Index: openacs-4/packages/invoices/lib/invoice-items-list.xql
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/invoices/lib/invoice-items-list.xql,v
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- openacs-4/packages/invoices/lib/invoice-items-list.xql 4 Nov 2005 14:40:06 -0000 1.3
+++ openacs-4/packages/invoices/lib/invoice-items-list.xql 7 Nov 2005 23:10:51 -0000 1.4
@@ -7,25 +7,31 @@
ii.title as item_title,
iv.title as invoice_title,
- ii.price_per_unit,
- ii.item_units,
- com.category_id,
+ ii.amount_total as final_amount,
+ com.category_id as cat_id,
to_char(ii.creation_date,'yy-mm-dd') as creation_date,
to_char(ii.creation_date,'mm') as month,
+ iv.organization_id,
+ as org_name,
+ ob.title as cat_name,
iv_invoice_itemsx ii,
iv_invoicesx iv,
category_object_map com,
- cr_items i
+ cr_items i,
+ organizations org,
+ acs_objects ob
iv.item_id = i.item_id
and ii.invoice_id = i.latest_revision
and iv.invoice_id = ii.invoice_id
and com.object_id = ii.offer_item_id
+ and org.organization_id = iv.organization_id
+ and ob.object_id = com.category_id
and [template::list::page_where_clause -name "iv_items"]
[template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name "iv_items"]
@@ -36,32 +42,58 @@
- iv_item_id,
- title as item_title,
- price_per_unit,
- rebate,
- item_units
+ ii.iv_item_id
- iv_invoice_itemsx
+ iv_invoice_itemsx ii,
+ iv_invoicesx iv,
+ category_object_map com,
+ cr_items i,
+ organizations org,
+ acs_objects ob
+ where
+ iv.item_id = i.item_id
+ and ii.invoice_id = i.latest_revision
+ and iv.invoice_id = ii.invoice_id
+ and com.object_id = ii.offer_item_id
+ and org.organization_id = iv.organization_id
+ and ob.object_id = com.category_id
+ $category_filter_clause
+ [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name "iv_items"]
+ [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name "iv_items"]
+ select
+ distinct
+ o.title,
+ c.tree_id
+ from
+ category_object_map com,
+ iv_offer_items io,
+ acs_objects o,
+ categories c
+ where
+ com.object_id = io.offer_item_id
+ and com.category_id = c.category_id
+ and c.tree_id = o.object_id
+ order by
+ o.title asc
- select
- distinct
- o.title,
- com.category_id
- from
- category_object_map com,
- iv_invoice_items ii,
- acs_objects o
- where
- com.object_id = ii.offer_item_id
- and com.category_id = o.object_id
- $category_filter_clause
- order by
- o.title asc
+ select
+ o.title,
+ c.category_id
+ from
+ categories c,
+ acs_objects o
+ where
+ o.object_id = c.category_id
+ and c.tree_id in ([template::util::tcl_to_sql_list $tree_ids])
@@ -78,5 +110,24 @@
+ select
+ sum(ii.amount_total)
+ from
+ iv_invoicesx iv,
+ iv_invoice_itemsx ii,
+ cr_items i,
+ category_object_map com
+ where
+ iv.item_id = i.item_id
+ and ii.invoice_id = i.latest_revision
+ and iv.invoice_id = ii.invoice_id
+ and ii.offer_item_id = com.object_id
+ and com.category_id = :c_id