Index: openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/blog-oracle.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/blog-oracle.xql,v
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/blog-oracle.xql 28 Jan 2004 15:44:55 -0000 1.7
+++ openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/blog-oracle.xql 20 Feb 2004 05:43:02 -0000 1.8
@@ -15,66 +15,71 @@
- select entry_id,
- to_char(entry_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as entry_date_ansi,
- title,
- title_url,
- category_id,
- content,
- content_format,
- draft_p,
- p.first_names as poster_first_names,
- p.last_name as poster_last_name,
- o.creation_user as user_id,
- (select count(gc.comment_id)
- from general_comments gc, cr_revisions cr
- where gc.object_id = entry_id
- and content_item.get_live_revision(gc.comment_id) = cr.revision_id) as num_comments
- from pinds_blog_entries e,
- acs_objects o,
- persons p
- where e.entry_id = o.object_id
- and p.person_id = o.creation_user
- and package_id = :package_id
- [ad_decode $date_clause "" "" "and $date_clause"]
- and draft_p = 'f'
- and deleted_p = 'f'
- [ad_decode $limit "" "" "and rownum <= $limit"]
- order by entry_date desc
+ and o.creation_user = :blog_user_id
+ and filt_com.category_id = :blog_sw_category_id
+ , category_object_map filt_com
+ and filt_com.object_id = e.entry_id
- select entry_id,
- to_char(entry_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as entry_date_ansi,
- title,
- title_url,
- category_id,
- content,
- content_format,
- draft_p,
- p.first_names as poster_first_names,
- p.last_name as poster_last_name,
- o.creation_user as user_id,
- (select count(gc.comment_id)
- from general_comments gc, cr_revisions cr
- where gc.object_id = entry_id
- and content_item.get_live_revision(gc.comment_id) = cr.revision_id) as num_comments
- from pinds_blog_entries e,
+ select x.*, y.content from (
+ select unique entry_id,
+ entry_date,
+ to_char(entry_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
+ as entry_date_ansi,
+ title,
+ title_url,
+ e.category_id,
+ com.category_id as sw_category_id,
+ content_format,
+ draft_p,
+ p.first_names as poster_first_names,
+ p.last_name as poster_last_name,
+ o.creation_user as user_id,
+ (select count(gc.comment_id)
+ from general_comments gc,
+ cr_revisions cr
+ where gc.object_id = entry_id
+ and content_item.get_live_revision(gc.comment_id) =
+ cr.revision_id) as num_comments
+ from pinds_blog_entries e,
acs_objects o,
- persons p
- where e.entry_id = o.object_id
- and p.person_id = o.creation_user
- and o.creation_user = :blog_user_id
- and package_id = :package_id
- [ad_decode $date_clause "" "" "and $date_clause"]
- and draft_p = 'f'
- and deleted_p = 'f'
- [ad_decode $limit "" "" "and rownum <= $limit"]
- order by entry_date desc
+ persons p,
+ category_object_map com
+ $sw_category_filter_join_clause
+ where package_id = :package_id
+ [ad_decode $date_clause "" "" "and $date_clause"]
+ and draft_p = 'f'
+ and deleted_p = 'f'
+ $user_filter_where_clause
+ $sw_category_filter_where_clause
+ $sw_category_filter_join_where_clause
+ and p.person_id = o.creation_user
+ and com.object_id (+) = e.entry_id
+) x, pinds_blog_entries y
+where x.entry_id=y.entry_id
+order by x.entry_date desc, x.entry_id, x.sw_category_id