• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- policy3: allow file-upload for admin to make drop-zone reappear

policy3: allow clipbpoard operations add, clear, content, copy, export for admins

policy3: fix policy rule

Fix typo

add table-of-content link to default menubar

- FormPage.get_all_children: add optional argument

"-include_child_folders", which might have currently the value "none" or "direct"

- Default menu entries: distinguish between "startpage"

(menu.Package.Startpage) and "table of contents" (menu.Package.Toc)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- Use message keys "xowiki.menu-*" uniformly

- tighten rules for allowing edit (otherwise users can't edit e.g. coding-standards-index)

Order tree by label

Localize "New" in Menu-bar and improve message keys

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- make policy3 more consistent and better usable with workflows

Update construct to reload a page, as previous one was not working properly at least on Chrome and Explorer

prevent bots to generate errors with old buggy urls from their indices

never offer items with publish-status "production"; should be probably parameterized in the future

Don't report pretty link in export comments for items without a package_id, or export will come out corrupted.

(This is the case for global template objects as en:folder.form)

- repated formfields: set repeat formfield empty if nothing is returned from form (man thanks to Thomas Renner for the patch)

fix for cases in repeat fields, where min != 1

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Don't assume import_file exists when checking for virus

Put missing -base argument (many thanks to Markus Moser)

- add missing curly bracket

- Don't add stuff tu the search queue when publish_status is expired

replace "set" by "my" (sneaked in in last commit, many thanks to thomas renner for spotting it)

- add option "-path_encode" to methods "pretty_link" and "folder_path"

to allow to control, wether the result should be encoded or not

(default true)

- simplify logic around path encoding by using parameter -query of pretty_link

- Bump version number of xowiki and xowf to 5.9.1b4

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Avoid other double encoding when export_vars is applied on xowiki pretty_links

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Don't double encode pretty links

Don't apply new encoding behavior to already encoded strings (many thanks to Thomas Renner)

import_prototype_page: make sure to set variable page to the fetched prototype page

Replace xo::Http with select-free util::http

Fix ck-editor in connection with repeat fiels: make sure to use the actual id provided as argument (rather than the definition id of e.g. item.0)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.