Index: openacs-4/contrib/packages/cop-base/www/admin/acl.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/contrib/packages/cop-base/www/admin/acl.tcl,v diff -u --- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000 +++ openacs-4/contrib/packages/cop-base/www/admin/acl.tcl 27 Apr 2004 12:38:54 -0000 1.1 @@ -0,0 +1,1562 @@ +set cats {1 + {advice, benefits and emergencies} + 2 + {accident at work} + 2 + {advice} + 3 + {consumer} + 3 + {debt and money} + 3 + {employment} + 3 + {family law} + 3 + {health} + 3 + {housing} + 3 + {immigration and nationalty} + 3 + {legal} + 3 + {welfare rights} + 2 + {advice centres} + 3 + {call centre} + 3 + {contact centre} + 3 + {libraries} + 3 + {local service centres} + 3 + {one stop shops} + 2 + {benefits} + 3 + {attendance allowance} + 3 + {council tax benefit} + 3 + {disability living allowance} + 3 + {help with health costs} + 3 + {help with house repairs} + 3 + {help with fuel bills} + 3 + {housing benefit} + 3 + {incapacity benefit} + 3 + {income support} + 3 + {invalid care allowance} + 3 + {severe disablement allowance} + 3 + {help with residential or nursing home fees} + 3 + {travel concessions} + 2 + {careers service} + 2 + {citizens advice bureau} + 2 + {complaints} + 2 + {debt} + 3 + {debt counselling} + 2 + {emergencies} + 3 + {alarms} + 3 + {ambulance} + 3 + {civic protection} + 3 + {council services} + 3 + {emergency planning} + 3 + {phone numbers} + 2 + {floods} + 3 + {sandbags} + 2 + {nuisances} + 3 + {animals} + 4 + {barking dogs} + 3 + {neighbours} + 3 + {noise} + 3 + {pest control} + 2 + {rates} + 1 + {business} + 2 + {building regulations} + 2 + {building sites} + 2 + {business advice} + 2 + {business charges} + 2 + {business development} + 2 + {business grants} + 2 + {business sites} + 2 + {business support} + 2 + {chamber of commerce} + 2 + {commercial property} + 2 + {council approved suppliers list} + 2 + {economic development} + 3 + {regeneration} + 2 + {economic statistics} + 2 + {health and safety} + 2 + {industrial property} + 2 + {licensing} + 3 + {acupuncture} + 3 + {amusement arcades} + 3 + {betting offices} + 3 + {bingo} + 3 + {caravans and camping sites} + 3 + {civic licensing} + 3 + {entertainment} + 3 + {gaming machines} + 3 + {hackney carriages} + 3 + {livestock markets} + 3 + {massage and special treatments} + 3 + {minerals} + 3 + {pet shops} + 2 + {local businesses} + 2 + {markets} + 3 + {farmers market} + 3 + {market licence} + 2 + {permits} + 3 + {scaffolding} + 3 + {skips} + 2 + {planning applications} + 2 + {premises to let} + 2 + {regeneration} + 2 + {self employment} + 2 + {shops} + 2 + {small medium enterprises} + 2 + {starting a business} + 2 + {trading standards} + 2 + {youth enterprise} + 1 + {community, people and living} + 2 + {accesibility} + 2 + {births, deaths, marriage registration} + 2 + {burials} + 3 + {cemeteries} + 2 + {charity events} + 2 + {clubs and societies} + 3 + {charities} + 3 + {Voluntary organisations} + 4 + {volunteering} + 2 + {community centres} + 2 + {community groups} + 2 + {community safety} + 2 + {community services} + 2 + {consumer protection} + 2 + {consumer advice} + 2 + {coroners office} + 2 + {crematoria} + 2 + {crime and disorder} + 3 + {anti-social behaviour} + 3 + {CCTV} + 3 + {crime preventions} + 3 + {prisons} + 3 + {victim support} + 2 + {discrimination} + 2 + {elderly} + 2 + {equalities} + 2 + {ethnic minority groups} + 2 + {events} + 2 + {fire services} + 2 + {grants} + 3 + {lottery} + 2 + {harassment} + 3 + {neighbours} + 3 + {racial} + 2 + {health and safety} + 2 + {identity cards} + 2 + {interpreters service} + 2 + {key workers} + 2 + {life events} + 2 + {life saving} + 2 + {luncheon clubs} + 2 + {magistrates} + 2 + {maps} + 2 + {markets} + 2 + {neighbourhood} + 2 + {police} + 2 + {register of births, deaths and marriages} + 2 + {sexuality} + 2 + {smart cards} + 2 + {travellers} + 2 + {twin towns} + 2 + {voluntary organisations} + 2 + {weddings} + 2 + {Welsh language} + 2 + {women} + 2 + {young people} + 3 + {advice} + 3 + {youth offending team} + 3 + {working} + 3 + {youth services} + 1 + {council and democracy} + 2 + {adjacent authorities} + 2 + {best value} + 3 + {best value performance indicators} + 3 + {best value performance plan} + 2 + {bylaws} + 2 + {cabinet} + 2 + {campaigns} + 2 + {census} + 2 + {central government} + 2 + {citizens charter} + 2 + {commitees} + 3 + {agendas} + 3 + {meetings} + 3 + {minutes} + 3 + {membership} + 3 + {papers} + 3 + {reports} + 3 + {representation} + 3 + {scrutiny} + 3 + {services} + 2 + {consultation} + 2 + {council} + 3 + {composition of} + 2 + {council land and property} + 2 + {council tax} + 2 + {complaints} + 2 + {councillors} + 3 + {surgeries} + 3 + {interests} + 2 + {decision making} + 2 + {departments} + 2 + {elections} + 3 + {electoral boundaries} + 3 + {electoral registration} + 3 + {electoral services} + 3 + {postal voting} + 3 + {proxy votes} + 2 + {equal opportunities} + 2 + {European affairs} + 2 + {European funding} + 2 + {finances} + 2 + {forward plan} + 2 + {licences} + 3 + {entertainment licences} + 3 + {skip licences} + 2 + {local stratgeic plan} + 2 + {marches} + 2 + {mayor} + 2 + {media enquiries} + 2 + {members of parliament} + 2 + {members of European parliament} + 2 + {modernising} + 2 + {parish councils} + 2 + {parliamentry boundaries} + 2 + {policy and performance} + 3 + {best value} + 2 + {political parties} + 2 + {population statistics} + 2 + {standards} + 2 + {statistics} + 3 + {population} + 2 + {town councils} + 2 + {trade unions} + 2 + {wards} + 1 + {education} + 2 + {after school clubs} + 2 + {adult education} + 2 + {advisory service} + 2 + {appeals} + 2 + {awards} + 2 + {careers} + 2 + {colleges and universities} + 3 + {six form colleges} + 3 + {universities} + 3 + {specialist colleges} + 3 + {tertiary colleges} + 2 + {commnunity education} + 2 + {education centres} + 2 + {education standards} + 2 + {education welfare service} + 2 + {evening classes} + 2 + {examinations} + 3 + {Key Stage 2} + 3 + {GCSE} + 3 + {A and S levels} + 2 + {extra curricular} + 2 + {grants} + 2 + {home teaching} + 2 + {inclusive education} + 2 + {learning difficulties} + 2 + {life long learning} + 2 + {music centres} + 2 + {National Grid for Learning} + 2 + {OFSTED inspections / reports} + 2 + {pre school} + 3 + {creche} + 3 + {early years development} + 3 + {play groups} + 3 + {play schemes} + 3 + {play programmes} + 2 + {scholarships and trust funds} + 2 + {schools} + 3 + {admissions} + 4 + {appeals} + 3 + {attendance} + 3 + {buildings} + 3 + {bullying} + 3 + {clothing grants} + 3 + {crossing patrols} + 3 + {educational development behaviour centre} + 3 + {exclusion} + 3 + {free milk} + 3 + {free school meals} + 3 + {independent schools} + 3 + {inspections} + 3 + {junior schools} + 4 + {first schools} + 4 + {middle schools} + 4 + {high schools} + 3 + {nursery schools} + 3 + {primary schools} + 3 + {public schools} + 3 + {pupil support service} + 3 + {religious schools} + 3 + {secondary schools} + 3 + {transport} + 2 + {students} + 3 + {awards} + 3 + {student grants} + 3 + {loans and fees} + 2 + {teachers} + 2 + {training} + 2 + {work based learning} + 1 + {environment} + 2 + {abandoned vehhicles} + 2 + {accident prevention} + 2 + {advertisements - display of} + 2 + {agenda 21} + 2 + {agri food supply} + 2 + {air quality} + 2 + {animals} + 3 + {animal nuisances} + 3 + {animal welfare} + 3 + {cruelty} + 3 + {dangerous or wild} + 3 + {dead animals} + 3 + {dogs} + 4 + {fouling} + 4 + {guard dogs} + 4 + {wardens} + 3 + {farm animals} + 3 + {performing animals} + 3 + {rabies} + 2 + {asbestos} + 2 + {beaches} + 3 + {cleanliness} + 3 + {safety} + 2 + {bonfires} + 2 + {buildings} + 3 + {alterations} + 3 + {design} + 3 + {extensions} + 2 + {cleansing} + 2 + {community safety} + 2 + {composting} + 2 + {conservation} + 3 + {archeology} + 3 + {archeological sites and monuments} + 3 + {areas of outstanding national beauty} + 3 + {coast protection} + 3 + {conservation areas} + 3 + {historic buildings} + 2 + {contaminated land} + 2 + {crop spraying} + 2 + {dangerous structures} + 2 + {demolition} + 3 + {design guide} + 2 + {dilapidated premises} + 2 + {draining and sewerage} + 3 + {blocked drains} + 3 + {cesspools and septic tanks} + 3 + {effluent} + 3 + {sewers} + 2 + {dustbins} + 2 + {environmental health} + 3 + {air quality} + 3 + {food hygiene} + 4 + {delivery vehicles} + 3 + {hygiene inspections} + 3 + {infectious diseases} + 3 + {noise} + 3 + {pests} + 3 + {pollution} + 2 + {energy} + 3 + {conservation} + 3 + {efficiency} + 2 + {fire escape regualtions} + 2 + {flyposting} + 2 + {flytipping} + 2 + {food} + 3 + {food hygiene and safety} + 3 + {food labelling} + 3 + {mobile snack bars} + 2 + {graffiti removal} + 2 + {grass cutting} + 2 + {grounds maintenance} + 2 + {hazardous substances} + 3 + {radioactive material} + 2 + {hedges and scrubs} + 2 + {health and safety} + 2 + {hoardings} + 2 + {inspections} + 3 + {hygiene and safety} + 2 + {land} + 3 + {council land} + 3 + {land charges} + 3 + {land fill} + 4 + {land fill tax} + 3 + {land registry} + 2 + {land use and register} + 2 + {landscaping} + 2 + {litter} + 3 + {litter bins} + 3 + {litter complaints} + 2 + {listed buildings} + 2 + {local agenda 21} + 2 + {local development plans} + 2 + {morturies} + 2 + {planning} + 3 + {advice} + 3 + {appeals} + 3 + {applications} + 3 + {change of use} + 3 + {compulsory purchase orders} + 3 + {conveyancing} + 3 + {enforcement} + 3 + {unitary development plan} + 2 + {pest control} + 3 + {ants} + 3 + {bed bugs} + 3 + {bees} + 3 + {beetles} + 3 + {cockroaches} + 3 + {fleas} + 3 + {fumigation} + 3 + {insects} + 3 + {lice} + 3 + {mice} + 3 + {rats} + 3 + {wasps} + 2 + {pollution} + 3 + {air} + 4 + {exhaust fumes} + 3 + {chemical} + 3 + {control} + 3 + {land} + 3 + {smoke control} + 3 + {sulphur dioxide monitoring} + 3 + {water} + 2 + {recycling} + 2 + {road safety} + 2 + {rubbish collection} + 3 + {dustbins} + 3 + {bulky waste} + 2 + {satellite dishes} + 2 + {scaffolding} + 2 + {skips} + 2 + {street repairs} + 2 + {toxic substances} + 3 + {lead} + 2 + {trading standards} + 3 + {calibration service} + 3 + {catering} + 3 + {consumer advice} + 3 + {counterfeiting} + 3 + {description of goods} + 3 + {doorstep sales persons} + 3 + {ear piercing} + 3 + {fair trading} + 3 + {fake goods} + 3 + {fraud} + 3 + {food hawkers} + 3 + {garages} + 3 + {hairdressers} + 3 + {hallmarking} + 3 + {hawkers} + 3 + {liquid petroleum gas} + 3 + {misleading advertising} + 3 + {money lenders} + 3 + {raffles} + 3 + {street trading} + 2 + {trees} + 3 + {trees conservation} + 2 + {waste} + 3 + {business} + 3 + {clinical} + 3 + {dangerous} + 3 + {garden} + 3 + {household} + 3 + {poisonous} + 3 + {trade} + 2 + {water} + 3 + {drinking water} + 3 + {water meters} + 3 + {water safety} + 2 + {weight and measures} + 1 + {health} + 2 + {AIDS/HIV} + 2 + {drugs action} + 2 + {health action zone} + 2 + {health benefits} + 2 + {health promotion} + 2 + {health visitors} + 2 + {heat waves} + 2 + {infectious diseases} + 2 + {mental health promotion} + 2 + {smoking} + 1 + {housing} + 2 + {allocations} + 2 + {applications} + 2 + {bed and breakfast} + 2 + {build your own home} + 2 + {choice based lettings} + 2 + {council housing} + 2 + {conversions} + 3 + {loft conversions} + 2 + {decoration allowance} + 2 + {empty properties} + 2 + {energy conservation} + 2 + {estate management} + 2 + {evictions} + 2 + {fuel grants} + 2 + {gas repairs} + 2 + {home improvement grants} + 2 + {home ownership} + 2 + {homelessness} + 2 + {hostels} + 2 + {houseboats} + 2 + {house numbering} + 2 + {household numbering} + 2 + {household waste} + 2 + {housing associations and cooperatives} + 2 + {housing benefits} + 2 + {housing offices} + 2 + {housing policies} + 2 + {housing register} + 2 + {houses in multi occupancy (hmo)} + 2 + {garages} + 2 + {insulation} + 2 + {letting property} + 2 + {planning} + 2 + {postcode allocation} + 2 + {mortgages with the council} + 2 + {private sector housing} + 2 + {properties for sale / rent} + 2 + {rehousing} + 2 + {refuges} + 2 + {renovation grants} + 2 + {rent} + 3 + {arrears} + 3 + {paying} + 3 + {rent officer service} + 2 + {repairs} + 3 + {damp} + 2 + {repossessions} + 2 + {right to buy} + 2 + {safety} + 3 + {asbestos} + 3 + {gas} + 2 + {shared ownership} + 2 + {sheltered housing} + 2 + {smoke alarms} + 2 + {squatters} + 2 + {supported housing} + 2 + {temporary accommodation} + 2 + {tenants} + 3 + {tenants and residents groups} + 3 + {tenants participation} + 2 + {transfers and exchanges} + 2 + {waiting list} + 1 + {jobs and careers} + 2 + {careers advice} + 2 + {job centres} + 2 + {job seekers allowance} + 2 + {modern apprenticeships} + 2 + {retirement} + 2 + {self employed} + 2 + {training} + 2 + {unemployment} + 2 + {vacancies} + 2 + {voluntary work} + 2 + {work experience} + 2 + {young people} + 1 + {leisure} + 2 + {accommodation} + 3 + {bed and breakfast} + 3 + {hotels} + 2 + {allotments} + 2 + {archives} + 3 + {diocesan records} + 2 + {arts} + 3 + {galleries} + 3 + {development} + 2 + {beaches} + 2 + {boats} + 2 + {bowls} + 2 + {camp sites} + 2 + {castles} + 2 + {children's activities} + 2 + {cinemas} + 2 + {cicuses} + 2 + {clubs and societies} + 2 + {coaching} + 2 + {ccountryside} + 3 + {country parks} + 3 + {countryside management} + 3 + {countryside and nature conservation} + 2 + {crafts} + 2 + {cycle routes} + 2 + {dance} + 3 + {tea dances} + 2 + {drama} + 2 + {eating out} + 2 + {entertainment} + 2 + {events} + 2 + {fairs} + 2 + {fairgrounds} + 2 + {firework displays} + 2 + {fishing} + 3 + {fishing permits} + 2 + {gardens} + 3 + {gardening competitions} + 3 + {public gardens} + 2 + {golf courses} + 2 + {gyms} + 2 + {halls for hire} + 2 + {heritage} + 3 + {historic buildings} + 3 + {historic monuments} + 3 + {historical records} + 3 + {historic sites} + 2 + {horse riding} + 2 + {keep fit} + 2 + {leisure centres} + 2 + {libraries} + 3 + {branch libraries} + 3 + {mobile libraries} + 3 + {reference libraries} + 2 + {local history} + 2 + {museums} + 2 + {parks} + 3 + {arboriculture} + 3 + {open spaces} + 2 + {playgrounds} + 3 + {adventure playgrounds} + 3 + {fencing} + 2 + {picnic sites} + 2 + {ranger service} + 2 + {rivers} + 3 + {river moorings} + 2 + {swimming} + 2 + {sports pitches} + 3 + {cricket} + 3 + {football} + 3 + {hockey} + 2 + {sports} + 3 + {grants} + 2 + {theatres} + 2 + {tourism} + 3 + {accommodation} + 2 + {travel} + 2 + {village greens} + 2 + {walks} + 2 + {wildfire} + 2 + {woodlands} + 2 + {youth clubs} + 2 + {youth hostels} + 2 + {zoos} + 1 + {news} + 2 + {mailing lists} + 2 + {media} + 2 + {media enquries} + 2 + {newspapers} + 2 + {press enquries} + 2 + {press releases} + 2 + {publications} + 1 + {social care} + 2 + {abuse} + 3 + {alcohol} + 3 + {drugs} + 3 + {substance} + 2 + {access - disabled} + 2 + {adoption and fostering} + 2 + {alarms} + 3 + {elderly and disabled} + 2 + {anti - poverty} + 2 + {assessment of care needs} + 2 + {asylum seekers} + 2 + {behaviour suport service} + 2 + {bereavement} + 2 + {blindness and visual impairment} + 2 + {care needs} + 2 + {careline} + 2 + {childminders} + 2 + {children's homes} + 2 + {child protection} + 3 + {children at risk} + 3 + {children in need} + 2 + {choosing a residential home} + 2 + {community services} + 3 + {community care} + 2 + {day care} + 3 + {day care for elders} + 3 + {day centres} + 2 + {deaf services} + 2 + {dial-a-ride} + 2 + {disabilty} + 3 + {disability access} + 2 + {domestic violence} + 2 + {domiciliary care in the home} + 2 + {elderly people} + 2 + {family support} + 2 + {health} + 2 + {home care services} + 3 + {home help} + 2 + {holidays} + 2 + {hospital discharge} + 2 + {hostels} + 2 + {families} + 2 + {fostering} + 2 + {meals on wheels} + 2 + {mental health} + 2 + {orange badge scheme} + 2 + {parenting} + 2 + {refugees} + 2 + {residential accommodation} + 2 + {respite care} + 2 + {sensory impairment} + 2 + {shop mobility} + 2 + {visual impairment} + 2 + {warden call} + 2 + {welfare rights} + 2 + {winter fuel allowance} + 1 + {transport and streets} + 2 + {abandoned vehicles} + 2 + {abnormal loads} + 2 + {bridges} + 2 + {bridleways} + 2 + {concessionary rates} + 2 + {cycling} + 3 + {proficiency} + 2 + {dog fouling} + 2 + {foot bridges} + 2 + {footpaths} + 2 + {garages} + 2 + {grass verges} + 2 + {gritting} + 2 + {gully cleansing} + 2 + {HGV management and signing} + 2 + {highways} + 2 + {icy roads} + 2 + {leaves} + 2 + {litter} + 2 + {local tansport links} + 2 + {manhole covers} + 2 + {mini cabs} + 2 + {MOT} + 2 + {motorcycle training} + 2 + {park and ride} + 2 + {parking} + 3 + {car parking badges} + 3 + {car parks} + 3 + {controlled parking zones} + 3 + {parking bays} + 3 + {parking fines} + 3 + {parking meters} + 3 + {residents parking} + 2 + {pavements} + 2 + {pedestrian / pelican crossings} + 2 + {potholes} + 2 + {public conveniences} + 2 + {public transport} + 3 + {buses} + 4 + {bus lanes} + 4 + {bus passes} + 4 + {bus shelters} + 3 + {trains} + 3 + {trams} + 2 + {public rights of way} + 3 + {adopted highways} + 3 + {adopted roads} + 2 + {public weighbridge} + 2 + {roads} + 3 + {building} + 3 + {cleaning} + 3 + {maintenance} + 3 + {road works} + 3 + {safety} + 3 + {signs} + 3 + {unadopted} + 2 + {snow clearance} + 2 + {speed limits} + 2 + {street lighting} + 2 + {taxi ranks} + 2 + {traffic calming} + 2 + {traffic lights} + 2 + {traffic management} + 2 + {transport planning} + 2 + {travel enquiries} + 2 + {weighbridges} + 2 + {zebra crossings} +} + + +set tree_id [category_tree::add -name APLAWS -description "APLAWS Categories" -context_id [subsite::main_site_id]] + +set parent(1) {} + +foreach {cat key} $cats { + set parent([expr $cat + 1]) [category::add -noflush -name $key -description $key -tree_id $tree_id -parent_id $parent($cat)] +} + +category_tree::flush_cache $tree_id + +category_tree::map -tree_id $tree_id -object_id [subsite::main_site_id] + +ns_return 200 text/plain "tree $tree_id created and mapped to [subsite::main_site_id]" \ No newline at end of file