• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
display of the mini-calendar was broken in month view for january (target_date was not set before it tried to construct a link using it)

Removing <center> tag, now also on oacs-5-1 branch

    • -3
    • +1
fix the back one week link for the non-portal week view

Fixed the bug with navbar no longer defaulting to showing the first tab as being selected

Removed non-sensical HURGA word

Fixed schedule portlet breakage

Fixed so it works with lars-blogger on 5.1 branch, which no longer has posted_date column

Show bio/portrait icon for members portlet

Fixed missing @ sign in the inline_portrait_state if statement

Fixed the new form so it again accepts a default name for the new forum -- used by dotlrn

    • -1
    • +6
Fixed context bar

Merged over changes from dotlrn-2-0 branch

Added icon to show if user has portrait or bio

Added profile icon

file profile-16.png was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

    • binary
Recreate file_storage__new_root_folder on upgrade.

file upgrade-5.1.0d3-5.1.0.d4.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Use acs_user::get_element instead of special query just to get the email for a user

Changed to user acs_users_all instead of registered_users view; the registered_users view is really slow for large users tables

Proper names for postgresql files in assessment.

Paraemterized the Intermedia scripts

commit for Alvaro Rayon on assessment

Fixed display of title when making comments on projects

Added very minor comment to proc definition

Hide unused dependency types in process task creation page. Also now correctly brings in description from processes.

Minor Typo

QTI Multiple image files don't have choice names, so name can be null.

Making downloading of zip archives of file storage folders work on solaris: Changing ArchiveCommand parameter default value to use gzip instead of the z argument to tar which is not supported in Solaris

bug 1266 - removing link from the list of non-member groups

Change file size display to use kb instead of bytes