• last updated 15 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Forgot an IF in my previous commit

Don't show notification chunk nor webdav one when portlet is shaded

Activate allow_bulk_actions parameter at include

Merged changes to HEAD ...

  1. … 1556 more files in changeset.
Mark Wylie's changes: using div for navigation instead of table

Merging Nima's changes: use list template

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Merging dotlrn-all and dotlrn-extras from oacs-5-2

  1. … 882 more files in changeset.
more fixes for bug 2835: WAI-AA

  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
Reverted all changes from Mannheim

  1. … 222 more files in changeset.
Mannheim update, fix and merge bugbash

  1. … 197 more files in changeset.
First shot at merging oacs-5-2 apps used in .LRN to HEAD.

  1. … 2478 more files in changeset.
Fixing Bug 2734. Now page_num is passed through to folder_chunk as a possible filter

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Undid previous commit

forgotten show var

move code to tcl fs-portlet.tcl

solve bug when print webdav url

commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050111

  1. … 2275 more files in changeset.
Added support for WebDAV in the fs-portlet. Added support for editing the File Storage Parameters in the fs-admin-portlet.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
The fs-contents-portlet and the fs-portlet (when scoped_p is true) use a

file-storage package's template to display folder contents. This template

checks for permissions and decorates the display with appropriate buttons

for adding files, folders, etc so there's no need for our portlet to add

hyperlinks. Nor to do the permission checking used to determine which ones

to put in the portlet. Unfortunately, for the unscoped case, i.e. the

user's file storage page, the portlet puts out its own page and does so

using a different style than file-storage itself. Which needs fixing, but

not right now.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20040712 and jcd-merge-5-1-20040724 to HEAD

  1. … 138 more files in changeset.
Added notifications for folders to the fs-portlet as well.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
merge all the changes on the oacs-5-1 and dotlrn-2-0 branches up to tag jcd-merge-20040420

  1. … 647 more files in changeset.
Added 'root_folder_id' attrib to the 'folder chunk' include because it can't be calculated when the include is called from the portlet.

Fixed bug #882: gifs mising in file-storage

merging dotlrn-1-0-1 tag down onto head. Thanks to Jarkko Laine and Mohan Pakkurti for all the help. See comments at http://openacs.org/storage/download/index?version_id=104101

  1. … 121 more files in changeset.
changing dir in image references from /graphics to graphics since those images are no longer copied to the site-wide www dir as used to be the case

Changed 'create a url' to 'add aurl'

- The url to the folder graphics wasn't prefixed with the file storage URL.

- Rows with non-zero content size had an extra empty <td> added at the end.

I18N: names of file-storage folders may not be message keys that need to be localized on the fly

merging the dotlrn-1-0 branch down onto HEAD (the trunk)

  1. … 200 more files in changeset.