ad_page_contract { This page accepts an object_id and uses the FtsContentProvider url method for the content type of that item to redirect to the page to display the object. @author Jeff Davis @creation-date 2003-12-29 @cvs-id $Id: o.vuh,v 1.6 2010/10/22 14:31:14 raulm Exp $ } {} if {![regexp {^/([0-9]+)(-(.+))?$} [ad_conn path_info] match object_id dummy anchor]} { ad_return_warning "Invalid object id" [subst { The identifier given for this object is invalid. Please check your url or contact the webmaster if you think it should work. }] return } if {![empty_string_p $anchor]} { set anchor "#$anchor" } if {![ db_0or1row object_data { select o.object_type, o.title, o.package_id from acs_objects o where o.object_id = :object_id }]} { ns_returnnotfound return } # Users are handled as a special case since we want to preserve the subsite # we are loading from... if {[string eq $object_type user]} { ad_returnredirect [acs_community_member_url -user_id $object_id] ad_script_abort } if {[string eq $object_type content_item]} { db_0or1row object_data { select o.object_type, o.object_id, o.package_id from acs_objects o, cr_items i where i.item_id = :object_id and o.object_id = coalesce(i.live_revision, i.latest_revision, i.item_id) } if {[string eq $object_type content_item]} { # punt, assume file storage extlink for now # JCDXXX TODO: figure out what to do... ad_returnredirect [apm_package_url_from_id $package_id]simple?object_id=$object_id&todo=fixthis } } if {![info exists object_type]} { ad_return_warning "Invalid object ID" [subst { The object ID $object_id doesn't exist.
We are sorry for this inconvenience. }] return } # Try to retrieve the page url using a callback that makes use of upvar set page_url [lindex [callback -catch -impl $object_type subsite::url -object_id $object_id -package_id $package_id -type "display"] 0] # If this did not work, try again with the Service contract if {[empty_string_p $page_url]} { set page_url [acs_sc::invoke -contract FtsContentProvider -operation url -impl $object_type -call_args [list $object_id]] } if {![empty_string_p $page_url]} { ad_returnredirect $page_url$anchor } else { ad_return_warning "Invalid object ID" [subst {
The object ID $object_id is a $object_type but getting it's real url failed.
We are sorry for this inconvenience.
}] }