• last updated 3 hours ago
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remove deprecated-utility-procs (was moved into deprecated-procs.tcl

    • -247
    • +0
Move deprecated procs into deprecated-procs.tcl

add ad_script_abort

add comment

Whitespace changes and improve spelling

whitespace changes

Don't hard-code the SiteNodeCache sizes in the library file and bump version number

Backport from HEAD

Don't hard-code the SiteNodeCache sizes in the library file,

but allow configuration via the config-file.



# Provide tailored sizes for the site node cache in acs-tcl:


ns_section ns/server/${server}/acs/acs-tcl

ns_param SiteNodesCacheSize 2000000

ns_param SiteNodesIdCacheSize 100000

ns_param SiteNodesChildenCacheSize 100000


minor improvements (actually no need for ad_try, if all we do is a dom command)

replace "catch" by "ad_try"

Remove useless "catch" since template::util::is_true will not raise an error

replace "catch" by "ad_try"

Move deprecated procs into deprecated-procs.tcl

Remove "catch {unset var}" idiom by "unset -nocomplain var"

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
make sure to call ad_script_abort after ad_return

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
Add TODO item

Fix typos

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Fix more typos

Fix typos

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Move deprecated commands to a separate file

    • -0
    • +750
extend lost of frequently used Tcl cmds for tracing

Improve error message

Handle Tcl verisons newer than 8.6

Improve documentation

- use "ad_try" instead of "with_catch"

- use "ad_try" instead of "with_finally"

Make reporting of errors more consistent; verbosity can be probably reduced in the future

Improve wording of notice in error log

Add ability to trace commands with full context (using ad_log instead of ns_log)

Fix integration with old-style error handling

Exception handling reform (part 1)

- implement ad_try based on (byte-compiled) Tcl try to make exception

handling more Tcl compliant

- Replace several "catch" operations in request-processor by ad_try

- de-spaghetti "rp_handler" and factor out "rp_handle_request"

- Provide error context in log message in a more uniform way

- handle ds stub-procs in a more uniform way:

provide as well a stub for "ds_init" instead of

wrapping it into a "catch" operation.

- move deprecated procs "ad_return" and "rp_handle_adp_request"

from request-processor-procs to deprecated-utilities-procs.tcl

- bump version number of acs-tcl to 5.10.0d2

    • -1
    • +63
    • -295
    • +263