• last updated 13 hours ago
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- new function to address problem in issue #3312: ad_urlencode_url.

This function can be passed a url with or without a location and makes

sure, that the folder_path is encoded correctly.

- use ad_urlencode_url as well in export_vars

New function ad_urlencode_folder_path to perform an urlencode operation on the segments of the provided folder path

- push coockie encoding to emulation level (naviserver does this natively, the aolserver variant handles it no the low-level functions)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Unify handling of tmp dir checking (see issue #3308)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Fix compatibility with older versions of NaviServer

- new function "util::trim_leading_zeros" to replace "template::util::leadingTrim" or "dt_trim_leading_zeros"

- Make security::locations aware of potentially multiple drivers listening on multiple ports

- use "ns_driver info" when available

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- move test cases from utility procs into regression test

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- use ns_parseurl when available

- provide emulation for ns_parseurl for older versions of NaviServer or AOLserver

- Use get_referrer instead of ad hoc regexp to determine relative URLs.

- Fixed Regex used by "get_referrer -relative", which failed for root URLs

(i.e: http://www.openacs.org/). Thanks to Thomas Renner for the fix.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- use for hex codes 2-digit notation \xHH to make it compatible for tcl8.6

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- show debug data as well for forms

- only get data via [ns_conn content] when it is text/*

- include information about current object and the current class in debug output if available

- adding nonce values to script tags

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
- move deprecated proc lmap (since this conflicts with the built-in function of tcl 8.6) to acs-outdated

- use dicts for default ports

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- add missing expand operator

- fix bug for host-node-mapped subsites: on the (subsite) admin-page

of a host-node-mapped subsites, the link to site-wide-admin should

always point to the main site.

- add new helper function util::configured_location to address the bug

above to return the configured location as configured for the

current network driver. While [util_current_location] honors the

virtual host information of the host header field,

util::configured_location returns the main configured location

(probably the main subsite).

- extend [util_driver_info]

* make the passed-in array name optional and to return always a dict

* include the configured host name in the result (dict/array)

- add cross references via @see to make it easier to switch between

related functions

- bump version number of acs-tcl to 5.9.1d10 and acs-subsite to

5.9.1d7 to address dependencies

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- added new function "util::join_location" as counterpart of

"util::split_location" to use IP-literal notation when necessary

(IPv6). The function can be used in connection with

"util::split_location" to substitute hostnames/ports etc. in full

urls instead of insecure regsub operations.

- function "util::external_url_p":

* don't use "string match" for comparing locations, since this

will fail with IP-literal notation

* no need to compare with encoded name (if needed, on should provide

an option).

- proc get_referrer: add optional flag "-relative" to return the referrer without protocol and host

+CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- add validation against invalid host header fields

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- improve formatting

- split ad_log into two parts; util::request_info returns now the request information as a string, can be used in web-interface as well

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- write content only for POST data

- fix stupid cut&paste bug

- improve error handling of closed connections

- output more detail for errors

- comment on "export_vars" function

- prefer "localurl" over "return_url" as name of page_filter

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
- improve performance of util::external_url_p