Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-core-docs/www/how-do-I.html =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-core-docs/www/how-do-I.html,v diff -u -r1.30 -r1.31 --- openacs-4/packages/acs-core-docs/www/how-do-I.html 27 Mar 2018 12:22:17 -0000 1.30 +++ openacs-4/packages/acs-core-docs/www/how-do-I.html 25 Apr 2018 08:38:27 -0000 1.31 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ How Do I?

How Do I?


How do I edit the front page of a new site through a web interface?


How do I edit the front page of a new site through a web interface?

The easiest way is to install the Edit-This-Page package.

  1. @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@

    Follow the instructions within Edit This Page (the link will only work after Edit This Page is installed).


How do I let anybody who registers post to a weblog?


How do I let anybody who registers post to a weblog?

Go to /admin/permissions and grant Create to Registered Users


How do I replace the front page of a new site with the front page of an application on that site


How do I replace the front page of a new site with the front page of an application on that site

Suppose you install a new site and install Weblogger, and you want all visitors to see weblogger automatically.

  1. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@

    Change the parameter IndexRedirectUrl to be the URI of the desired application. For a default weblogger installation, this would be weblogger/. Note the trailing slash.


How do I put custom functionality on front page of a new site?


How do I put custom functionality on front page of a new site?

Every page within an OpenACS site is part of a subsite More information). The home page of the entire site is the front page is a special, default instance of a subsite, served from /var/lib/aolserver/$OPENACS_SERVICE_NAME/www. If an index page is not found there, the default index page for all subsites is used. To customize the code on the front page, copy the default index page from the Subsite package to the Main site and edit it:

  1. @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@

    Edit the new index.adp to change the text; you shouldn't need to edit index.tcl unless you are adding new functionality.


How do I change the site-wide style?


How do I change the site-wide style?

Almost all pages on an OpenACS site use ACS Templating, and so their appearance is driven by a layer of different files. Let's examine how this works:

  • @@ -55,12 +55,12 @@
  • Blank-master does HTML housekeeping and provides a framework for special sitewide navigation "meta" elements such as Translator widgets and Admin widgets.


Figure 4.1. Site Templates


Figure 4.1. Site Templates

Site Templates


How do I diagnose a permissions problem?


How do I diagnose a permissions problem?

  • @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@

    set can_register_p [events::security::can_register_for_event_p -event_id $event_id]

    We need to know what that procedure does, so go to /api-doc, paste events::security::can_register_for_event_p into the ACS Tcl API Search box, and click Feeling Lucky. The next pages shows the proc, and we click "show source" to see more information. The body of the proc is simply

    return [permission::permission_p -party_id $user_id -object_id $event_id -privilege write]

    This means that a given user must have the write privilege on the event in order to register. Let's assume that the privilege inherit, so that if a user has the write privilege on the whole package, they will have the write privilege on the event.


    This means that a given user must have the write privilege on the event in order to register. Let's assume that the privileges inherit, so that if a user has the write privilege on the whole package, they will have the write privilege on the event.

  • Setting Permissions.  @@ -100,14 +100,14 @@

    Click "Grant Permission"

  • Grant the write permission to Registered Users.


    Figure 4.2. Granting Permissions


    Figure 4.2. Granting Permissions

    Granting Permissions

OpenACS 5.0 offers a prettier version at /admin/applications.


Figure 4.3. Granting Permissions in 5.0


Figure 4.3. Granting Permissions in 5.0

Granting Permissions in 5.0