• last updated 21 mins ago
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fixing bug 1060 and resorting to using a new proc install_page_contract instead of ad_page_contract. This is much more robust as we can't assume that we have full access to the OpenACS Tcl APIs in the beginning of OpenACS installation. Making sure mandatory parameters are properly marked up as such in the UI.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Link to site-wide admin page instead of front page of new site after installation

adding loading of all message catalogs at the end of OpenACS bootstrap install. That way when the server comes up after restart all message keys are available immediately for init scripts etc.

correcting the page title on the install page

fixing the page header of install page. Defaulting all system emails to admin email

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
adding check that install page is only executed once. Added link to the homepage at the bottom

changing the OpenACS installation so that now, you fill in all system configuration on one form up-front, click install, and everything installs, the server restarts, and you're ready to go

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.