• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Removed Ajax as it was causing trouble

Fixed some minor bugs

Fixed some minor bugs

file upgrade-5.4.0d4-5.4.0d5.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-4.

Completed NIma's patch.

handle header-stuff from includelets in slide-mode

    • -17
    • +14
fill in actual values in read-only forms

    • -3
    • +5
Added upgrade for missing cascade part for site_node_object_mappings

Inserted missing missing cascade part

Inserted missing proc for sending member email in community

Set master back to dotlrn-master-custom, since switching to the selva theme,

at least, works a bit better now. Sloan could be made to work w/o much

effort either, I believe.

    • -1
    • +1
Fixed Selva CSS to more or less work with current ("zen-ified") dotlrn.

Somehow rolling back malte's stuff missed this file, and I hadn't noticed

5.4.0 ChangeLog

    • -919
    • +41990
5.4.0 docs

  1. … 149 more files in changeset.
Fixed typo (misspelling)

More release note changes

Bumped version numbers to 5.4.0

    • -5
    • +5
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
Added pointer to template::head

Bumped version number in the file

HTML Strict cleanup

Don't put out row in the HTML tag, it's not an attribute

HTML Strict cleanup

HTML Strict cleanup

HTML Strict cleanup

HTML Strict cleanup

HTML strict cleanup

Type attribute of the style tag was rendered twice

Put "<div>" around hidden elements put out by the formtemplate tag when a custom

template layout rather than a style template is used and that custom template

layout doesn't put out the hidden elements manually.

Creating privilege annotate in case it's not created.