• last updated 12 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
Fix parameter names in proc doc

Whitespace changes

Fix parameter name in proc doc and add brief descriptions

Harmonize parameter names in proc documentation removing unexistent ones

Whitespace cleanup

Harmonize parameter names in proc documentation removing unexistent ones

Fix parameter name in proc doc and add brief descriptions

Fix parameter name in proc doc

Harmonize parameter names in proc documentation removing unexistent ones

Whitespace changes

Fix parameter names and descriptions in proc doc

Fix misleading and uncoherent 'apm_data_model_scripts_find' proc documentation

Fix parameter names in proc doc

Whitespace changeds

    • -106
    • +106
    • -261
    • +261
Harmonize parameter names in proc documentation removing unnecessary hyphens

Fix parameter name

Allow square brackets in proc doc. In particular, this fixed a false positive with [doc_string] in 'ad_proc'

Improve 'args' check in 'documentation__check_parameters' test case by using the built-in 'varargs_p' variable.

Sanitize date stings for parsability with clock scan and allow HTTPS requests using 'util::http::post' (many thanks to Markus Moser).

    • -33
    • +7
Add 'args' parameter to the real parameter list of the 'documentation__check_parameters', as it is not included into 'switches' or 'positionals'.

Use 'apm_get_package_files -file_types' instead of filtering the 'www' and 'lib' directories manually.

Take care of '_p' boolean parameters when checking for discrepancies between real and documented proc parameters.

- add the detail-link only when necessary

- include the email address properly

Overhaul of test cases:

- make tested API calls explict

- reduce dependency on twt

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Add call graph information based on static analysis to API doc. This information

is computed on a best-effor bases and not necessarily complete, since static analysis

of a dyamic language is limited; furthermore, direct calls from web pages are not included

for activation, see tcl/api-doc-init.tcl

    • -0
    • +24
Fix parameter name in proc documentation

Whitespace changes

Fix misleading and uncoherent 'ad_dispatch' proc documentation, discovered using the 'documentation__check_parameters' test.

don't leak user_ids from regression test case

make tested API calls explicit