Index: openacs-4/packages/accounts-ledger/www/doc/index.adp =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/accounts-ledger/www/doc/index.adp,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/accounts-ledger/www/doc/index.adp 8 Jun 2006 10:22:28 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/accounts-ledger/www/doc/index.adp 3 Jul 2006 11:24:21 -0000 1.3 @@ -80,4 +80,97 @@ some of the TEXT types were changed to VARCHAR so that they get indexed FLOAT changed to NUMERIC +

These parameters need to be put into their respective packages

+   -- this is a 1-row table
+   -- it contains all settings that the admin can change from the admin pages
+   -- most of the configuration is done using the parameters .ini file
+   -- 03-10-2001
+   -- the following two tables probably need an additional column to support subsites
+   -- in which case it will have multiple rows, one for each instance of ecommerce
+   -- since these are really parameters for the instance of ecommerce, 
+   -- it might be better to move them to ad_parameters
+   create table ec_admin_settings (
+           -- this is here just so that the insert statement (a page or
+           -- so down) can't be executed twice
+           admin_setting_id                integer not null primary key,   
+           -- the following columns are related to shipping costs
+           base_shipping_cost              numeric,
+           default_shipping_per_item       numeric,
+           weight_shipping_cost            numeric,
+           add_exp_base_shipping_cost      numeric,
+           add_exp_amount_per_item         numeric,
+           add_exp_amount_by_weight        numeric,
+           -- default template to use if the product isn't assigned to one
+           -- (until the admin changes it, it will be 1, which will be
+           -- the preloaded template)
+           default_template        	integer default 1 not null 
+   					    references ec_templates,
+           last_modified           	timestamptz not null,
+           last_modifying_user     	integer not null references users,
+           modified_ip_address     	varchar(20) not null
+   );
+-- create table ec_admin_settings_audit (
+--         admin_setting_id                integer,
+--         base_shipping_cost              numeric,
+--         default_shipping_per_item       numeric,
+--         weight_shipping_cost            numeric,
+--         add_exp_base_shipping_cost      numeric,
+--         add_exp_amount_per_item         numeric,
+--         add_exp_amount_by_weight        numeric,
+--         default_template        	integer,
+--         last_modified           	timestamptz,
+--         last_modifying_user     	integer,
+--         modified_ip_address     	varchar(20),
+--         delete_p                	boolean default 'f'
+-- );
+-- create function ec_admin_settings_audit_tr ()
+-- returns opaque as '
+-- begin
+--         insert into ec_admin_settings_audit (
+--         admin_setting_id, base_shipping_cost, default_shipping_per_item,
+--         weight_shipping_cost, add_exp_base_shipping_cost,
+--         add_exp_amount_per_item, add_exp_amount_by_weight,
+--         default_template,
+--         last_modified,
+--         last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address
+--         ) values (
+--         old.admin_setting_id, old.base_shipping_cost, 
+-- 	old.default_shipping_per_item,
+--         old.weight_shipping_cost, old.add_exp_base_shipping_cost,
+--         old.add_exp_amount_per_item, old.add_exp_amount_by_weight,
+--         old.default_template,
+--         old.last_modified,
+--         old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address      
+--         );
+-- 	return new;
+-- end;' language 'plpgsql';
+-- create trigger ec_admin_settings_audit_tr
+-- after update or delete on ec_admin_settings
+-- for each row execute procedure ec_admin_settings_audit_tr ();
+-- -- this is where the ec_amdin_settings insert was
+-- -- put one row into ec_admin_settings so that I don't have to use 0or1row
+-- insert into ec_admin_settings (
+--         admin_setting_id,
+--         default_template,
+--         last_modified,
+--         last_modifying_user,
+--         modified_ip_address
+--         ) values (
+--         1,
+--         1,
+--         now(), (select grantee_id
+--                     from acs_permissions
+--                    where object_id = acs__magic_object_id('security_context_root')
+--                      and privilege = 'admin'
+--                      limit 1),
+--         'none');