• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- add redirect to object browser in case an object is passed to proc-view

- add method label for forwarders

- use on one more place ad_return_complaint

    • -2
    • +8
- fix variable name

- improve portrait bits to provide cached scaling and caching

- bump version number

- improve robustness of upgrade script

- new function "ad_exception" to check, if an exception was raised be OpenACS

    • -2
    • +2
- support ad_complain in xowiki for invalid values

- bump version number to 5.9.1d2

    • -2
    • +3
    • -13
    • +45
    • -6
    • +17
- improve escaping for message keys in documentation

- replaced api-doc interface for forwarders (__api_make_forward_doc)

by ame interface used everywhere else (update_method_doc)

- fix a fk bug in old installations: it seems that the constraints were renamed ages ago, and since this time the ON DELETE CASCADE constraints are missing.

file upgrade-5.9.0-5.9.1d1.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

- output just one configuration parmeter per line

- improve layout of documented configuration parameters

- use @param for documenting parmeters (rather than manual HTML layout)

- improve robustness with oder versions of nsf

- improve class, object and method browser (in collaboration

with acs-api-browser)

- improve xotcl2/nx support (e.g. obtain OpenACS doc-strings

from object, class and method definitions)

- suport for debugging methods from api-doc interface (with

an appropriate nsf version)

- rename xotcl::api to xo::api (same namespace as other OpenACS

specific xotcl stupport functions)

- state clearly that xotcl 2.0 is required

- improve xotcl2/nx support

- remove legacy code

- bump version to 0.142, update dependencies

    • -230
    • +513
    • -104
    • +102
    • -133
    • +140
- improve backwards compatibility

- improve backwards compatibility

- improve backward compatibility

- add "protection" element instread of public_p or private_p

- replace table-based layout by div-based layout

- remove empty sections to improve layout and HTML validty

(e.g. empty blockquotes)

- improve configuratbility of api_proc_pretty_name

- prepare for improved XOTcl 2 handling and improved debug support

(e.g. private/protected/public)

- bump version number to 5.9.1d1

- rename all xowiki methods called via url to www-OLDNAME.

This makes it clear that these pages can call

ns_return, ns_returnredirect, or ad_script_abort, etc.

- bump version numbers to 5.9.1d1

    • -3
    • +3
- bump version numbers to 5.9.1d1

    • -3
    • +3
- rename all xowiki methods called via url to www-OLDNAME.

This makes it clear that these pages can call

ns_return, ns_returnredirect, or ad_script_abort, etc.

- don't raise an error, when a web-called method stops with ad_script_abort

- bump version numbers to 5.9.1d1

    • -24
    • +29
    • -4
    • +4
- fetch xql in dml call, when no sql is provided

New feature for http client API:

util::http::basic_auth - BASIC authentication

util::http::cookie_auth - Generical cookie based authentication. This proc allows issuing authenticated calls to an OpenACS instance and other sistems using this kind of method

Now all util::http calls won't return an error when max redir depth is reached, but just the result at the page we visited as last (including cookies).

    • -0
    • +172
    • -111
    • +441
file html-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

    • -0
    • +0
- (backport from oacs-5-9): rewrite update script based on a recursive query to avoid potential conflicts due to different orders of script execution, when e.g. acs_objects.tree_sortkey was already dropped.

- rewrite update script based on a recursive query to avoid potential conflicts due to different orders of script execution, when e.g. acs_objects.tree_sortkey was already dropped.