+ Populates:
+ news_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_full_details p_title p_text p_package_id p_is_live
+ p_approval_user p_approval_ip p_approval_date p_archive_date
+ news_id}
+ if {$p_full_details == "t"} {
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_approval_date [dt_sysdate]
+ set p_archive_date [dt_sysdate]
+ } else {
+ set p_approval_user [db_null]
+ set p_approval_ip [db_null]
+ set p_approval_date [db_null]
+ set p_archive_date [db_null]
+ }
+ set news_id [db_exec_plsql item-create {
+ begin
+ :1 := news.new(
+ text => :p_text,
+ title => :p_title,
+ package_id => :p_package_id,
+ archive_date => :p_archive_date,
+ approval_user => :p_approval_user,
+ approval_date => :p_approval_date,
+ approval_ip => :p_approval_ip,
+ is_live_p => :p_is_live
+ );
+ end;
+ }]
+# Component db-news-item-delete
+aa_register_component "db-news-item-delete" {
+ Deletes a news item. Expects the following variables to be populated:
+ p_news_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_item_id}
+ db_exec_plsql item-delete {
+ begin
+ news.delete(:p_item_id);
+ end;
+ }
+# Component db-news-revision-create
+aa_register_component "db-news-revision-create" {
+ Creates a news item revision. Expects the following variables to be populated:
+ p_title
+ p_text
+ p_description
+ p_package_id
+ p_make_active_revision_p
+ p_full_details
+ Populates:
+ revision_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_item_id
+ p_full_details p_title p_text p_package_id p_make_active_revision_p
+ p_description
+ p_approval_user p_approval_ip p_approval_date p_archive_date
+ revision_id}
+ if {$p_full_details == "t"} {
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_approval_date [dt_sysdate]
+ set p_archive_date [dt_sysdate]
+ } else {
+ set p_approval_user [db_null]
+ set p_approval_ip [db_null]
+ set p_approval_date [db_null]
+ set p_archive_date [db_null]
+ }
+ set revision_id [db_exec_plsql revision-create {
+ begin
+ :1 := news.revision_new(
+ item_id => :p_item_id,
+ text => :p_text,
+ title => :p_title,
+ package_id => :p_package_id,
+ archive_date => :p_archive_date,
+ approval_user => :p_approval_user,
+ approval_date => :p_approval_date,
+ approval_ip => :p_approval_ip,
+ make_active_revision_p => :p_make_active_revision_p
+ );
+ end;
+ }]
+# Component db-news-get-live-revision
+aa_register_component "db-news-get-live-revision" {
+ Retrieves the id of the live revision of an item_id
+ p_item_id
+ Provides
+ live_revision_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_item_id live_revision_id}
+ set live_revision_id [db_exec_plsql get-live-revision {
+ begin
+ :1 := content_item.get_live_revision(:p_item_id);
+ end;
+ }]
+# Component db-news-get-latest-revision
+aa_register_component "db-news-get-latest-revision" {
+ Retrieves the id of the latest revision of an item_id
+ p_item_id
+ Provides
+ latest_revision_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_item_id latest_revision_id}
+ set latest_revision_id [db_exec_plsql get-latest-revision {
+ begin
+ :1 := content_item.get_latest_revision(:p_item_id);
+ end;
+ }]
+# Component db-news-set-approve
+aa_register_component "db-news-set-approve" {
+ Sets or removes the approved status on a news article
+ Expects
+ p_revision_id
+ p_approve_p
+ p_publish_date (if p_approve_p == 't')
+ p_archive_date (if p_approve_p == 't')
+ p_approval_user (if p_approve_p == 't')
+ p_approval_date (if p_approve_p == 't')
+ p_approval_ip (if p_approve_p == 't')
+ p_live_revision_p (if p_approve_p == 't')
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_revision_id
+ p_approve_p p_publish_date p_archive_date
+ p_approval_user p_approval_date p_approval_ip
+ p_live_revision_p}
+ if {$p_approve_p == "f"} {
+ db_exec_plsql set-approve-default {
+ begin
+ content_item.set_approve-default(revision_id => :p_revision_id,
+ approve_p => :p_approve_p);
+ end;
+ }
+ } else {
+ db_exec_plsql set-approve {
+ begin
+ content_item.set_approve(revision_id => :p_revision_id,
+ approve_p => :p_approve_p,
+ publish_date => :p_publish_date
+ archive_date => :p_archive_date,
+ approval_user => :p_approval_user,
+ approval_date => :p_approval_date,
+ approvel_ip => :p_approval_id,
+ live_revision_p => :p_live_revision_ip);
+ end;
+ }
+ }
+# Component db-news-revision-set-active
+aa_register_component "db-news-revision-set-active" {
+ Sets a specific revision as the live version of the item
+ Requires:
+ p_revision_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_revision_id}
+ db_exec_plsql revision-set-active {
+ begin
+ news.revision_set_active(:p_revision_id);
+ end;
+ }
+# Component db-news-revision-delete
+aa_register_component "db-news-revision-delete" {
+ Deletes a news revision. Expects the following variables to be populated:
+ p_revision_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_revision_id}
+ db_exec_plsql revision-delete {
+ begin
+ news.revision_delete(:p_revision_id);
+ end;
+ }
+# Component db-get-cr-news-row
+aa_register_component "db-get-cr-news-row" {
+ Retrieves the cr_news row information for the given news_id:
+ Expects:
+ p_news_id
+ In addition to the actual row data, populates:
+ retrieval_ok_p
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_news_id
+ package_id archive_date approval_user approval_date approval_ip
+ retrieval_ok_p}
+ set retrieval_ok_p 1
+ if {![db_0or1row get-cr-news-row {
+ select package_id, archive_date,
+ approval_user, approval_date, approval_ip
+ from cr_news
+ where news_id = :p_news_id
+ }]} {
+ set retrieval_ok_p 0
+ }
+# Component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+aa_register_component "db-get-cr-revisions-row" {
+ Retrieves the cr_revisions row information for the given news_id:
+ Expects:
+ p_revision_id
+ In addition to the actual row data, populates:
+ retrieval_ok_p
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_revision_id
+ item_id title description publish_date mime_type nls_language
+ content content_length
+ retrieval_ok_p}
+ set retrieval_ok_p 1
+ if {![db_0or1row get-cr-revisions-row {
+ select item_id, title, description, publish_date, mime_type,
+ nls_language, content, content_length
+ from cr_revisions
+ where revision_id = :p_revision_id
+ }]} {
+ set retrieval_ok_p 0
+ }
+# Component db-get-cr-items-row
+aa_register_component "db-get-cr-items-row" {
+ Retrieves the cr_revisions row information for the given news_id:
+ Expects:
+ p_revision_id
+ In addition to the actual row data, populates:
+ retrieval_ok_p
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_item_id
+ parent_id name live_revision latest_revision publish_status content_type
+ retrieval_ok_p}
+ set retrieval_ok_p 1
+ if {![db_0or1row get-cr-items-row {
+ select parent_id, name, live_revision, latest_revision,
+ publish_status, content_type
+ from cr_items
+ where item_id = :p_item_id
+ }]} {
+ set retrieval_ok_p 0
+ }
+# Component db-news-make-permanent
+aa_register_component "db-news-make-permanent" {
+ Calls the news packages make_permanent function.
+ p_item_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_item_id}
+ db_exec_plsql make-permanent {
+ begin
+ news.make_permanent(:p_item_id);
+ end;
+ }
+# Component db-news-archive
+aa_register_component "db-news-archive" {
+ Calls the news packages archive function.
+ p_item_id
+ p_archive_date
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_item_id p_archive_date}
+ if {$p_archive_date == ""} {
+ db_exec_plsql archive-default {
+ begin
+ news.archive(:p_item_id, null);
+ end;
+ }
+ } else {
+ db_exec_plsql archive {
+ begin
+ news.archive(:p_item_id, :p_archive_date);
+ end;
+ }
+ }
+# Component db-news-status
+aa_register_component "db-news-status" {
+ Calls the news packages status function.
+ p_news_id
+} {
+ aa_export_vars {p_news_id status}
+ set status [db_exec_plsql get-status {
+ begin
+ :1 := news.status(:p_news_id);
+ end;
+ }]
+# #
+# T E S T C A S E S #
+# #
+# Testcase check-permissions
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+ config
+} -on_error {
+ At least some of the news permission privileges aren't present, or have incorrect
+ configurations. The most probable cause of this is that the news package datamodel
+ hasn't been installed.
+} "check-permissions" {
+ Checks the news related permissions.
+ Checks that the permissions exist, and that they have the correct
+ heirachy.
+} {
+ #
+ # Extract the list of all privileges and privilege heirachies.
+ #
+ set priv_list {}
+ db_foreach "get-privileges" {
+ select privilege from acs_privileges
+ } {
+ lappend priv_list $privilege
+ }
+ set priv_h_list {}
+ db_foreach "get-privilege-heirarchys" {
+ select privilege, child_privilege from acs_privilege_hierarchy
+ } {
+ lappend priv_h_list "$privilege,$child_privilege"
+ }
+ aa_log "Check the news privileges exist"
+ foreach priv {news_read news_create news_delete news_admin} {
+ aa_true "Check $priv privilege exists" {[lsearch $priv_list $priv] != -1}
+ }
+ aa_log "Check the news privilege heirachies are correct"
+ foreach priv_pair {"read,news_read"
+ "delete,news_delete"
+ "news_admin,news_read"
+ "news_admin,news_create"
+ "news_admin,news_delete"
+ "admin,news_admin"} {
+ aa_true "Check $priv_pair privilege exists" {[lsearch $priv_h_list $priv_pair] != -1}
+ }
+ #
+ # Now check that correct groups have the right privileges.
+ #
+ set registered_users_id [acs_magic_object registered_users]
+ set the_public_id [acs_magic_object the_public]
+ aa_log "Check the correct groups have the right privileges."
+ aa_true "Check public have news_read privilege" \
+ [ad_permission_p $the_public_id news_read]
+ aa_true "Check registered_users have news_create privilege" \
+ [ad_permission_p $registered_users_id news_read]
+# Testcase check-views
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+ config
+} -on_error {
+} "check-views" {
+ Checks the news related views.
+ Checks that the views are valid by performing a select from each of them.
+} {
+ aa_log "Check the news_items_approved view."
+ set error_p 0
+ db_transaction {
+ db_1row select-from-news-items-approved {
+ select count(*) from news_items_approved
+ }
+ } on_error {
+ set error_p 1
+ }
+ aa_false "Select from news_items_approved view okay" {$error_p}
+ aa_log "Check the news_items_live_or_submitted view."
+ set error_p 0
+ db_transaction {
+ db_1row select-from-news-items-live-or-submitted {
+ select count(*) from news_items_live_or_submitted
+ }
+ } on_error {
+ set error_p 1
+ }
+ aa_false "Select from news_items_live_or_submitted view okay" {$error_p}
+ aa_log "Check the news_items_unapproved view."
+ set error_p 0
+ db_transaction {
+ db_1row select-from-news-items-unapproved {
+ select count(*) from news_items_unapproved
+ }
+ } on_error {
+ set error_p 1
+ }
+ aa_false "Select from news_items_unapproved view okay" {$error_p}
+ aa_log "Check the news_item_revisions view."
+ set error_p 0
+ db_transaction {
+ db_1row select-from-news-item-revisions {
+ select count(*) from news_item_revisions
+ }
+ } on_error {
+ set error_p 1
+ }
+ aa_false "Select from news_item_revisions view okay" {$error_p}
+ aa_log "Check the news_item_unapproved view."
+ set error_p 0
+ db_transaction {
+ db_1row select-from-news-item-unapproved {
+ select count(*) from news_item_unapproved
+ }
+ } on_error {
+ set error_p 1
+ }
+ aa_false "Select from news_item_unapproved view okay" {$error_p}
+ aa_log "Check the news_item_full_active view."
+ set error_p 0
+ db_transaction {
+ db_1row select-from-news-item-full-active {
+ select count(*) from news_item_full_active
+ }
+ } on_error {
+ set error_p 1
+ }
+ aa_false "Select from news_item_full_active view okay" {$error_p}
+# Testcase check-object-type
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+ config
+} -on_error {
+ The "news" object type doesn't exist, or has isn't configured correctly.
+ The most probable cause of this is that the news package datamodel hasn't been
+ installed.
+} "check-object-type" {
+ Checks the news object type.
+} {
+ set news_type_exists_p [db_0or1row "get-news-type-info" {
+ select supertype
+ from acs_object_types
+ where object_type = 'news'
+ }]
+ aa_true "Check news object type exists" {$news_type_exists_p}
+ if {$news_type_exists_p} {
+ aa_equals "Check the supertype is content_revision" $supertype "content_revision"
+ db_foreach "get-news-type-attribs" {
+ select attribute_name
+ from acs_attributes
+ where object_type = 'news'
+ } {
+ lappend attribs $attribute_name
+ }
+ aa_log "Check the news object attributes exist"
+ foreach attribute_name {"archive_date"
+ "approval_user"
+ "approval_date"
+ "approval_ip"} {
+ aa_true "Check $attribute_name exists" {[lsearch $attribs $attribute_name] != -1}
+ }
+ set news_folder_exists_p [db_0or1row "get-news-cr-folder" {
+ select folder_id
+ from cr_folders
+ where label = 'news'
+ }]
+ aa_true "Check news content_repository folder exists" {$news_folder_exists_p}
+ }
+# Testcase check-package-mount
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+} -init_classes {
+ mount-news-package
+} -on_error {
+} "check-package-mount" {
+ Checks the mountability of the news package.
+} {
+ aa_true "Check that the news package mount properly" $_news_package_mounted_p
+ if {$_news_package_mounted_p} {
+ aa_log "News node_id :$_news_node_id"
+ aa_log "News package_id :$_news_package_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_error "Error from initialiser: $_news_package_mounted_err"
+ }
+# Testcase db-check-news_create
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+} -init_classes {
+ mount-news-package
+} "db-check-news-create" {
+ Creates and deletes a simple news article. Checks contents of cr_news,
+ cr_items and cr_revisions table after insert. Calls the news name function to retrieve
+ the article name. Tests news.new, news.delete and news.name.
+} {
+ set news_id -1
+ if {!$_news_package_mounted_p} {
+ aa_error "News package not mounted, error from initialiser: $_news_package_mounted_err"
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Attempt to create the article
+ #
+ set p_title "My title"
+ set p_text "My text"
+ set p_package_id $_news_package_id
+ set p_is_live "t"
+ set p_full_details "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-globals
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-create
+ }
+} {
+ aa_true "Check the news_id is populated" {$news_id != -1}
+ set item_id -1
+ if {$news_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "News id: $news_id"
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_news table and check its contents. Notice that we
+ # only check the date portion of the date strings.
+ #
+ aa_log "Retrieve cr_news row and check its contents"
+ set p_news_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_news column not found for news_id $news_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check package_id correct" $package_id $_news_package_id
+ aa_equals "Check archive_date correct" \
+ [string range $archive_date 0 [expr [string length $p_archive_date]-1]] \
+ $p_archive_date
+ aa_equals "Check approval_user correct" $approval_user $p_approval_user
+ aa_equals "Check approval_date correct" \
+ [string range $approval_date 0 [expr [string length $p_approval_date] - 1]] \
+ $p_approval_date
+ aa_equals "Check approval_ip correct" $approval_ip $p_approval_ip
+ }
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table and check its contents.
+ # NB: The get_cr_revisions_row populates item_id
+ #
+ aa_log "Retrieve cr_revisions row and check its contents"
+ set p_revision_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_revisions row not found for news_id (revision_id) $news_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check title correct" $title $p_title
+ aa_equals "Check description correct" $description "initial submission"
+ aa_equals "Check mime_type correct" $mime_type "text/plain"
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_items table and check its contents.
+ #
+ aa_log "Retrieve cr_items row and check its contents"
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-items-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_items row not found for item_id (revision_id) $news_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check parent_id correct" $parent_id $_news_cr_news_root_folder_id
+ aa_equals "Check live_revision correct" $live_revision $news_id
+ aa_equals "Check latest_revision correct" $latest_revision $news_id
+ aa_equals "Check publish_status correct" $publish_status "ready"
+ aa_equals "Check content_type correct" $content_type "news"
+ #
+ # Call the news.name function to retrieve the item name.
+ #
+ aa_log "Call news.name function to retrieve title of content revision"
+ set p_news_id $news_id
+ set name [db_exec_plsql news-name {
+ begin
+ :1 := news.name(news_id => :p_news_id);
+ end;
+ }]
+ aa_equals "Check the return from news.name is correct" $name $p_title
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} {
+ #
+ # Delete the item.
+ #
+ if {$item_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "Deleting the item."
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-delete
+ aa_log "Checking all table data removed."
+ set p_news_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ aa_false "Check the cr_news row was deleted" {$retrieval_ok_p}
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-items-row
+ aa_false "Check the cr_items row was deleted" {$retrieval_ok_p}
+ set p_revision_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ aa_false "Check the cr_revisions row was deleted" {$retrieval_ok_p}
+ }
+# Testcase check-news-revision
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+} -init_classes {
+ mount-news-package
+} -on_error {
+ This test may have failed because of a bug in the
+ content_item.get_latest_revision
+ database function; where two revisions are created so quickly that they
+ have the same creation_date value associated with them. This breaks the
+ logic of the get latest revision function. This problem was found in the
+ Alpha release of the OpenACS, and may have been fixed in later releases.
+ A posting
+ here at the OpenACS bboard was started concerning this problem.
+} "db-check-news-revision" {
+ Checks the news database functions for revision creation, deletion and management.
+ Tests news.revison_new, news.revision_delete,
+ news.revision_set_active functions.
+} {
+ set news_id -1
+ if {!$_news_package_mounted_p} {
+ aa_error "News package not mounted, error from initialiser: $_news_package_mounted_err"
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Create the article
+ #
+ set p_title "My title"
+ set p_text "My text"
+ set p_package_id $_news_package_id
+ set p_is_live "t"
+ set p_full_details "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-globals
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-create
+ }
+} {
+ aa_true "Check the news_id is populated" {$news_id != -1}
+ set item_id -1
+ set revision1_id -1
+ set revision2_id -1
+ if {$news_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "News id: $news_id"
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to get item_id
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ set revision1_id $news_id
+ #
+ # Check the first revision is the latest, and is live.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-get-live-revision
+ aa_call_component db-news-get-latest-revision
+ aa_equals "Confirm that the initial revision of the article is the latest" \
+ $latest_revision_id $revision1_id
+ aa_equals "Confirm that the initial revision of the article is live" \
+ $live_revision_id $revision1_id
+ #
+ # Create a new revision of the news article.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ set p_title "My title 2"
+ set p_text "My text 2"
+ set p_description "Description 2"
+ set p_package_id $_news_package_id
+ set p_full_details "t"
+ set p_make_active_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-revision-create
+ set revision2_id $revision_id
+ #
+ # Retrieve the cr_news column for the new revision
+ #
+ set p_news_id $revision2_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_news row not found for new revision news_id $revision2_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_log "Check the cr_news fields for the second revision"
+ aa_equals "Check package_id correct" $package_id $_news_package_id
+ aa_equals "Check archive_date correct" \
+ [string range $archive_date 0 [expr [string length $p_archive_date]-1]] \
+ $p_archive_date
+ aa_equals "Check approval_user correct" $approval_user $p_approval_user
+ aa_equals "Check approval_date correct" \
+ [string range $approval_date 0 [expr [string length $p_approval_date] - 1]] \
+ $p_approval_date
+ aa_equals "Check approval_ip correct" $approval_ip $p_approval_ip
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to get item_id
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $revision2_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_revisions row not found for new revision revision_id $revision2_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check revision2 title correct" $title "My title 2"
+ aa_equals "Check revision2 description correct" $description "Description 2"
+ aa_equals "Check revision2 mime_type correct" $mime_type "text/plain"
+ #
+ # Check the second revision is now the latest, and is live.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-get-live-revision
+ aa_call_component db-news-get-latest-revision
+ aa_equals "Confirm that the second revision of the article is the latest" \
+ $latest_revision_id $revision2_id
+ aa_equals "Confirm that the second revision of the article is live" \
+ $live_revision_id $revision2_id
+ #
+ # Okay, lets set the original revision as active.
+ #
+ aa_log "Reset the first revision as live"
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-revision-set-active
+ #
+ # Check the second revision is still the latest, but the first one is live.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-get-live-revision
+ aa_call_component db-news-get-latest-revision
+ aa_equals "Confirm that the second revision of the article is still the latest" \
+ $latest_revision_id $revision2_id
+ aa_equals "Confirm that the first revision of the article is now live" \
+ $live_revision_id $revision1_id
+ #
+ # Delete the second revision
+ #
+ aa_log "Delete the second revision"
+ set p_revision_id $revision2_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-revision-delete
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to get item_id
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $revision2_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ aa_false "Check the revision row was deleted" $retrieval_ok_p
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} {
+ #
+ # Delete the item.
+ #
+ if {$item_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "Deleting item."
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-delete
+ }
+# Testcase check-news-archive
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+} -init_classes {
+ mount-news-package
+} "db-check-news-archive" {
+ Checks the news database functions make_permanent and news_archive.
+} {
+ set news_id -1
+ if {!$_news_package_mounted_p} {
+ aa_error "News package not mounted, error from initialiser: $_news_package_mounted_err"
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Attempt to create the article
+ #
+ set p_title "My title"
+ set p_text "My text"
+ set p_package_id $_news_package_id
+ set p_is_live "t"
+ set p_full_details "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-globals
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-create
+ }
+} {
+ aa_true "Check the news_id is populated" {$news_id != -1}
+ set item_id -1
+ if {$news_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "News id: $news_id"
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to get item_id
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ #
+ # Call make_permanent to nullify the archive_date.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-make-permanent
+ #
+ # Retrieve the news row to check its archive date.
+ #
+ set p_news_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ aa_equals "Check the archive_date is null" $archive_date [db_null]
+ #
+ # Set the archive period, providing an explicit archive date.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ set p_archive_date "2005-11-05"
+ aa_call_component db-news-archive
+ #
+ # Retrieve the news row to check its archive date.
+ #
+ set p_news_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ aa_equals "Check the explicitly set archive_date is $p_archive_date" \
+ [string range $archive_date 0 [expr [string length $p_archive_date] - 1]] \
+ $p_archive_date
+ #
+ # Set the archive period, relying on the overloaded "default" function for
+ # archive_date.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ set p_archive_date ""
+ aa_call_component db-news-archive
+ #
+ # Retrieve the news row to check its archive date.
+ #
+ # Note, this could potentially fail if for some reason it executes over
+ # midnight......
+ #
+ set p_news_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ aa_true "Check the cr_news row was found" $retrieval_ok_p
+ set todays_date [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
+ aa_equals "Check the explicitly set archive_date is $todays_date" \
+ [string range $archive_date 0 [expr [string length $todays_date] - 1]] \
+ $todays_date
+ }
+} {
+ #
+ # Delete the item.
+ #
+ if {$item_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "Deleting the item."
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-delete
+ }
+# Testcase check-news-set-approve
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+} -init_classes {
+ mount-news-package
+} "db-check-news-set-approve" {
+ Checks the news database function for approving/unapproving news articles.
+ Tests news.set_approve function.
+} {
+ set news_id -1
+ if {!$_news_package_mounted_p} {
+ aa_error "News package not mounted, error from initialiser: $_news_package_mounted_err"
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Create the article
+ #
+ set p_title "My title"
+ set p_text "My text"
+ set p_package_id $_news_package_id
+ set p_is_live "t"
+ set p_full_details "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-globals
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-create
+ }
+} {
+ aa_true "Check the news_id is populated" {$news_id != -1}
+ set item_id -1
+ set revision1_id -1
+ set revision2_id -1
+ if {$news_id != -1} {
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to get item_id
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ set revision1_id $news_id
+ #
+ # Create a new revision of the news article.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ set p_title "My title 2"
+ set p_text "My text 2"
+ set p_description "Description 2"
+ set p_package_id $_news_package_id
+ set p_full_details "t"
+ set p_make_active_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-revision-create
+ set revision2_id $revision_id
+ #
+ # Unapprove revision2.
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $revision2_id
+ set p_approve_p "f"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Retrieve the cr_news column for revision 2
+ #
+ set p_news_id $revision2_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_news row not found for new revision news_id $revision2_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check the archive_date is null" $archive_date [db_null]
+ aa_equals "Check the approval_date is null" $approval_date [db_null]
+ aa_equals "Check the aprroval_user is null" $approval_user [db_null]
+ aa_equals "Check the approval_ip is null" $approval_ip [db_null]
+ }
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to check publish date.
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $revision2_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_revisions row not found for new revision revision_id $revision2_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check revision 2 publish_date is null" $publish_date [db_null]
+ }
+ #
+ # Approve revision 1 and set it as the live revision.
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ set p_approve_p "t"
+ set p_publish_date "2001-11-01"
+ set p_archive_date "2001-11-02"
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_date "2001-11-03"
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_live_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Check the second revision is now live.
+ #
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-get-live-revision
+ aa_equals "Confirm that revision 1 of the article is now live" \
+ $live_revision_id $revision1_id
+ #
+ # Retrieve the cr_news column for revision 1
+ #
+ set p_news_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-news-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_news row not found for new revision news_id $revision1_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check the archive_date is correct" \
+ [string range $archive_date 0 [expr [string length $p_archive_date]-1]] \
+ $p_archive_date
+ aa_equals "Check the approval_date is correct" \
+ [string range $approval_date 0 [expr [string length $p_approval_date]-1]] \
+ $p_approval_date
+ aa_equals "Check the aprroval_user is correct" \
+ [string range $approval_user 0 [expr [string length $p_approval_user]-1]] \
+ $p_approval_user
+ aa_equals "Check the approval_ip is correct" \
+ [string range $approval_ip 0 [expr [string length $p_approval_ip]-1]] \
+ $p_approval_ip
+ }
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to check publish date.
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ if {!$retrieval_ok_p} {
+ aa_error "cr_revisions row not found for new revision revision_id $revision1_id"
+ } else {
+ aa_equals "Check revision 1 publish_date is null" \
+ [string range $publish_date 0 [expr [string length $p_publish_date]-1]] \
+ $p_publish_date
+ }
+ }
+} {
+ #
+ # Delete the item.
+ #
+ if {$item_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "Deleting item."
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-delete
+ }
+# Testcase check-news-status
+aa_register_case -cats {
+ db
+} -init_classes {
+ mount-news-package
+} "db-check-news-status" {
+ Checks the news database function that returns information about a news article publish
+ and archive status.
+ Tests news.status function.
+} {
+ set news_id -1
+ if {!$_news_package_mounted_p} {
+ aa_error "News package not mounted, error from initialiser: $_news_package_mounted_err"
+ } else {
+ #
+ # Create the article
+ #
+ set p_title "My title"
+ set p_text "My text"
+ set p_package_id $_news_package_id
+ set p_is_live "t"
+ set p_full_details "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-globals
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-create
+ }
+} {
+ aa_true "Check the news_id is populated" {$news_id != -1}
+ set item_id -1
+ set revision1_id -1
+ set revision2_id -1
+ if {$news_id != -1} {
+ #
+ # Retrieve the row from cr_revisions table to get item_id
+ #
+ set p_revision_id $news_id
+ aa_call_component db-get-cr-revisions-row
+ set revision1_id $news_id
+ #
+ # Unapprove revision 1 and set it as the live revision.
+ #
+ aa_log "Unapproving revision 1, setting publish_date null, archive_date null"
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ set p_approve_p "t"
+ set p_publish_date [db_null]
+ set p_archive_date [db_null]
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_date [db_null]
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_live_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Check the status of revision 1.
+ #
+ aa_log "Calling news.status function on revision 1"
+ aa_log "Should be unapproved"
+ set p_news_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-status
+ aa_log "Status string is \"$status\""
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"unapproved\"" \
+ {[string first "unapproved" $status] != -1}
+ #
+ # Approve revision 1 and set it as the live revision.
+ #
+ aa_log "Approving revision 1, setting archive date as null"
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ set p_approve_p "t"
+ set p_publish_date "2005-11-01"
+ set p_archive_date [db_null]
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_date "2001-11-03"
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_live_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Check the status of revision 1.
+ #
+ aa_log "Calling news.status function on revision 1"
+ aa_log "Should be going live and not scheduled for archive"
+ set p_news_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-status
+ aa_log "Returned status = \"$status\""
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"going live in\"" \
+ {[string first "going live in" $status] != -1}
+ aa_true "Check status string doesn't contain \"archived in\"" \
+ {[string first "archived in" $status] == -1}
+ #
+ # Approve revision 1 and set it as the live revision.
+ #
+ aa_log "Approving revision 1, setting archive date as future value"
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ set p_approve_p "t"
+ set p_publish_date "2005-11-01"
+ set p_archive_date "2005-11-10"
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_date "2001-11-03"
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_live_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Check the status of revision 1.
+ #
+ aa_log "Calling news.status function on revision 1"
+ aa_log "Should be going live and scheduled for archive"
+ set p_news_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-status
+ aa_log "Returned status = \"$status\""
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"going live in\"" \
+ {[string first "going live in" $status] != -1}
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"archived in\"" \
+ {[string first "archived in" $status] != -1}
+ #
+ # Approve revision 1 and set it as the live revision.
+ #
+ aa_log "Approving revision 1, setting publish date in past, archive date null"
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ set p_approve_p "t"
+ set p_publish_date "2000-11-01"
+ set p_archive_date [db_null]
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_date "2001-11-03"
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_live_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Check the status of revision 1.
+ #
+ aa_log "Calling news.status function on revision 1"
+ aa_log "Should be published, and not scheduled for archive"
+ set p_news_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-status
+ aa_log "Returned status = \"$status\""
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"published\"" \
+ {[string first "published" $status] != -1}
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"not scheduled for archive\"" \
+ {[string first "not scheduled for archive" $status] != -1}
+ #
+ # Approve revision 1 and set it as the live revision.
+ #
+ aa_log "Approving revision 1, setting publish date in past, archive date in past"
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ set p_approve_p "t"
+ set p_publish_date "2000-11-01"
+ set p_archive_date "2000-11-01"
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_date "2001-11-03"
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_live_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Check the status of revision 1.
+ #
+ aa_log "Calling news.status function on revision 1"
+ aa_log "Should be archived"
+ set p_news_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-status
+ aa_log "Returned status = \"$status\""
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"archived in\"" \
+ {[string first "archived" $status] != -1}
+ #
+ # Approve revision 1 and set it as the live revision.
+ #
+ aa_log "Approving revision 1, setting publish date in past, archive date in future"
+ set p_revision_id $revision1_id
+ set p_approve_p "t"
+ set p_publish_date "2000-11-01"
+ set p_archive_date "2005-11-01"
+ set p_approval_user [ad_conn "user_id"]
+ set p_approval_date "2001-11-03"
+ set p_approval_ip [ad_conn "peeraddr"]
+ set p_live_revision_p "t"
+ aa_call_component db-news-set-approve
+ #
+ # Check the status of revision 1.
+ #
+ aa_log "Calling news.status function on revision 1"
+ aa_log "Should be published, schedule for archive in future"
+ set p_news_id $revision1_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-status
+ aa_log "Returned status = \"$status\""
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"published\"" \
+ {[string first "published" $status] != -1}
+ aa_true "Check status string contains \"archived in\"" \
+ {[string first "archived in" $status] != -1}
+ }
+} {
+ #
+ # Delete the item.
+ #
+ if {$item_id != -1} {
+ aa_log "Deleting item."
+ set p_item_id $item_id
+ aa_call_component db-news-item-delete
+ }
Index: openacs-4/packages/news/tcl/test/news-db-test-init.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/news/tcl/test/news-db-test-init.xql,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/news/tcl/test/news-db-test-init.xql 4 Apr 2003 09:48:13 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@