You selected \"Inquired via: [string toupper [string index $interaction_type 0]][string range $interaction_type 1 [expr [string length $interaction_type] -1]]\", but you also filled in something in the \"If Other, specify\" field. This is inconsistent.\n"
+ incr exception_count
+ append exception_text "
You selected \"Inquired via: [string toupper [string index $interaction_type 0]][string range $interaction_type 1 [expr [string length $interaction_type] -1]]\", but you also filled in something in the \"If Other, specify\" field. Please fill in one or the other, not both.
if { $exception_count > 0 } {
- ad_return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text
+ ad_return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text
# done error checking
+ }
# Have to generate action_id
@@ -108,238 +101,137 @@
# interaction_id will not be generated until the next page (if it doesn't
# exist) so that I can use the fact of its existence or lack of existence
# to create this page's UI
set action_id [db_nextval ec_action_id_sequence]
+set title "One Issue"
+set context [list [list index "Customer Service"] $title]
-append doc_body "[ad_admin_header "One Issue"]
One Issue
-[ad_context_bar [list "../index.tcl" "Ecommerce([ec_system_name])"] [list "index.tcl" "Customer Service Administration"] "One Issue (part of New Interaction)"]
if { ![info exists c_user_identification_id] } {
- append doc_body "
Customer identification:
- Here's what we could determine about the customer given the information you typed
- into the previous form:
- "
+ set customer_id_html "
Customer identification:
Here's what we could determine about the customer given the information you typed
+ into the previous form:
set positively_identified_p 0
# see if we can find their city/state from the zip code
set location [ec_location_based_on_zip_code $postal_code]
if { ![empty_string_p $location] } {
- append doc_body "
They live in $location.
+ append customer_id_html "
They live in $location.
# I'll be setting variables d_user_id, d_user_identification_id, d_first_names, etc.,
# based on the user info they typed into the last form. "d" stands for "determined",
# meaning that I determined it, as opposed to it being something that they typed in
# if their email address was filled in, see if they're a registered user
if { ![empty_string_p $email] } {
- set email [string toupper $email]
- if { [db_0or1row get_does_row_exist_p "select first_names as d_first_names, last_name as d_last_name, user_id as d_user_id from cc_users where email =lower(:email) "]==1 } {
- append doc_body "
This is a registered user of the system: $d_first_names $d_last_name.
- [export_form_vars d_user_id]"
- set positively_identified_p 1
- }
+ set email [string toupper $email]
+ if { [db_0or1row get_does_row_exist_p "select first_names as d_first_names, last_name as d_last_name, user_id as d_user_id from cc_users where email =lower(:email) "]==1 } {
+ append customer_id_html "
- }
- }
- }
- # also see if they might be a non-user who
- # has had an interaction before
- set already_selected_user_identification_id_list [list]
- if { ![empty_string_p $email] } {
- set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where email=lower(:email) and user_id is null"
- db_foreach get_user_identification $sql {
- append doc_body "
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
- lappend already_selected_user_identification_id_list $d_user_identification_id
- }
- }
- set additional_and_clause ""
- if { [llength $already_selected_user_identification_id_list] > 0 } {
- set additional_and_clause "and user_identification_id not in ([join $already_selected_user_identification_id_list ", "])"
- }
- if { ![empty_string_p $first_names] || ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
- if { ![empty_string_p $first_names] && ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
- set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where upper(first_names)=upper(:first_names) and upper(last_name)=upper(:last_name) and user_id is null $additional_and_clause"
- } elseif { ![empty_string_p $first_names] } {
- set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where upper(first_names)=upper(:first_names) and user_id is null $additional_and_clause"
- } elseif { ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
- set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where upper(last_name)=upper(:last_name) and user_id is null $additional_and_clause"
- }
- db_foreach get_user_identification_info $sql {
+ # then keep trying to identify them
+ if { ![empty_string_p $first_names] || ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
+ if { ![empty_string_p $first_names] && ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
+ set sql "select email, user_id as d_user_id from cc_users where upper(first_names)=upper (:first_names) and upper(last_name)=upper(:last_name)"
+ db_foreach get_user_ids $sql {
+ append customer_id_html "
This may be the registered user $first_names $last_name $email (check here if this is correct).
+ }
+ } elseif { ![empty_string_p $first_names] } {
+ set sql "select email, user_id as d_user_id, last_name as d_last_name from cc_users where upper(first_names)=upper(:first_names)"
+ db_foreach get_user_id_and_lname $sql {
+ append customer_id_html "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # also see if they might be a non-user who
+ # has had an interaction before
+ set already_selected_user_identification_id_list [list]
+ if { ![empty_string_p $email] } {
+ set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where email=lower(:email) and user_id is null"
+ db_foreach get_user_identification $sql {
+ append customer_id_html "
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
+ lappend already_selected_user_identification_id_list $d_user_identification_id
+ }
+ }
+ set additional_and_clause ""
+ if { [llength $already_selected_user_identification_id_list] > 0 } {
+ set additional_and_clause "and user_identification_id not in ([join $already_selected_user_identification_id_list ", "])"
+ }
+ if { ![empty_string_p $first_names] || ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
+ if { ![empty_string_p $first_names] && ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
+ set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where upper(first_names)=upper(:first_names) and upper(last_name)=upper(:last_name) and user_id is null $additional_and_clause"
+ } elseif { ![empty_string_p $first_names] } {
+ set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where upper(first_names)=upper(:first_names) and user_id is null $additional_and_clause"
+ } elseif { ![empty_string_p $last_name] } {
+ set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where upper(last_name)=upper(:last_name) and user_id is null $additional_and_clause"
+ }
+ db_foreach get_user_identification_info $sql {
# need to add a db0or1row select ec_customer_service_issues.user_identification where ec_customer_service_issues.issue_id = ec_cs_issue_type_map.issue_id and ec_customer_service_issues.user_identification = $user_identification *** actually, see if you can add the restriction to the loops query, and check if db_foreach skips if no hits, otherwise have to check for it first.
-# if exists then proceed with this iteration of the loop, otherwise ignore it as a false positive.
+# if exists then proceed with this iteration of the loop, otherwise ignore it as a false positive.
# the other possibility is to identify when the customer_service.issue_id is created, and why the map is not...
- append doc_body "
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
- lappend already_selected_user_identification_id_list $d_user_identification_id
- }
- }
- if { [llength $already_selected_user_identification_id_list] > 0 } {
- set additional_and_clause "and user_identification_id not in ([join $already_selected_user_identification_id_list ", "])"
- }
- if { ![empty_string_p $other_id_info] } {
- set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where other_id_info like '%[DoubleApos $other_id_info]%' $additional_and_clause"
- db_foreach get_user_identification_info $sql {
- append doc_body "
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
- lappend already_selected_user_identification_id_list $d_user_identification_id
- }
- }
- if { [llength $already_selected_user_identification_id_list] > 0 } {
- set additional_and_clause "and user_identification_id not in ([join $already_selected_user_identification_id_list ", "])"
- }
- if { ![empty_string_p $postal_code] } {
- set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where postal_code=:postal_code $additional_and_clause"
- db_foreach get_user_ids_by_postal_code $sql {
- append doc_body "
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
+ lappend already_selected_user_identification_id_list $d_user_identification_id
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength $already_selected_user_identification_id_list] > 0 } {
+ set additional_and_clause "and user_identification_id not in ([join $already_selected_user_identification_id_list ", "])"
+ }
+ if { ![empty_string_p $other_id_info] } {
+ set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where other_id_info like '%[DoubleApos $other_id_info]%' $additional_and_clause"
+ db_foreach get_user_identification_info $sql {
+ append customer_id_html "
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
+ lappend already_selected_user_identification_id_list $d_user_identification_id
+ }
+ }
+ if { [llength $already_selected_user_identification_id_list] > 0 } {
+ set additional_and_clause "and user_identification_id not in ([join $already_selected_user_identification_id_list ", "])"
+ }
+ if { ![empty_string_p $postal_code] } {
+ set sql "select user_identification_id as d_user_identification_id from ec_user_identification where postal_code=:postal_code $additional_and_clause"
+ db_foreach get_user_ids_by_postal_code $sql {
+ append customer_id_html "
This may be the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $d_user_identification_id "t"] (check here if this is correct).
The selected user is not the customer involved in this interaction.
Would you like to make this user be the owner of this interaction?
+ (If not, push Back button and fix the issue ID.)
Issue ID @issue_id@ belongs to the the non-registered person who
+has had a previous interaction with us: @user_id_summary_html;noquote@
+However, that user has not been selected as the customer involved in this interaction.
+Would you like to make this user be the owner of this interaction?
+(If not, push Back button and fix the issue ID.)
Order ID @order_id@ belongs to the registered user
+ @registered_user_html;noquote@. However, you haven't selected that user as the customer involved in this interaction.
+Would you like to make this user be the owner of this interaction?
+(If not, push Back button and fix the order ID.)
Index: openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/customer-service/interaction-add-3.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/customer-service/interaction-add-3.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
--- openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/customer-service/interaction-add-3.tcl 18 Aug 2008 11:02:23 -0000 1.8
+++ openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/customer-service/interaction-add-3.tcl 24 Aug 2008 11:00:43 -0000 1.9
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
# interaction-add-3.tcl
ad_page_contract {
@param open_date_str:optional
@param interaction_type:optional
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@
# doubleclick protection:
if { [db_string get_service_action_count "select count(*) from ec_customer_service_actions where action_id=:action_id"] > 0 } {
-ns_log Notice "interaction-add-3.tcl: double click protection, line 65"
+ ns_log Notice "interaction-add-3.tcl: double click protection, line 65"
ad_returnredirect index
} elseif { $submit != "Interaction complete" } {
# I have to use the action_id to figure out user_identification_id
@@ -77,7 +76,6 @@
# the customer service rep must be logged on
set customer_service_rep [ad_get_user_id]
if {$customer_service_rep == 0} {
@@ -87,6 +85,7 @@
# error checking
+set error_path 0
# what matters for the logic of the customer service system:
# 1. that we don't have more than one d_user_id or d_user_identification_id
# (it's ok to have zero -- then a new user_identification_id will be generated,
@@ -102,26 +101,21 @@
# first some little checks on the input data
# issue_id and order_id should be numbers and action_details should be non-empty
if { [regexp "\[^0-9\]+" $issue_id] } {
incr exception_count
- append exception_text "
The issue ID should be numeric.\n"
+ append exception_text "
The Order ID should be numeric.\n"
+ append exception_text "
The Order ID should be numeric.
if { $exception_count > 0 } {
ad_return_complaint $exception_count $exception_text
# now for the painful checks
# consistent issue ownership
# If it's the first time through, give them the chance of matching up a
@@ -135,98 +129,53 @@
where u.user_identification_id = i.user_identification_id
and i.issue_id=:issue_id"]==0 } {
- ad_return_complaint 1 "
The Issue ID that you specified is invalid. Please go back and check the Issue ID you entered. If this is a new issue, please leave the issue ID blank.
+ ad_return_complaint 1 "
The Issue ID that you specified is invalid. Please go back and check the Issue ID you entered. If this is a new issue, please leave the issue ID blank.
- }
+ }
if { ![info exists c_user_identification_id] } {
- # if the issue has a user_id associated with it and d_user_id doesn't exist or match
- # the associated user_id, then give them a message with the chance to make them match
- if { ![empty_string_p $issue_user_id] } {
- if { ![info exists d_user_id] || [string compare $d_user_id $issue_user_id] != 0 } {
- append doc_body "[ad_admin_header "User Doesn't Match Issue"]
- However, you haven't selected that user as the customer involved in this interaction.
- Would you like to make this user be the owner of this interaction? (If not, push Back and fix the issue ID.)
- [ad_admin_footer]
- "
- ad_script_abort
- }
- } elseif { ![info exists d_user_identification_id] || [string compare $d_user_identification_id $issue_user_identification_id] != 0 } {
- # if d_user_identification_id doesn't match the issue's user_identification_id, give
- # them a message with the chance to make them match
+ # if the issue has a user_id associated with it and d_user_id doesn't exist or match
+ # the associated user_id, then give them a message with the chance to make them match
+ set title "Error: User Does Not Match Issue"
+ set context [list [list index "Customer Service"] $title]
- append doc_body "[ad_admin_header "User Doesn't Match Issue"]
User Doesn't Match Issue
- [ad_context_bar [list "../index.tcl" "Ecommerce([ec_system_name])"] [list "index.tcl" "Customer Service Administration"] "New Interaction"]
Issue ID $issue_id belongs to the the non-registered person who has had a previous interaction with us: [ec_user_identification_summary $issue_user_identification_id]
- However, you haven't selected that user as the customer involved in this interaction.
- Would you like to make this user be the owner of this interaction? (If not, push Back and fix the issue ID.)
- [ad_admin_footer]
- "
+ if { ![empty_string_p $issue_user_id] } {
+ if { ![info exists d_user_id] || [string compare $d_user_id $issue_user_id] != 0 } {
+ set error_path 1
+ set hidden_input_html [ec_hidden_input "d_user_id" $issue_user_id]
+ set export_entire_form_except_html [ec_export_entire_form_except d_user_id d_user_identification_id]
+ ad_script_abort
+ }
+ } elseif { ![info exists d_user_identification_id] || [string compare $d_user_identification_id $issue_user_identification_id] != 0 } {
+ # if d_user_identification_id doesn't match the issue's user_identification_id, give
+ # them a message with the chance to make them match
+ set error_path 2
+ set user_id_summary_html [ec_user_identification_summary $issue_user_identification_id]
+ set hidden_input_html [ec_hidden_input "d_user_identification_id" $issue_user_identification_id]
+ set export_entire_form_html [ec_export_entire_form_except d_user_id d_user_identification_id]
- }
+ }
} else {
- # non-new interaction; user_identification_id fixed
- # if the issue has a user_id, then the user_id associated with user_identification_id should match.
- # since it's possible for the same user to be represented by more than one user_identification_id,
- # we can't require that they match, although it is unfortunate if they don't (but it's too late to
- # do anything about it at this point -- I should make some way to combine user_identifications)
- if { ![empty_string_p $issue_user_id] } {
- # find out the user_id associated with c_user_identification_id
- set c_user_id [db_string get_user_id "select user_id from ec_user_identification where user_identification_id=:c_user_identification_id"]
- # if the c_user_id is null, they should be told about the option of matching up a user_id with
- # user_identification_id
- # otherwise, if the issue doesn't belong to them, they just get a plain error message
- if { [empty_string_p $c_user_id] } {
- ad_return_complaint 1 "The issue ID you specified belongs to the registered user
- [db_string get_full_name "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from cc_users where user_id=:issue_user_id"]. However, you haven't associated this interaction with any registered user. You've associated it with the unregistered user [ec_user_identification_summary $c_user_identification_id]. If these are really the same user, match them up by clicking on the \"user info\" link and then you can reload this page without getting this error message."
+ # non-new interaction; user_identification_id fixed
+ # if the issue has a user_id, then the user_id associated with user_identification_id should match.
+ # since it's possible for the same user to be represented by more than one user_identification_id,
+ # we can't require that they match, although it is unfortunate if they don't (but it's too late to
+ # do anything about it at this point -- I should make some way to combine user_identifications)
+ if { ![empty_string_p $issue_user_id] } {
+ # find out the user_id associated with c_user_identification_id
+ set c_user_id [db_string get_user_id "select user_id from ec_user_identification where user_identification_id=:c_user_identification_id"]
+ # if the c_user_id is null, they should be told about the option of matching up a user_id with
+ # user_identification_id
+ # otherwise, if the issue doesn't belong to them, they just get a plain error message
+ if { [empty_string_p $c_user_id] } {
+ ad_return_complaint 1 "
The issue ID you specified belongs to the registered user
+ [db_string get_full_name "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from cc_users where user_id=:issue_user_id"]. However, you haven't associated this interaction with any registered user. You've associated it with the unregistered user [ec_user_identification_summary $c_user_identification_id]. If these are really the same user, match them up by clicking on the \"user info\" link and then you can reload this page without getting this error message.
- } elseif { [string compare $c_user_id $issue_user_id] != 0 } {
- ad_return_complaint 1 "The issue ID you specified does not belong to the user you specified."
+ } elseif { [string compare $c_user_id $issue_user_id] != 0 } {
+ ad_return_complaint 1 "
The issue ID you specified does not belong to the user you specified.
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
@@ -235,61 +184,38 @@
# see who the order belongs to
set row_exists_p [db_0or1row get_order_owner "select user_id as order_user_id from ec_orders where order_id=:order_id"]
if { $row_exists_p==0 } {
- ad_return_complaint 1 "
The shopping cart Order ID that you specified is invalid. Please go back and check the order ID you entered. If this issue is not about a specific online order, please leave the Order ID blank.
+ ad_return_complaint 1 "
The shopping cart Order ID that you specified is invalid. Please go back and check the order ID you entered. If this issue is not about a specific online order, please leave the Order ID blank.
- However, you haven't selected that user as the customer involved in this interaction.
- Would you like to make this user be the owner of this interaction? (If not, push Back and fix the order ID.)
- [ad_admin_footer]
- "
+ if { ![info exists interaction_id] } {
+ if { ![info exists d_user_id] || [string compare $d_user_id $order_user_id] != 0 } {
+ set title "Error: User Does Not Match Order"
+ set context [list [list index "Customer Service"] $title]
+ set error_path 3
+ set registered_user_html "[db_string get_user_name "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from cc_users where user_id=:order_user_id"]"
+ set hidden_input_html [ec_hidden_input "d_user_id" $order_user_id]
+ set export_entire_form_html [ec_export_entire_form_except d_user_id d_user_identification_id]
- }
- } else {
- # interaction_id exists
- # find out the user_id associated with c_user_identification_id
- set c_user_id [db_string get_user_id_user "select user_id from ec_user_identification where user_identification_id=:c_user_identification_id"]
- # if the c_user_id is null, they should be told about the option of matching up a user_id with
- # user_identification_id
- # otherwise, if the order doesn't belong to them, they just get a plain error message
- if { [empty_string_p $c_user_id] } {
- ad_return_complaint 1 "The order ID you specified belongs to the registered user
- [db_stringget_user_full_name "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from cc_users where user_id=:order_user_id"]. However, you haven't associated this interaction with any registered user. You've associated it with the unregistered user [ec_user_identification_summary $c_user_identification_id]. If these are really the same user, match them up by clicking on the \"user info\" link and then you can reload this page without getting this error message."
+ }
+ } else {
+ # interaction_id exists
+ # find out the user_id associated with c_user_identification_id
+ set c_user_id [db_string get_user_id_user "select user_id from ec_user_identification where user_identification_id=:c_user_identification_id"]
+ # if the c_user_id is null, they should be told about the option of matching up a user_id with
+ # user_identification_id
+ # otherwise, if the order doesn't belong to them, they just get a plain error message
+ if { [empty_string_p $c_user_id] } {
+ ad_return_complaint 1 "
The order ID you specified belongs to the registered user
+[db_stringget_user_full_name "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from cc_users where user_id=:order_user_id"].
+However, you haven't associated this interaction with any registered user. You've associated it with the unregistered user [ec_user_identification_summary $c_user_identification_id]. If these are really the same user, match them up by clicking on the \"user info\" link and then you can reload this page without getting this error message.
- } elseif { [string compare $c_user_id $order_user_id] != 0 } {
- ad_return_complaint 1 "The order ID you specified does not belong to the user you specified."
+ } elseif { [string compare $c_user_id $order_user_id] != 0 } {
+ ad_return_complaint 1 "
The order ID you specified does not belong to the user you specified.
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
# Otherwise, the order is in_basket (that's why it has no user_id associated with it).
# If the user_identification_id has a user_id associated with it, we should
@@ -300,7 +226,6 @@
# done error checking
if { [info exists interaction_id] } {
# then the open_date didn't get passed along to this
# script (but we need it for new customer service issues)
@@ -319,137 +244,130 @@
db_transaction {
-# I. Have to generate:
-# 1. interaction_id, unless it already exists
-# 2. issue_id, unless it already exists
+ # I. Have to generate:
+ # 1. interaction_id, unless it already exists
+ # 2. issue_id, unless it already exists
-# interaction_id will either be a number or it will not exist
-if { ![info exists interaction_id] } {
- set interaction_id [db_nextval ec_interaction_id_sequence]
+ # interaction_id will either be a number or it will not exist
+ if { ![info exists interaction_id] } {
+ set interaction_id [db_nextval ec_interaction_id_sequence]
+ }
-# issue_id will either be a number or it will be the empty string
-if { [empty_string_p $issue_id] } {
- set issue_id [db_nextval ec_issue_id_sequence]
- set create_new_issue_p "t"
-} else {
- set create_new_issue_p "f"
+ # issue_id will either be a number or it will be the empty string
+ if { [empty_string_p $issue_id] } {
+ set issue_id [db_nextval ec_issue_id_sequence]
+ set create_new_issue_p "t"
+ } else {
+ set create_new_issue_p "f"
+ }
-# II. User identification (first time through):
-# 1. If we have d_user_id, see if there's a user_identification with that user_id
-# 2. Otherwise, see if we have d_user_identification_id
-# 3. Otherwise, create a new user_identification_id
+ # II. User identification (first time through):
+ # 1. If we have d_user_id, see if there's a user_identification with that user_id
+ # 2. Otherwise, see if we have d_user_identification_id
+ # 3. Otherwise, create a new user_identification_id
-if { $create_new_interaction_p == "t" && ![info exists c_user_identification_id] } {
- if { [info exists d_user_id] } {
- db_0or1row get_uiid_to_insert "select user_identification_id as uiid_to_insert from ec_user_identification where user_id=:d_user_id"
- }
- if { ![info exists uiid_to_insert] } {
- if { [info exists d_user_identification_id] } {
- set uiid_to_insert $d_user_identification_id
- } else {
- set user_id_to_insert ""
- if { [info exists d_user_id] } {
- set user_id_to_insert $d_user_id
- }
- set uiid_to_insert [db_nextval ec_user_ident_id_sequence]
- db_dml insert_new_uiid "insert into ec_user_identification
+ if { $create_new_interaction_p == "t" && ![info exists c_user_identification_id] } {
+ if { [info exists d_user_id] } {
+ db_0or1row get_uiid_to_insert "select user_identification_id as uiid_to_insert from ec_user_identification where user_id=:d_user_id"
+ }
+ if { ![info exists uiid_to_insert] } {
+ if { [info exists d_user_identification_id] } {
+ set uiid_to_insert $d_user_identification_id
+ } else {
+ set user_id_to_insert ""
+ if { [info exists d_user_id] } {
+ set user_id_to_insert $d_user_id
+ }
+ set uiid_to_insert [db_nextval ec_user_ident_id_sequence]
+ db_dml insert_new_uiid "insert into ec_user_identification
(user_identification_id, user_id, email, first_names, last_name, postal_code, other_id_info)
- (:uiid_to_insert, :user_id_to_insert, :email,:first_names,:last_name,:postal_code,:other_id_info)
- "
- }
+ (:uiid_to_insert, :user_id_to_insert, :email,:first_names,:last_name,:postal_code,:other_id_info)"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set uiid_to_insert $c_user_identification_id
-} else {
- set uiid_to_insert $c_user_identification_id
-# doc_return 200 text/html "three: UTI: $uiid_to_insert"
+ # doc_return 200 text/html "three: UTI: $uiid_to_insert"
+ # III. Interaction (only if this is the first time through):
+ # Have to insert into ec_customer_serv_interactions:
+ # 1. interaction_id
+ # 2. customer_service_rep
+ # 3. user_identification_id (= uiid_to_insert determined in II)
+ # 4. interaction_date (= open_date)
+ # 5. interaction_originator
+ # 6. interaction_type (= interaction_type or interaction_type_other)
-# III. Interaction (only if this is the first time through):
-# Have to insert into ec_customer_serv_interactions:
-# 1. interaction_id
-# 2. customer_service_rep
-# 3. user_identification_id (= uiid_to_insert determined in II)
-# 4. interaction_date (= open_date)
-# 5. interaction_originator
-# 6. interaction_type (= interaction_type or interaction_type_other)
-if { $create_new_interaction_p == "t" } {
- db_dml insert_new_cs_interaction "insert into ec_customer_serv_interactions
+ if { $create_new_interaction_p == "t" } {
+ db_dml insert_new_cs_interaction "insert into ec_customer_serv_interactions
(interaction_id, customer_service_rep, user_identification_id, interaction_date, interaction_originator, interaction_type)
- (:interaction_id, :customer_service_rep, :uiid_to_insert, $date_string, :interaction_originator, [ec_decode $interaction_type "other" ":interaction_type_other" ":interaction_type"])
- "
-# IV. Issue (unless we already have an issue):
-# 1. Have to insert into ec_customer_service_issues:
-# A. issue_id (passed along or generated)
-# B. user_identification_id (= uiid_to_insert determined in II)
-# C. order_id
-# D. open_date
-# E. close_date (=null if close_issue_p=f, =open_date if close_issue_p=t)
-# F. closed_by (=null if close_issue_p=f, =customer_service_rep if close_issue_p=t)
-# 2. Have to insert into ec_cs_issue_type_map:
-# issue_id & issue_type for each issue_type in issue_type_list
-#ns_log Notice "issue_type [value_if_exists issue_type], create_new_issue_p $create_new_issue_p "
-if { $create_new_issue_p == "t" } {
- if { $close_issue_p == "t" } {
- set customer_service_rep_bit :customer_service_rep
- set close_date $date_string
- } else {
- set customer_service_rep_bit [db_map customer_service_rep_bit_null_sql]
- set close_date [db_map close_date_null_sql]
+ (:interaction_id, :customer_service_rep, :uiid_to_insert, $date_string, :interaction_originator, [ec_decode $interaction_type "other" ":interaction_type_other" ":interaction_type"])"
- db_dml insert_new_ec_cs_issue "insert into ec_customer_service_issues
+ # IV. Issue (unless we already have an issue):
+ # 1. Have to insert into ec_customer_service_issues:
+ # A. issue_id (passed along or generated)
+ # B. user_identification_id (= uiid_to_insert determined in II)
+ # C. order_id
+ # D. open_date
+ # E. close_date (=null if close_issue_p=f, =open_date if close_issue_p=t)
+ # F. closed_by (=null if close_issue_p=f, =customer_service_rep if close_issue_p=t)
+ # 2. Have to insert into ec_cs_issue_type_map:
+ # issue_id & issue_type for each issue_type in issue_type_list
+ #ns_log Notice "issue_type [value_if_exists issue_type], create_new_issue_p $create_new_issue_p "
+ if { $create_new_issue_p == "t" } {
+ if { $close_issue_p == "t" } {
+ set customer_service_rep_bit :customer_service_rep
+ set close_date $date_string
+ } else {
+ set customer_service_rep_bit [db_map customer_service_rep_bit_null_sql]
+ set close_date [db_map close_date_null_sql]
+ }
+ db_dml insert_new_ec_cs_issue "insert into ec_customer_service_issues
(issue_id, user_identification_id, order_id, open_date, close_date, closed_by)
- (:issue_id, :uiid_to_insert, :order_id, $date_string, $close_date, $customer_service_rep_bit)
- "
- set issue_type_list [concat $issue_type_list $issue_type]
+ (:issue_id, :uiid_to_insert, :order_id, $date_string, $close_date, $customer_service_rep_bit)"
+ set issue_type_list [concat $issue_type_list $issue_type]
- foreach issue_type $issue_type_list {
- db_dml insert_into_issue_tm "insert into ec_cs_issue_type_map
+ foreach issue_type $issue_type_list {
+ db_dml insert_into_issue_tm "insert into ec_cs_issue_type_map
(issue_id, issue_type)
- (:issue_id, :issue_type)
- "
+ (:issue_id, :issue_type)"
+ }
-# V. Action:
-# 1. Have to insert into ec_customer_service_actions:
-# A. action_id
-# B. issue_id (passed along or generated)
-# C. interaction_id (generated in II)
-# D. action_details
-# E. follow_up_required
-# 2. Have to insert into ec_cs_action_info_used_map:
-# action_id and info_used for each info_used in info_used_list
-db_dml insert_new_ec_service_action "insert into ec_customer_service_actions
+ # V. Action:
+ # 1. Have to insert into ec_customer_service_actions:
+ # A. action_id
+ # B. issue_id (passed along or generated)
+ # C. interaction_id (generated in II)
+ # D. action_details
+ # E. follow_up_required
+ # 2. Have to insert into ec_cs_action_info_used_map:
+ # action_id and info_used for each info_used in info_used_list
+ db_dml insert_new_ec_service_action "insert into ec_customer_service_actions
(action_id, issue_id, interaction_id, action_details, follow_up_required)
-(:action_id, :issue_id, :interaction_id, :action_details,:follow_up_required)
+(:action_id, :issue_id, :interaction_id, :action_details,:follow_up_required)"
-foreach info_used $info_used_list {
- db_dml insert_into_cs_action_info_map "insert into ec_cs_action_info_used_map
+ foreach info_used $info_used_list {
+ db_dml insert_into_cs_action_info_map "insert into ec_cs_action_info_used_map
(action_id, info_used)
- (:action_id, :info_used)
- "
+ (:action_id, :info_used)"
+ }
if { $submit == "Interaction complete" } {
if {[value_if_exists return_to_issue] < 1 } {
- ad_returnredirect index
+ ad_returnredirect index
} else {
- ad_returnredirect "issue?issue_id=$return_to_issue"
+ ad_returnredirect "issue?issue_id=$return_to_issue"
} else {
# (in c_user_identification_id, "c" stands for "confirmed" meaning