Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/,v
diff -u -r1.13 -r1.14
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/ 17 Sep 2001 05:16:40 -0000 1.13
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/ 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.14
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-create.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-create.sql,v
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-create.sql 12 May 2001 05:09:48 -0000 1.3
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-create.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.4
@@ -158,34 +158,35 @@
-- Define the cr_items table
create table cr_items (
- item_id integer
- constraint cr_items_item_id_fk references
- acs_objects on delete cascade
- constraint cr_items_pk primary key,
- parent_id integer
- constraint cr_items_parent_id_nil
- not null
- constraint cr_items_parent_id_fk references
- acs_objects on delete cascade,
- name varchar2(400)
- constraint cr_items_name_nil
- not null,
- locale varchar2(4)
- constraint cr_items_locale_fk references
- cr_locales,
- live_revision integer,
- latest_revision integer,
- publish_status varchar2(40)
- constraint cr_items_pub_status_chk
- check (publish_status in
- ('production', 'ready', 'live', 'expired')
- ),
- content_type varchar2(100)
- constraint cr_items_rev_type_fk
- references acs_object_types,
- storage_type varchar2(10) default 'lob' not null
- constraint cr_revisions_storage_type
- check (storage_type in ('lob','file'))
+ item_id integer
+ constraint cr_items_item_id_fk references
+ acs_objects on delete cascade
+ constraint cr_items_pk primary key,
+ parent_id integer
+ constraint cr_items_parent_id_nil
+ not null
+ constraint cr_items_parent_id_fk references
+ acs_objects on delete cascade,
+ name varchar2(400)
+ constraint cr_items_name_nil
+ not null,
+ locale varchar2(4)
+ constraint cr_items_locale_fk references
+ cr_locales,
+ live_revision integer,
+ latest_revision integer,
+ publish_status varchar2(40)
+ constraint cr_items_pub_status_chk
+ check (publish_status in
+ ('production', 'ready', 'live', 'expired')
+ ),
+ content_type varchar2(100)
+ constraint cr_items_rev_type_fk
+ references acs_object_types,
+ storage_type varchar2(10) default 'lob' not null
+ constraint cr_revisions_storage_type
+ check (storage_type in ('lob','file')),
+ storage_area_key varchar2(100) default 'CR_FILES' not null
create index cr_items_by_locale on cr_items(locale);
@@ -208,6 +209,19 @@
If null, then no revisions should be allowed.
+-- content-create.sql patch
+-- adds standard mechanism for deleting revisions from the file-system
+-- Walter McGinnis (, 2001-09-23
+-- based on original photo-album package code by Tom Baginski
+create table cr_files_to_delete (
+ path varchar2(250),
+ storage_area_key varchar2(100)
create table cr_child_rels (
rel_id integer
constraint cr_child_rels_rel_pk
@@ -342,6 +356,25 @@
4000 character limit.
+-- (DanW - OpenACS) Added cleanup trigger to log file items that need
+-- to be cleaned up from the CR.
+create or replace trigger cr_cleanup_cr_files_del_trg
+before delete on cr_revisions
+for each row
+ insert into cr_files_to_delete
+ select r.content as path, i.storage_area_key
+ from cr_items i, cr_revisions r
+ where i.item_id = r.item_id
+ and r.revision_id = :old.revision_id
+ and i.storage_type = 'file';
+show errors
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-drop.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-drop.sql,v
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-drop.sql 24 Mar 2001 22:00:48 -0000 1.1
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-drop.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.2
@@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
drop table cr_item_publish_audit;
-- content revisions
+drop table cr_files_to_delete;
drop table cr_content_text;
drop table cr_revision_attributes;
drop table cr_revisions cascade constraints;
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-image.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-image.sql,v
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-image.sql 24 Mar 2001 22:00:48 -0000 1.1
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/oracle/content-image.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.2
@@ -88,3 +88,192 @@
show errors
+-- content-image.sql patch
+-- adds standard image pl/sql package
+-- Walter McGinnis (, 2001-09-23
+-- based on original photo-album package code by Tom Baginski
+create or replace package image
+ --/**
+ -- Creates a new image
+ -- Binary file stored in file-system
+ --*/
+ function new (
+ name in,
+ parent_id in cr_items.parent_id%TYPE default null,
+ item_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE default null,
+ revision_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE default null,
+ content_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE default 'image',
+ creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate,
+ creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null,
+ creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
+ locale in cr_items.locale%TYPE default null,
+ context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null,
+ title in cr_revisions.title%TYPE default null,
+ description in cr_revisions.description%TYPE default null,
+ mime_type in cr_revisions.mime_type%TYPE default null,
+ nls_language in cr_revisions.nls_language%TYPE default null,
+ relation_tag in cr_child_rels.relation_tag%TYPE default null,
+ is_live in char default 'f',
+ publish_date in cr_revisions.publish_date%TYPE default sysdate,
+ path in images.path%TYPE,
+ height in images.height%TYPE default null,
+ width in images.width%TYPE default null,
+ file_size in images.file_size%TYPE default null
+ ) return cr_items.item_id%TYPE;
+ --/**
+ -- Deletes a single revision of image
+ -- Schedules binary file for deletion.
+ -- File delete sweep checks to see if no other images are using binary prior to deleting
+ --*/
+ procedure delete_revision (
+ revision_id in cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE
+ );
+ --/**
+ -- Deletes a image and all revisions
+ -- Schedules binary files for deletion.
+ --
+ -- Be careful, cannot be undone (easily)
+ --*/
+ procedure delete (
+ item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE
+ );
+end image;
+show errors;
+create or replace package body image
+ function new (
+ name in,
+ parent_id in cr_items.parent_id%TYPE default null,
+ item_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE default null,
+ revision_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE default null,
+ content_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE default 'image',
+ creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate,
+ creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null,
+ creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
+ locale in cr_items.locale%TYPE default null,
+ context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null,
+ title in cr_revisions.title%TYPE default null,
+ description in cr_revisions.description%TYPE default null,
+ mime_type in cr_revisions.mime_type%TYPE default null,
+ nls_language in cr_revisions.nls_language%TYPE default null,
+ relation_tag in cr_child_rels.relation_tag%TYPE default null,
+ is_live in char default 'f',
+ publish_date in cr_revisions.publish_date%TYPE default sysdate,
+ path in images.path%TYPE,
+ height in images.height%TYPE default null,
+ width in images.width%TYPE default null,
+ file_size in images.file_size%TYPE default null
+ ) return cr_items.item_id%TYPE
+ is
+ v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE;
+ v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE;
+ begin
+ v_item_id := (
+ name => name,
+ item_id => item_id,
+ parent_id => parent_id,
+ relation_tag => relation_tag,
+ content_type => content_type,
+ creation_date => sysdate,
+ creation_user => creation_user,
+ creation_ip => creation_ip,
+ locale => locale,
+ context_id => context_id,
+ storage_type => 'file'
+ );
+ v_revision_id := (
+ title => title,
+ description => description,
+ item_id => v_item_id,
+ revision_id => revision_id,
+ publish_date => publish_date,
+ mime_type => mime_type,
+ nls_language => nls_language,
+ creation_date => sysdate,
+ creation_user => creation_user,
+ creation_ip => creation_ip
+ );
+ insert into images
+ (image_id, height, width)
+ values
+ (v_revision_id, height, width);
+ -- update revision with image file info
+ update cr_revisions
+ set content_length = file_size,
+ content = path
+ where revision_id = v_revision_id;
+ -- is_live => 't' not used as part of
+ -- because does not let developer specify revision_id,
+ -- revision_id is determined in advance
+ if is_live = 't' then
+ content_item.set_live_revision (
+ revision_id => v_revision_id
+ );
+ end if;
+ return v_item_id;
+ end new;
+ procedure delete_revision (
+ revision_id in cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE
+ )
+ is
+ begin
+ insert into cr_files_to_delete (path)
+ select path from images where image_id = image.delete_revision.revision_id;
+ content_revision.delete (
+ revision_id => revision_id
+ );
+ end delete_revision;
+ procedure delete (
+ item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE
+ )
+ is
+ cursor image_revision_cur is
+ select
+ revision_id
+ from
+ cr_revisions
+ where
+ item_id = image.delete.item_id
+ order by revision_id asc;
+ -- order by used in cursur so latest revision will be deleted last
+ -- save resetting latest revision multiple times during delete process
+ begin
+ for v_revision_val in image_revision_cur loop
+ image.delete_revision (
+ revision_id => v_revision_val.revision_id
+ );
+ end loop;
+ content_item.delete (
+ item_id => item_id
+ );
+ end delete;
+end image;
+show errors;
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-create.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-create.sql,v
diff -u -r1.26 -r1.27
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-create.sql 17 Sep 2001 05:16:40 -0000 1.26
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-create.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.27
@@ -166,35 +166,36 @@
-- Define the cr_items table
create table cr_items (
- item_id integer
- constraint cr_items_item_id_fk references
- acs_objects on delete cascade
- constraint cr_items_pk primary key,
- parent_id integer
- constraint cr_items_parent_id_nil
- not null
- constraint cr_items_parent_id_fk references
- acs_objects on delete cascade,
- name varchar(400)
- constraint cr_items_name_nil
- not null,
- locale varchar(4)
- constraint cr_items_locale_fk references
- cr_locales,
- live_revision integer,
- latest_revision integer,
- publish_status varchar(40)
- constraint cr_items_pub_status_chk
- check (publish_status in
- ('production', 'ready', 'live', 'expired')
- ),
- content_type varchar(100)
- constraint cr_items_rev_type_fk
- references acs_object_types,
- storage_type varchar(10) default 'text' not null
- constraint cr_items_storage_type
- check (storage_type in ('lob','text','file')),
- tree_sortkey varchar(4000)
+ item_id integer
+ constraint cr_items_item_id_fk references
+ acs_objects on delete cascade
+ constraint cr_items_pk primary key,
+ parent_id integer
+ constraint cr_items_parent_id_nil
+ not null
+ constraint cr_items_parent_id_fk references
+ acs_objects on delete cascade,
+ name varchar(400)
+ constraint cr_items_name_nil
+ not null,
+ locale varchar(4)
+ constraint cr_items_locale_fk references
+ cr_locales,
+ live_revision integer,
+ latest_revision integer,
+ publish_status varchar(40)
+ constraint cr_items_pub_status_chk
+ check (publish_status in
+ ('production', 'ready', 'live', 'expired')
+ ),
+ content_type varchar(100)
+ constraint cr_items_rev_type_fk
+ references acs_object_types,
+ storage_type varchar(10) default 'text' not null
+ constraint cr_items_storage_type
+ check (storage_type in ('lob','text','file')),
+ storage_area_key varchar(100) default 'CR_FILES' not null,
+ tree_sortkey varchar(4000)
create index cr_items_by_locale on cr_items(locale);
@@ -205,6 +206,28 @@
create unique index cr_items_unique_id on cr_items(parent_id, item_id);
create index cr_items_by_parent_id on cr_items(parent_id);
+-- content-create.sql patch
+-- adds standard mechanism for deleting revisions from the file-system
+-- Walter McGinnis (, 2001-09-23
+-- based on original photo-album package code by Tom Baginski
+create table cr_files_to_delete (
+ path varchar(250),
+ storage_area_key varchar(100)
+comment on table cr_files_to_delete is '
+ Table to store files to be deleted by a scheduled sweep.
+ Since binaries are stored in filesystem and attributes in database,
+ need a way to delete both atomically. So any process to delete file-system cr_revisions,
+ copies the file path to this table as part of the delete transaction. Sweep
+ run later to remove the files from filesystem once database info is successfully deleted.
-- DCW, this can't be defined in the apm_package_versions table defintion,
-- because cr_items is created afterwards.
@@ -575,7 +598,28 @@
after delete on cr_revisions
for each row execute procedure cr_revision_del_rev_ri_trg();
+-- (DanW - OpenACS) Added cleanup trigger to log file items that need
+-- to be cleaned up from the CR.
+create function cr_cleanup_cr_files_del_trg() returns opaque as '
+ insert into cr_files_to_delete
+ select r.content as path, i.storage_area_key
+ from cr_items i, cr_revisions r
+ where i.item_id = r.item_id
+ and r.revision_id = old.revision_id
+ and i.storage_type = ''file'';
+ return old;
+end;' language 'plpgsql';
+create trigger cr_cleanup_cr_files_del_trg
+before delete on cr_revisions
+for each row execute procedure cr_cleanup_cr_files_del_trg();
create table cr_revision_attributes (
revision_id integer
constraint cr_revision_attributes_pk
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-drop.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-drop.sql,v
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-drop.sql 7 Sep 2001 23:48:47 -0000 1.3
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-drop.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.4
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
drop table cr_item_publish_audit;
-- content revisions
+drop table cr_files_to_delete;
drop table cr_content_text;
drop table cr_revision_attributes;
drop table cr_revisions cascade constraints;
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image-drop.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image-drop.sql,v
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image-drop.sql 27 Mar 2001 02:02:31 -0000 1.1
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image-drop.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.2
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
-- unregister mime types from the image type
+drop function image__delete (integer);
+drop function image__new (varchar,integer,integer,integer,varchar,integer,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar,boolean,timestamp,varchar,integer,integer,integer);
select content_type__unregister_mime_type(
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image.sql,v
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image.sql 30 Mar 2001 05:31:33 -0000 1.2
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-image.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.3
@@ -89,3 +89,135 @@
+-- content-image.sql patch
+-- adds standard image pl/sql package
+-- Walter McGinnis (, 2001-09-23
+-- based on original photo-album package code by Tom Baginski
+ Creates a new image
+ Binary file stored in file-system
+create function image__new (varchar,integer,integer,integer,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,boolean,timestamp,varchar,integer,integer,integer
+ ) returns integer as '
+ declare
+ new__name alias for $1;
+ new__parent_id alias for $2; -- default null
+ new__item_id alias for $3; -- default null
+ new__revision_id alias for $4; -- default null
+ new__mime_type alias for $5; -- default jpeg
+ new__creation_user alias for $6; -- default null
+ new__creation_ip alias for $7; -- default null
+ new__relation_tag alias for $8; -- default null
+ new__title alias for $9; -- default null
+ new__description alias for $10; -- default null
+ new__is_live alias for $11; -- default f
+ new__publish_date alias for $12; -- default now()
+ new__path alias for $13;
+ new__file_size alias for $14;
+ new__height alias for $15;
+ new__width alias for $16;
+ new__locale varchar default null;
+ new__nls_language varchar default null;
+ new__creation_date timestamp default now();
+ new__context_id integer;
+ v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE;
+ v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE;
+ begin
+ new__context_id := new__parent_id;
+ v_item_id := content_item__new (
+ new__name,
+ new__parent_id,
+ new__item_id,
+ new__locale,
+ new__creation_date,
+ new__creation_user,
+ new__context_id,
+ new__creation_ip,
+ ''content_item'',
+ ''image'',
+ new__title,
+ new__description,
+ new__mime_type,
+ new__nls_language,
+ null,
+ ''file'' -- storage_type
+ );
+ -- update cr_child_rels to have the correct relation_tag
+ update cr_child_rels
+ set relation_tag = new__relation_tag
+ where parent_id = new__parent_id
+ and child_id = new__item_id
+ and relation_tag = content_item__get_content_type(new__parent_id) || ''-'' || ''image'';
+ v_revision_id := content_revision__new (
+ new__title,
+ new__description,
+ new__publish_date,
+ new__mime_type,
+ new__nls_language,
+ null,
+ v_item_id,
+ new__revision_id,
+ new__creation_date,
+ new__creation_user,
+ new__creation_ip
+ );
+ insert into images
+ (image_id, height, width)
+ values
+ (v_revision_id, new__height, new__width);
+ -- update revision with image file info
+ update cr_revisions
+ set content_length = new__file_size,
+ content = new__path
+ where revision_id = v_revision_id;
+ -- is_live => ''t'' not used as part of
+ -- because does not let developer specify revision_id,
+ -- revision_id is determined in advance
+ if new__is_live = ''t'' then
+ PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision (v_revision_id);
+ end if;
+ return v_item_id;
+end; ' language 'plpgsql';
+create function image__delete (integer)
+returns integer as '
+ v_item_id alias $1;
+ v_revision_id integer;
+ -- order by used in cursur so latest revision will be deleted last
+ -- save resetting latest revision multiple times during delete process
+ for v_revision_id in select
+ revision_id
+ from
+ cr_revisions
+ where
+ item_id = v_item_id
+ order by revision_id asc
+ loop
+ PERFORM content_revision__delete_revision (
+ v_revision_id
+ );
+ end loop;
+ PERFORM content_item__delete (v_item_id);
+ return 1;
+end; ' language 'plpgsql';
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-item.sql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-item.sql,v
diff -u -r1.30 -r1.31
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-item.sql 5 Sep 2001 00:09:52 -0000 1.30
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/sql/postgresql/content-item.sql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.31
@@ -425,6 +425,167 @@
-- function new -- sets security_inherit_p to FALSE -DaveB
+create function content_item__new ( integer, varchar, integer, varchar, timestamp, integer, integer, varchar, boolean, varchar, text, varchar, boolean, varchar)
+returns integer as '
+ new__item_id alias for $1; --default null
+ new__name alias for $2;
+ new__parent_id alias for $3; -- default null
+ new__title alias for $4; -- default null
+ new__creation_date alias for $5; -- default now()
+ new__creation_user alias for $6; -- default null
+ new__context_id alias for $7; -- default null
+ new__creation_ip alias for $8; -- default null
+ new__is_live alias for $9; -- default ''f''
+ new__mime_type alias for $10;
+ new__text alias for $11; -- default null
+ new__storage_type alias for $12; -- check in (''text'', ''file'')
+ new__security_inherit_p alias for $13; -- default ''t''
+ new__storage_area_key alias for $14; -- default ''CR_FILES''
+ new__item_subtype varchar default ''content_item'';
+ new__content_type varchar default ''content_revision'';
+ new__description varchar default null;
+ new__relation_tag varchar default null;
+ new__nls_language varchar default null;
+ v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE;
+ v_parent_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE;
+ v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE;
+ v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE;
+ v_title cr_revisions.title%TYPE;
+ v_rel_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE;
+ v_rel_tag cr_child_rels.relation_tag%TYPE;
+ v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE;
+ -- place the item in the context of the pages folder if no
+ -- context specified
+ if new__parent_id is null then
+ v_parent_id := content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id;
+ else
+ v_parent_id := new__parent_id;
+ end if;
+ -- Determine context_id
+ if new__context_id is null then
+ v_context_id := v_parent_id;
+ else
+ v_context_id := new__context_id;
+ end if;
+ if v_parent_id = 0 or
+ content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = ''t'' then
+ if v_parent_id != 0 and
+ content_folder__is_registered(
+ v_parent_id, new__content_type, ''f'') = ''f'' then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: This item\\\'s content type % is not registered to this folder %'', new__content_type, v_parent_id;
+ end if;
+ else if v_parent_id != 0 then
+ select object_type into v_parent_type from acs_objects
+ where object_id = v_parent_id;
+ if NOT FOUND then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Invalid parent ID % specified in'', v_parent_id;
+ end if;
+ if content_item__is_subclass(v_parent_type, ''content_item'') = ''t'' and
+ content_item__is_valid_child(v_parent_id, new__content_type) = ''f'' then
+ raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: This item\\\'s content type % is not allowed in this container %'', new__content_type, v_parent_id;
+ end if;
+ end if; end if;
+ -- Create the object
+ v_item_id := acs_object__new(
+ new__item_id,
+ new__item_subtype,
+ new__creation_date,
+ new__creation_user,
+ new__creation_ip,
+ v_context_id,
+ new__security_inherit_p
+ );
+ insert into cr_items (
+ item_id, name, content_type, parent_id, storage_type, storage_area_key
+ ) values (
+ v_item_id, new__name, new__content_type, v_parent_id, new__storage_type,
+ new__storage_area_key
+ );
+ -- if the parent is not a folder, insert into cr_child_rels
+ if v_parent_id != 0 and
+ content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = ''f'' and
+ content_item__is_valid_child(v_parent_id, new__content_type) = ''t'' then
+ v_rel_id := acs_object__new(
+ null,
+ ''cr_item_child_rel'',
+ now(),
+ null,
+ null,
+ v_parent_id,
+ ''f''
+ );
+ if new__relation_tag is null then
+ v_rel_tag := content_item__get_content_type(v_parent_id)
+ || ''-'' || new__content_type;
+ else
+ v_rel_tag := new__relation_tag;
+ end if;
+ insert into cr_child_rels (
+ rel_id, parent_id, child_id, relation_tag, order_n
+ ) values (
+ v_rel_id, v_parent_id, v_item_id, v_rel_tag, v_item_id
+ );
+ end if;
+ -- use the name of the item if no title is supplied
+ if new__title is null then
+ v_title := new__name;
+ else
+ v_title := new__title;
+ end if;
+ if new__title is not null or
+ new__text is not null then
+ v_revision_id := content_revision__new(
+ v_title,
+ new__description,
+ now(),
+ new__mime_type,
+ null,
+ new__text,
+ v_item_id,
+ null,
+ new__creation_date,
+ new__creation_user,
+ new__creation_ip
+ );
+ end if;
+ -- make the revision live if is_live is true
+ if new__is_live = ''t'' then
+ PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id);
+ end if;
+ return v_item_id;
+end;' language 'plpgsql';
create function content_item__new ( integer, varchar, integer, varchar, timestamp, integer, integer, varchar, boolean, varchar, text, varchar, boolean)
returns integer as '
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-init.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-init.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-init.tcl 26 Sep 2001 12:09:27 -0000 1.3
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-init.tcl 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.4
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
template::filter add content::init
+# a patch to the cr for handling the deleting revision's files
+# when the revision has been deleted from the database
+# schedules the sweep
+# Walter McGinnis (, 2001-09-23
+# based on original photo-album package code by Tom Baginski
+ad_schedule_proc -thread t 86400 cr_delete_scheduled_files
ad_proc -public acs_cr_scheduled_release_exec {} {
This was handled by oracle, but since other dbs, such as postgresql don't
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-procs.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-procs.tcl 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# tcl/acs-content-repository-procs.tcl patch
+# a patch to the cr for handling the deleting revision's files
+# when the revision has been deleted from the database
+# Walter McGinnis (, 2001-09-23
+# based on original photo-album package code by Tom Baginski
+ad_proc -private cr_delete_scheduled_files {} {
+ Tries to delete all the files in cr_files_to_delete.
+ Makes sure file isn't being used by another revision prior to deleting it.
+ Should be scheduled daily.
+ This proc is extremely simple, and does not have any concurrancy checks to make sure another
+ version of the proc is running/deleting a file.
+ Will add some concurancy checks to a future revision.
+ Right now go with short and sweet, count on scheduling to prevent conflicts
+} {
+ db_transaction {
+ # subselect makes sure there isn't a parent revision still lying around
+ db_foreach fetch_paths {
+ select distinct crftd.path storage_area_key
+ from cr_files_to_delete crftd
+ and not exists (select 1
+ from cr_revisions r
+ where r.content = crftd.path)
+ } {
+ # try to remove file from filesystem
+ set file "[cr_fs_path $storage_area_key]/${path}"
+ ns_log Debug "cr_delete_scheduled_files: deleting $file"
+ ns_unlink -nocomplain "$file"
+ }
+ # now that all scheduled files deleted, clear table
+ db_dml delete_files "delete from cr_files_to_delete"
+ }
Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-procs.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-procs.xql,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/acs-content-repository-procs.xql 27 Sep 2001 22:48:16 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ select distinct crftd.path, crftd.storage_area_key
+ from cr_files_to_delete crftd
+ where not exists (select 1 from cr_revisions r where r.content = crftd.path)
+ delete from cr_files_to_delete