null
+) return cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE is
+ v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE;
+ v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE;
+ -- set the context_id
+ if is null then
+ v_context_id :=;
+ else
+ v_context_id :=;
+ end if;
+ -- parent_id = security context root means that this is a mount point
+ if parent_id ^= -4 and
+ content_folder.is_folder(parent_id) = 'f' and
+ content_folder.is_registered(parent_id,'content_folder') = 'f' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'This folder does not allow subfolders to be created');
+ else
+ v_folder_id :=
+ item_id => folder_id,
+ name => name,
+ item_subtype => 'content_folder',
+ content_type => 'content_folder',
+ context_id => v_context_id,
+ creation_date => creation_date,
+ creation_user => creation_user,
+ creation_ip => creation_ip,
+ parent_id => parent_id,
+ security_inherit_p => security_inherit_p,
+ package_id => package_id
+ );
+ insert into cr_folders (
+ folder_id, label, description, package_id
+ ) values (
+ v_folder_id, label, description, package_id
+ );
+ -- set the correct object title
+ update acs_objects
+ set title = new.label
+ where object_id = v_folder_id;
+ -- inherit the attributes of the parent folder
+ if is not null then
+ insert into cr_folder_type_map (
+ folder_id, content_type
+ ) select
+ v_folder_id, content_type
+ from
+ cr_folder_type_map
+ where
+ folder_id =;
+ end if;
+ -- update the child flag on the parent
+ update cr_folders set has_child_folders = 't'
+ where folder_id =;
+ return v_folder_id;
+ end if;
+end new;
+procedure del (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ cascade_p in char default 'f'
+) is
+ v_count integer;
+ v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE;
+ v_child_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE;
+ cursor c_folder_children_cur is
+ select
+ item_id
+ from
+ cr_items
+ connect by
+ prior item_id=parent_id
+ start with parent_id = del.folder_id;
+ -- check if the folder contains any items
+ select count(*) into v_count from cr_items where parent_id = folder_id;
+ if v_count > 0 and content_folder.del.cascade_p='f' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'Folder ID ' || folder_id || ' (' || content_item.get_path(folder_id) ||
+ ') cannot be deleted because it is not empty.');
+ else
+ open c_folder_children_cur;
+ loop
+ fetch c_folder_children_cur into v_child_item_id;
+ exit when c_folder_children_cur%NOTFOUND;
+ if is_folder(v_child_item_id) = 't' then
+ content_folder.del(v_child_item_id,'t');
+ else
+ content_item.del(v_child_item_id);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ close c_folder_children_cur;
+ end if;
+ content_folder.unregister_content_type(
+ folder_id => content_folder.del.folder_id,
+ content_type => 'content_revision',
+ include_subtypes => 't' );
+ delete from cr_folder_type_map
+ where folder_id = content_folder.del.folder_id;
+ select parent_id into v_parent_id from cr_items
+ where item_id = content_folder.del.folder_id;
+ content_item.del(folder_id);
+ -- check if any folders are left in the parent
+ update cr_folders set has_child_folders = 'f'
+ where folder_id = v_parent_id and not exists (
+ select 1 from cr_items
+ where parent_id = v_parent_id and content_type = 'content_folder');
+end del;
+-- renames a folder, making sure the new name is not already in use
+procedure edit_name (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ name in default null,
+ label in cr_folders.label%TYPE default null,
+ description in cr_folders.description%TYPE default null
+) is
+ v_name_already_exists_p integer := 0;
+ if name is not null then
+ content_item.edit_name(folder_id, name);
+ end if;
+ if label is not null then
+ update acs_objects
+ set title = edit_name.label
+ where object_id = edit_name.folder_id;
+ end if;
+ if label is not null and description is not null then
+ update cr_folders
+ set cr_folders.label = content_folder.edit_name.label,
+ cr_folders.description = content_folder.edit_name.description
+ where cr_folders.folder_id = content_folder.edit_name.folder_id;
+ elsif label is not null and description is null then
+ update cr_folders
+ set cr_folders.label = content_folder.edit_name.label
+ where cr_folders.folder_id = content_folder.edit_name.folder_id;
+ end if;
+end edit_name;
+-- 1) make sure we are not moving the folder to an invalid location:
+-- a. destination folder exists
+-- b. folder is not the webroot (folder_id = -1)
+-- c. destination folder is not the same as the folder
+-- d. destination folder is not a subfolder
+-- 2) make sure subfolders are allowed in the target_folder
+-- 3) update the parent_id for the folder
+procedure move (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ target_folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ name in default null
+) is
+ v_source_folder_id integer;
+ v_valid_folders_p integer := 0;
+ select
+ count(*)
+ into
+ v_valid_folders_p
+ from
+ cr_folders
+ where
+ folder_id = move.target_folder_id
+ or
+ folder_id = move.folder_id;
+ if v_valid_folders_p ^= 2 then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.move - Not valid folder(s)');
+ end if;
+ if folder_id = content_item.get_root_folder or
+ folder_id = content_template.get_root_folder then
+ raise_application_error( -20000,
+ 'content_folder.move - Cannot move root folder');
+ end if;
+ if target_folder_id = folder_id then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.move - Cannot move a folder to itself');
+ end if;
+ if is_sub_folder(folder_id, target_folder_id) = 't' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.move - Destination folder is subfolder');
+ end if;
+ if is_registered(target_folder_id,'content_folder') ^= 't' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.move - Destination folder does not allow subfolders');
+ end if;
+ select parent_id into v_source_folder_id from cr_items
+ where item_id = move.folder_id;
+ -- update the parent_id for the folder
+ update cr_items
+ set parent_id = move.target_folder_id,
+ name=nvl(,
+ where item_id = move.folder_id;
+ -- update the has_child_folders flags
+ -- update the source
+ update cr_folders set has_child_folders = 'f'
+ where folder_id = v_source_folder_id and not exists (
+ select 1 from cr_items
+ where parent_id = v_source_folder_id
+ and content_type = 'content_folder');
+ -- update the destination
+ update cr_folders set has_child_folders = 't'
+ where folder_id = target_folder_id;
+end move;
+-- * make sure that subfolders are allowed in this folder
+-- * creates new folder in the target folder with the same attributes
+-- as the old one
+-- * copies all contents of folder to the new one
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ target_folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE,
+ creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
+ name in default null
+) is
+ v_valid_folders_p integer := 0;
+ v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE;
+ v_name;
+ v_label cr_folders.label%TYPE;
+ v_description cr_folders.description%TYPE;
+ v_new_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE;
+ -- cursor: items in the folder
+ cursor c_folder_contents_cur is
+ select
+ item_id
+ from
+ cr_items
+ where
+ parent_id = copy.folder_id;
+ if folder_id = content_item.get_root_folder or
+ folder_id = content_template.get_root_folder then
+ raise_application_error( -20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Cannot copy root folder');
+ end if;
+ select
+ count(*)
+ into
+ v_valid_folders_p
+ from
+ cr_folders
+ where
+ folder_id = copy.target_folder_id
+ or
+ folder_id = copy.folder_id;
+ if v_valid_folders_p ^= 2 then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Not valid folder(s)');
+ end if;
+ if target_folder_id = folder_id then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Cannot copy a folder to itself');
+ end if;
+ if is_sub_folder(folder_id, target_folder_id) = 't' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Destination folder is subfolder');
+ end if;
+ if is_registered(target_folder_id,'content_folder') ^= 't' then
+ raise_application_error(-20000,
+ 'content_folder.copy - Destination folder does not allow subfolders');
+ end if;
+ -- get the source folder info
+ select
+ name, label, description, parent_id
+ into
+ v_name, v_label, v_description, v_current_folder_id
+ from
+ cr_items i, cr_folders f
+ where
+ f.folder_id = i.item_id
+ and
+ f.folder_id = copy.folder_id;
+ if v_current_folder_id = copy__target_folder_id and v_name = then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder is parent folder'';
+ end if;
+ -- create the new folder
+ v_new_folder_id :=
+ parent_id => copy.target_folder_id,
+ name => nvl(,v_name),
+ label => v_label,
+ description => v_description,
+ creation_user => copy.creation_user,
+ creation_ip => copy.creation_ip
+ );
+ -- copy attributes of original folder
+ insert into cr_folder_type_map (
+ folder_id, content_type
+ ) select
+ v_new_folder_id, content_type
+ from
+ cr_folder_type_map map
+ where
+ folder_id = copy.folder_id
+ and
+ -- do not register content_type if it is already registered
+ not exists ( select 1 from cr_folder_type_map
+ where folder_id = v_new_folder_id
+ and content_type = map.content_type ) ;
+ -- for each item in the folder, copy it
+ for v_folder_contents_val in c_folder_contents_cur loop
+ content_item.copy(
+ item_id => v_folder_contents_val.item_id,
+ target_folder_id => v_new_folder_id,
+ creation_user => copy.creation_user,
+ creation_ip => copy.creation_ip
+ );
+ end loop;
+end copy;
+-- returns 1 if the item_id passed in is a folder
+function is_folder (
+ item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE
+) return char is
+ v_folder_p varchar2(1) := 'f';
+ select 't' into v_folder_p from cr_folders
+ where folder_id = item_id;
+ return v_folder_p;
+ when NO_DATA_FOUND then
+ return 'f';
+end is_folder;
+-- target_folder_id is the possible sub folder
+function is_sub_folder (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ target_folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
+) return char
+ cursor c_tree_cur is
+ select
+ parent_id
+ from
+ cr_items
+ connect by
+ prior parent_id = item_id
+ start with
+ item_id = target_folder_id;
+ v_parent_id integer := -4;
+ v_sub_folder_p char := 'f';
+ if folder_id = content_item.get_root_folder or
+ folder_id = content_template.get_root_folder then
+ v_sub_folder_p := 't';
+ end if;
+ -- Get the parents
+ open c_tree_cur;
+ while v_parent_id <> folder_id loop
+ fetch c_tree_cur into v_parent_id;
+ if v_parent_id = folder_id then
+ v_sub_folder_p := 't';
+ end if;
+ exit when c_tree_cur%NOTFOUND;
+ end loop;
+ close c_tree_cur;
+ return v_sub_folder_p;
+end is_sub_folder;
+function is_empty (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
+) return varchar2
+ v_return varchar2(1);
+ select
+ decode( count(*), 0, 't', 'f' ) into v_return
+ from
+ cr_items
+ where
+ parent_id = is_empty.folder_id;
+ return v_return;
+end is_empty;
+procedure register_content_type (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ content_type in cr_folder_type_map.content_type%TYPE,
+ include_subtypes in varchar2 default 'f'
+) is
+ v_is_registered varchar2(100);
+ if register_content_type.include_subtypes = 'f' then
+ v_is_registered := is_registered(
+ folder_id => register_content_type.folder_id,
+ content_type => register_content_type.content_type,
+ include_subtypes => 'f' );
+ if v_is_registered = 'f' then
+ insert into cr_folder_type_map (
+ folder_id, content_type
+ ) values (
+ register_content_type.folder_id,
+ register_content_type.content_type
+ );
+ end if;
+ else
+ insert into cr_folder_type_map (
+ folder_id, content_type
+ ) select
+ register_content_type.folder_id, object_type
+ from
+ acs_object_types
+ where
+ object_type ^= 'acs_object'
+ and
+ not exists (select 1 from cr_folder_type_map
+ where folder_id = register_content_type.folder_id
+ and content_type = acs_object_types.object_type)
+ connect by
+ prior object_type = supertype
+ start with
+ object_type = register_content_type.content_type;
+ end if;
+end register_content_type;
+procedure unregister_content_type (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ content_type in cr_folder_type_map.content_type%TYPE,
+ include_subtypes in varchar2 default 'f'
+) is
+ if unregister_content_type.include_subtypes = 'f' then
+ delete from cr_folder_type_map
+ where folder_id = unregister_content_type.folder_id
+ and content_type = unregister_content_type.content_type;
+ else
+ delete from cr_folder_type_map
+ where folder_id = unregister_content_type.folder_id
+ and content_type in (select object_type
+ from acs_object_types
+ where object_type ^= 'acs_object'
+ connect by prior object_type = supertype
+ start with
+ object_type = unregister_content_type.content_type);
+ end if;
+end unregister_content_type;
+function is_registered (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
+ content_type in cr_folder_type_map.content_type%TYPE,
+ include_subtypes in varchar2 default 'f'
+) return varchar2
+ v_is_registered integer;
+ cursor c_subtype_cur is
+ select
+ object_type
+ from
+ acs_object_types
+ where
+ object_type ^= 'acs_object'
+ connect by
+ prior object_type = supertype
+ start with
+ object_type = is_registered.content_type;
+ if is_registered.include_subtypes = 'f' then
+ select
+ count(1)
+ into
+ v_is_registered
+ from
+ cr_folder_type_map
+ where
+ folder_id = is_registered.folder_id
+ and
+ content_type = is_registered.content_type;
+ else
+ v_is_registered := 1;
+ for v_subtype_val in c_subtype_cur loop
+ if is_registered(is_registered.folder_id,
+ v_subtype_val.object_type, 'f') = 'f' then
+ v_is_registered := 0;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if v_is_registered = 0 then
+ return 'f';
+ else
+ return 't';
+ end if;
+end is_registered;
+function get_label (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
+) return cr_folders.label%TYPE
+ v_label cr_folders.label%TYPE;
+ select
+ label into v_label
+ from
+ cr_folders
+ where
+ folder_id = get_label.folder_id;
+ return v_label;
+end get_label;
+function get_index_page (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
+) return cr_items.item_id%TYPE
+ v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE;
+ v_index_page_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE;
+ -- if the folder is a symlink, resolve it
+ if content_symlink.is_symlink( get_index_page.folder_id ) = 't' then
+ v_folder_id := content_symlink.resolve( get_index_page.folder_id );
+ else
+ v_folder_id := get_index_page.folder_id;
+ end if;
+ select
+ item_id into v_index_page_id
+ from
+ cr_items
+ where
+ parent_id = v_folder_id
+ and
+ name = 'index'
+ and
+ content_item.is_subclass(
+ content_item.get_content_type( content_symlink.resolve(item_id) ),
+ 'content_folder') = 'f'
+ and
+ content_item.is_subclass(
+ content_item.get_content_type( content_symlink.resolve(item_id) ),
+ 'content_template') = 'f';
+ return v_index_page_id;
+exception when no_data_found then
+ return null;
+end get_index_page;
+function is_root (
+ folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
+) return char is
+ v_is_root char(1);
+ select decode(parent_id, 0, 't', 'f') into v_is_root
+ from cr_items where item_id = is_root.folder_id;
+ return v_is_root;
+end is_root;
+end content_folder;
+show errors
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-folder.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-folder.sql,v
diff -u -r1.48 -r1.49
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-folder.sql 1 Oct 2007 00:10:34 -0000 1.48
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-folder.sql 23 Oct 2008 13:04:03 -0000 1.49
@@ -546,6 +546,11 @@
v_folder_contents_val record;
+ if copy__folder_id = content_item__get_root_folder(null)
+ or copy__folder_id = content_template__get_root_folder() then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Not allowed to copy root folder'';
+ end if;
@@ -557,37 +562,40 @@
folder_id = copy__folder_id;
- select
- parent_id
- into
- v_current_folder_id
- from
- cr_items
- where
- item_id = copy__folder_id;
+ if v_valid_folders_p != 2 then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Invalid folder(s)'';
+ end if;
- if copy__folder_id = content_item__get_root_folder(null)
- or copy__folder_id = content_template__get_root_folder()
- or copy__target_folder_id = copy__folder_id then
- v_valid_folders_p := 0;
+ if copy__target_folder_id = copy__folder_id then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Cannot copy folder to itself'';
end if;
+ if content_folder__is_sub_folder(copy__folder_id, copy__target_folder_id) = ''t'' then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder is subfolder'';
+ end if;
- -- get the source folder info
- select
- name, label, description
- into
- v_name, v_label, v_description
- from
- cr_items i, cr_folders f
- where
- f.folder_id = i.item_id
- and
- f.folder_id = copy__folder_id;
+ if content_folder__is_registered(copy__target_folder_id,''content_folder'',''f'') != ''t'' then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder does not allow subfolders'';
+ end if;
- if v_valid_folders_p = 2 then
+ -- get the source folder info
+ select
+ name, label, description, parent_id
+ into
+ v_name, v_label, v_description, v_current_folder_id
+ from
+ cr_items i, cr_folders f
+ where
+ f.folder_id = i.item_id
+ and
+ f.folder_id = copy__folder_id;
- if content_folder__is_sub_folder(copy__folder_id, copy__target_folder_id) != ''t'' or v_current_folder_id != copy__target_folder_id or (v_name != copy__name and copy__name is not null) then
+ -- would be better to check if the copy__name alredy exists in the destination folder.
+ if v_current_folder_id = copy__target_folder_id and v_name = copy__name then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder is parent folder and folder alredy exists'';
+ end if;
-- create the new folder
v_new_folder_id := content_folder__new(
coalesce (copy__name, v_name),
@@ -635,8 +643,6 @@
end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
return 0;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql 23 Oct 2008 13:04:04 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+-- @author Victor Guerra (
+-- @creation-date 2008-10-21
+-- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-5.5.0d2-5.5.0d3.sql,v 1.1 2008/10/23 13:04:04 victorg Exp $
+create or replace function content_folder__copy (integer,integer,integer,varchar,varchar)
+returns integer as '
+ copy__folder_id alias for $1;
+ copy__target_folder_id alias for $2;
+ copy__creation_user alias for $3;
+ copy__creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null
+ copy__name alias for $5; -- default null
+ v_valid_folders_p integer;
+ v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE;
+ v_name;
+ v_label cr_folders.label%TYPE;
+ v_description cr_folders.description%TYPE;
+ v_new_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE;
+ v_folder_contents_val record;
+ if copy__folder_id = content_item__get_root_folder(null)
+ or copy__folder_id = content_template__get_root_folder() then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Not allowed to copy root folder'';
+ end if;
+ select
+ count(*)
+ into
+ v_valid_folders_p
+ from
+ cr_folders
+ where
+ folder_id = copy__target_folder_id
+ or
+ folder_id = copy__folder_id;
+ if v_valid_folders_p != 2 then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Invalid folder(s)'';
+ end if;
+ if copy__target_folder_id = copy__folder_id then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Cannot copy folder to itself'';
+ end if;
+ if content_folder__is_sub_folder(copy__folder_id, copy__target_folder_id) = ''t'' then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder is subfolder'';
+ end if;
+ if content_folder__is_registered(copy__target_folder_id,''content_folder'',''f'') != ''t'' then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder does not allow subfolders'';
+ end if;
+ -- get the source folder info
+ select
+ name, label, description, parent_id
+ into
+ v_name, v_label, v_description, v_current_folder_id
+ from
+ cr_items i, cr_folders f
+ where
+ f.folder_id = i.item_id
+ and
+ f.folder_id = copy__folder_id;
+ -- would be better to check if the copy__name alredy exists in the destination folder.
+ if v_current_folder_id = copy__target_folder_id and v_name = copy__name then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: content_folder.copy - Destination folder is parent folder and folder alredy exists'';
+ end if;
+ -- create the new folder
+ v_new_folder_id := content_folder__new(
+ coalesce (copy__name, v_name),
+ v_label,
+ v_description,
+ copy__target_folder_id,
+ copy__target_folder_id,
+ null,
+ now(),
+ copy__creation_user,
+ copy__creation_ip,
+ ''t'',
+ null
+ );
+ -- copy attributes of original folder
+ insert into cr_folder_type_map
+ select
+ v_new_folder_id as folder_id, content_type
+ from
+ cr_folder_type_map map
+ where
+ folder_id = copy__folder_id
+ and
+ -- do not register content_type if it is already registered
+ not exists ( select 1 from cr_folder_type_map
+ where folder_id = v_new_folder_id
+ and content_type = map.content_type ) ;
+ -- for each item in the folder, copy it
+ for v_folder_contents_val in select
+ item_id
+ from
+ cr_items
+ where
+ parent_id = copy__folder_id
+ PERFORM content_item__copy(
+ v_folder_contents_val.item_id,
+ v_new_folder_id,
+ copy__creation_user,
+ copy__creation_ip,
+ null
+ );
+ end loop;
+ return 0;
+end;' language 'plpgsql';