• last updated 23 hours ago
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merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
Some more Tcl cleanup

- use curly brackes to enable byte code compilation

- don't use "[expr ...]" when not needed

- prefer "incr i -1" over "set i [expr {$i - 1}] "

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
Introduced missing ad_library statement. Normalized overall library description.

  1. … 21 more files in changeset.
- fix variable name

- reduce verbosity

- last commit message lacks mentioning:

* allow form names with "dashes" for the standard forms template

* use template_tag_subst_reference mroe consistently

- use more byte-compiled tcl functions in generated adp code

- use "string is true" instead of home-cooked version

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fix template_tag_if_interp_expr to make it work with compound expressions again (such as <if @a@ not nil and @b@ not nil>)

Merging back to HEAD branch oacs-5-8 (using tag vg-merge-oacs-5-8-from-20141027).

  1. … 2547 more files in changeset.
- produce more efficient compiled adp template code (using preferably byte-compiled functions)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- white space change to follow coding conventions

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- use tcl 8.5 lindex features

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- added "@var;literal@" notation: such variables are neither quoted nor localized. This leads to more sane code in case of comparison in .adp files

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- remove "magic" eval construct, since nobody seems to know, what this is for... (see old comment)

produce more efficient code from the adp-compiler (using byte compiled functions, using local vars)

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Normalizing string comparison operations into tcl 8.4 operations, enabling byte-code compilation for expressions and many conditionals

  1. … 367 more files in changeset.
<if XXYYZZ in YY> would return true. this fixes it so the literal string has to be in there

add proc doc to a bunch of procs, declare some things with explicit namespaces rather than in namespace eval, make some public things private

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.
commit to HEAD of merge of changes on oacs-5-1 branch between tags jcd-merge-5-1-20050111 and jcd-merge-5-1-20050224

  1. … 321 more files in changeset.
throw an error if the nil or defined tag is given anything other than a variable

Merge from HEAD fixed to variable regular expressions.

add recognizing array variables like @xx.y.z@ as xx(y.z). Note that the regexps show up in multiple places so any changes to the @ var regexps should be made carefully. In particular if @x@ defined and if @x@ nil handle variables special since they can't be derefrenced

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
add recognizing array variables like @xx.y.z@ as xx(y.z). Note that the regexps show up in multiple places so any changes to the @ var regexps should be made carefully. In particular if @x@ defined and if @x@ nil handle variables special since they can't be derefrenced

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Merged 4.6.4d1 (unreleased) to HEAD. This marks the end of the life of the oacs-4-6 branch.

  1. … 816 more files in changeset.
Added comment about a @foo;noquote@ breaking <if> tags

Make <if foo nil> work without foo being a static string instead of a variable.

last of the templating docstrings that existed.

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

Merged with OpenACS 4.5 beta1 branch.

  1. … 88 more files in changeset.

Applied Tilmann Singer's patch #124 which implements "<if @foo@>" as a

shorthand for the true check.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
patch 140 applied

Oops - I mindlessly copied a patch posted by Stephen Deasy to one of the

openacs.org forums, which of course stripped out the backslash escapes,

causing the patch to bomb.

Grrr ...

Incorporated Stephen Deasy's patch to fix the "elseif" template tag.