• last updated 6 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Modify xql test so that only currently installed packages are examined

Revert massive replacement of empty list creation sentences. The use of '[list]' instead of '{}' adds semantics that could be used for performance improvements in the future, such as using a different internal representation. There is already work in this direction, avoiding the generation of the string representation during comparison of empty strings (huge thanks to Stefan Sobernig for the pointer: https://core.tcl.tk/tcl/info/44527c632ed609c2).

  1. … 475 more files in changeset.
Prefer '{}' to '[list]' when creating empty lists

  1. … 71 more files in changeset.
merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
Standardize spelling of names of products (Tcl, AOLserver, PostgreSQL, NaviServer)

  1. … 43 more files in changeset.
Fix spelling errors

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- prefer ns_quotehtml over ad_quotehtml

  1. … 36 more files in changeset.
- add editor hints to keep spaces/tabs in the furture more consistent

  1. … 754 more files in changeset.
Merging back to HEAD branch oacs-5-8 (using tag vg-merge-oacs-5-8-from-20141027).

  1. … 2547 more files in changeset.
- use $::acs::rootdir rather than [acs_root_dir] or [get_server_root]

  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
- flatten nested "lindex" structures

- merge multiple "lappend" operations

- use "lassign" instead of multiple "lindex" operations

- improve performance util_convert_line_breaks_to_html by reducing

number of regsub operations and more precise regular expressions

- use numeric comparison operator for truth value comparisons

- use "lassign" instead of multiple "lindex" operations

- reduce number of remaining "string equal" operations

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
Merged oacs-5-6 to HEAD. HEAD now installs and passes all core tests. There

may still be some lingering problems due to my screwing up the oacs-5-6

branch earlier, I'll be looking into this later.

  1. … 214 more files in changeset.
- fix test files__tcl_file_common_errors

- report errors as such in aa-test (wrote warnings into error log, this was ignored since ages)

- fixed naming in acs-tcl, acs-mail-lite and acs-subsite

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
remove old debug statement

Normalizing string comparison operations into tcl 8.4 operations, enabling byte-code compilation for expressions and many conditionals

  1. … 367 more files in changeset.
First round of oacs-5-3 merge to HEAD commits

  1. … 96 more files in changeset.
Made the upgrade ordering check ignore files that are just under the

package key in sql or upgrade directories. These are old upgrade files

(acs 3 -> acs 4, for instance) that don't follow the APM numbering

scheme (in many cases they were meant to be run manually).

comment some code, check for limit :bind which breaks pg7.3

add proc doc to a bunch of procs, declare some things with explicit namespaces rather than in namespace eval, make some public things private

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.
tweak documentation

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
adds test for acs_object_type internal consistency, proc documentation, xql files, named constraints, acs_attributes internal consistency

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
add a test to check the validity of all the xql files. break out the file scan tests into a seperate file

    • -0
    • +297
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.