• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
commenting out ecds_ dependency

making category/subcategory deletes a little more robust and user friendly

    • -74
    • +51
updating description for updating products now not requiring product_name

making product_name not required for price updates etc.

adding sku to admin/products/search, making search more user friendly, adding a guess to sku search results if no exact match exists

increasing search field input lengths, adding warning in case there are duplicate skus in ec_products

adding CacheProductAsFile behavior changes

neglected to include these file changes to ecommerce 5.15

updating carrier info parsing. this code is duplicated in admin/orders/track.tcl and should be make procs

adding more parsing flexibility for UPS

add missing, hidden vars in form

fixing code that parses UPS tracking reports

fixing minor typos

fixing typos

fixing checkout-progress references in updated adp

adding tracking update/edit feature

    • -0
    • +40
updating FedEx tracking integration for admins

adding quotes to html attributes where unquoted ones generate adp compile errors

    • -2
    • +2
    • -1
    • +1
adding another tuning suggestion in lieu of caching user specific paginated queries

fixing tcl syntax error

removing cache from get_regular_product_list, and adding a note about what to do instead if need be. This fixes pagination. Added pagination label

applying fix for category-browse-subcategory to this file

    • -6
    • +18
updating products display to fix an offset reference error

    • -1
    • +1
    • -1
    • +1
fixing checkout flow for 1 page checkout of nonshippable items

removed redundant query, added more relevant user info for secondary authentication

fixing shipping price calculation/display bug when using new value-based shipping price adjustment option

adding more upkeep points for auto cache of product files, and more convenient options to bulk update products by vendor

    • -14
    • +16
adding option to automatically cache product pages as html pages for webcrawler activity, and some minor fixes in same files

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
changing encoding of & as %26 to & in url per sitemaps.org

reformating sql, removing 100 item limit that was used for testing