• last updated 7 hours ago
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improve robustness

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Ignore also class definitions in the ignored namespaces

Ignore the ::nsshell namespace: this is a NaviServer module, hence outside the OpenACS source tree

Consider @see annotations as sufficient documentation

Make test more precise: some procs have just a newline in their doc instead of meaningful documentation...

Fix typo

use icanuse "ns_parsehtml" and new interface

added test for checking documentation in regard of valid HTML markup

extend test cases

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
ease tracking of warnings of check_deprecated test

This change actually needs the newest api-doc, but we can't add the cyclic dependency

switch to new lintian typo dictionary, adapted to the new format

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
stick to the original names with the "-" since this is also the naming convention outside of OpenACS (e.g. "scram-sha-256")

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
In acs-tcl.documentation__check_proc_doc automated test, if the test fails on procs that belong to namespaces outside the OpenACS codebase, just issue a warning rather than failing

reduce verbosity

Added support for trailing non-positional arguments

The change makes the old hack with the own trailing-argument-parser

"ad_arg_parser" obsolete by using directly the c-level argument parser

which is anyhow capable of handling trailing arguments. A few changes

were necessary for api doc to handle there trailing arguments as well.

The proc "db_string" is already converted to use native arguments.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
make listing of tested procs more complete

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
make code slightly more regular

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
make end of options explicit

  1. … 42 more files in changeset.
Exclude deprecated procs from the test

Add an exception for the 'berkdb' command, defined in the global namespace by the Berkeley DB Tcl extension, to the 'naming__proc_naming testcase'

Add exceptions for some commands defined in the global namespace by the 'Trf' Tcl extension to the 'naming__proc_naming testcase'

Add xml-rpc system.* methods as exceptions in the naming__proc_naming test.

The xml-rpc package defines procs of the form system.*, that not only pollute the root namespace, but also contain the '.' character, which is not allowed by OpenACS naming standards.

The package is designed in a way that XML-RPC methods are implemented as 'ad_procs' of the same name (see package doc), and the system.* methods are standard XML-RPC methods (see XML-RPC spec). One could also expect current users of the package to have their own local 'whatever.verb' methods/ad_procs in the root namespace as well. Until future refactoring of the package to decouple XML-RPC method and proc names is done, this exception is added.

Add an exception for the operators implemented as procs in the context of the functional programming logic, on 'acs-tcl/tcl/ad-functional-procs.tcl', to the 'naming__proc_naming' test case. While some of them have names that are not compliant with OpenACS naming conventions, like '-' or '/', replacing them with other symbols is non-trivial and could make things more confusing

Add an exception for the 'dom' proc, defined in tDom, to the 'naming__proc_naming' test case

Add an exception for procs defined inside ns/aolserver modules, such as h264*, on the 'naming__proc_naming' test case

Check the namespace as well in the 'naming__proc_naming' testcase

added test to check, if names of Tcl procsfollow the naming guidelines of OpenACS

Remove the acs-tcl testcase 'documentation__check_proc_testcase', as it provides information already covered by the new 'acs-automated-testing/www/admin/proc-coverage' page and the '::aa::coverage::*' procs

Move xowiki tests in the xowiki package

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extend regression test to cover webcallable funcitons