• last updated 19 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Reduce number of "catch" operations

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Fix typos

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
Prefer XOTcl2 idioms

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Bug fix: avoid confusion between command argument and option, when argument starts with "-"

  1. … 81 more files in changeset.
merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
Don't report pretty link in export comments for items without a package_id, or export will come out corrupted.

(This is the case for global template objects as en:folder.form)

Improve robustness of "file delete" operations

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.
- made dropzone a first-class member of the menubar. Now the dropzone

can be configured like all other menubar entries per-folder via

extra_menu_entries (form field in the folder form) or parameter

ExtraMenuEntries (see example below)

- made dropzone configurable (xowiki-uploader-procs.tcl)

One can now specify per dropzone the actions to be performed

with the uploaded content (sample uploaders are provided

with ::xowiki::UploadFile (produces ::xowiki::File entries) or

::xowiki::UploadPhotoForm (produces FormPages for photo.form).

This can serves as a boilerplate for other drop operations

like creating workflow instances or forums postings via drag&drop.

- added mode-handler (xowiki-mode-procs.tcl): The mode handlers

provide easy handling for querying and switching per-session modes

(like eg admin-mode, developer-mode, student-mode, ...). Depending

on the mode different ui options might be offered. Sample with

::xowiki::mode::admin provided, which is per default on, when the

user has admin rights in the current package.

- added modebutton as first-class member of the menubar.

This is currently only supported by the bootstrap renderer,

which displays this as a ios like slider button in the menubar

(see config example below)

- example extra_menu entries:

{clear_menu -menu New}

{entry -name New.Page -label #xowiki.new# -form en:page.form}

{entry -name New.File -label File -object_type ::xowiki::File}

{dropzone -name DropZone -label DropZone -uploader File}

{modebutton -name Admin -label admin -button admin}

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- improve validity and security of generated HTML

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
Merging back to HEAD all changes that happened in branch oacs-5-8 between tags: vg-merge-oacs-5-8-from-20141027 and vg-merge-oacs-5-8-from-20150427

  1. … 520 more files in changeset.
Import process i18n.

- use "create" method explicitely

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
Merging back to HEAD branch oacs-5-8 (using tag vg-merge-oacs-5-8-from-20141027).

  1. … 2547 more files in changeset.
- simplify code

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- The C-library function tmpnam() is deprecated since a while. Therefore naviserver has deprecated ns_tmpnam as well.

Therefore we introduce a new function "ad_tmpnam" which requires just a minimal change and uses ns_mktemp.

  1. … 27 more files in changeset.
- implement copy mode for exporter

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- use spaces rather than tabs

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
* use new interface in order to be able to use dbi-*

* updated dependencies

* bumped revision number

  1. … 24 more files in changeset.
- normalize string expressions

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
- use ad_return_top_of_page instead of ReturnHeaders

- remove potentially created objects on failed imports

- perform a manual "ns_conn close" on exports to avoid potential junk

at the end of the export file.

- allow to include party-ids of groups (in a minmal fashion)

- add comments to export-files to make it easier to read.

- add publish status for folder listings (method "list")

- added admin-callable method "use-template" to reassign

FormPages to different Forms

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Restoring xowiki code to yesterdays state. Hopefully getting rid of today's unwanted commits.

  1. … 999 more files in changeset.
revert previous change

  1. … 987 more files in changeset.
- rename file->entry_name to file->entry_info to better reflect its nature

- import-procs: allow alternatively application/zip and application/x-zip

for application/x-zip-compressed

- remove unneeded line (Many thanks to Richard Hamilton)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- added parameter use_photo_form to ::xowiki::ArchiveFile to import images as instances of en:photo.form

- don't create implicit pages via clipboard paste, when these can be found in the target

- include in method include_needed_objects of exporter all types of xowiki pages

- reduce verbosity

- don't fail, if one uploads and empty archive

- make all files in xowiki usable for "::xo::library require ..."

- don't call "is_link_page" on Package objects

- reset values in reused formfields (necessary for e.g. weblogs)

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
- make import more robust