• last updated 22 hours ago
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Unify version comparison logics so we always use apm_version_names_compare instead of other db api as apm_package_version__version_name_greater plus handcrafted queries which also might behave slightly differently

    • -8
    • +2
- do not depend on beta or development versions

- make sure that released versions are not beta or development

- align version numbers (e.g. use also 5.9.1 for xotcl-core)

- bump version numbers to 5.9.1

  1. … 83 more files in changeset.
add self-healing code to reduce number of error messages in error cases

fixed typo in comment

try to re-init packages on apm-load to overcome problems with blueprint updates on AOLserver

    • -23
    • +36
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Improve explaination

Fix typo

Point out why these two procs are not currently in use around

don't return "0" for [util::trim_leading_zeros ""]

add compatibility function for AOLserver for ns_md5

add "see also" references to parameter::get and "parameter::get_global_value"

applying a solution for the minor-version upgrade, not requiring larger refactoring

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Setting global var as well in -procs file (debuggin install from repo)

setting global variable in -init proc (actually a last option for upgrades from repository)

Debug "upgrade from repo strangeness": don't skip loading of acs-tcl files

Remove useless quotes

bump version numbers to 5.9.1b9 respectively to 2.9.1b9 to prepare for release

  1. … 91 more files in changeset.
Standardize spellings of names

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- additional subcommand [ad_conn vhost_url] to obtain the url of host-node-mapped subsites

- solve the problem with util_current_directory via [ad_conn vhost_url]

- Make util_current_directory subsite aware

- add [ad_conn behind_proxy_p] and [ad_conn behind_secure_proxy_p] to centralize logic

- use the new function fix [security::get_qualified_url] when running behind a proxy

- Dont add host_node_id to query parameter when it is set to 0

- add [ad_conn ajax_p] to check, whether the request was an ajax requests (assumption: ajax-request sets header-field -Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest")

- extend permission::require_permission to omit redirection of unauthenticaed users to the login page for ajax requests

- Introduce new proc ad_sanitize_filename implementing current best practices for ensuring a valid filename on most filesystems.

- Use it in every place where filename sanitization is performed in the code and deprecate fs::remove_special_file_system_characters.

TODO deprecate also util_text_to_html? Use case of sanitizing urls and filenames might have different requirements.

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Provide more infrastructure support for host-node-maps for more flexible domain handling

- add optional -cookie_domain parameter to the following functions




auth::issue_login (wrapper for ad_user_login)

if not specified, the functions are full backward compatible

- add optional parameter -host_node_id to auth::authenticate

which refers to the node_id in the host-node-map

- pass host_node_id from from/to register pages


1) probably, sec_generate_session_id_cookie picks up the wrong

session_id via [ad_conn session_id]

2) check interaction with CookieDomain (probably, we need

must not pass host_node_id wheren CookieDomain is non-empty)

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- fix bug for obtaining logout_url on host-node mapped subsites

- factor out security::get_register_subsite to streamline behavior of ad_get_login_url and ad_get_logout_url

security::driver: consider additionally nsssl_v4 nsssl_v6 as possible names

Make sure that driver dict d is set in host-node-mapped cases (many thanks to stefan sobernig for pointin that out)

- Refactor ad_get_login_url reduce replicated code and to make semantics clearer

- ad_get_login_url handles now as well cases, where a subsite is mapped to an application package on a subsite

- fix a bug in util_current_location in connection with hostnode map

Fix typo in comment