select 1
from dual
where exists (select 1
from application_groups
where package_id = :package_id)
select instance_name
from apm_packages
where package_id = :package_id
select m.group_id as supersite_group_id, p.instance_name as supersite_name
from application_groups m, apm_packages p, site_nodes s1, site_nodes s2
where s1.node_id = :node_id
and s2.node_id = s1.parent_id
and p.package_id = s2.object_id
and m.package_id = :subsite_id
select count(*)
from site_nodes
where parent_id = :node_id
and name = :instance_name
select pretty_name from acs_object_types
where object_type = :object_type
select host
from host_node_map
where node_id = :node_id
and host = :search_vhost
select name, key
from subsite_themes
insert into subsite_themes
(key, name, template, css, form_template, list_template, list_filter_template)
(:key, :name, :template, :css, :form_template, :list_template, :list_filter_template)
delete from subsite_themes
where key = :key
select *
from subsite_themes
where key = :theme
select pretty_name, package_key
from apm_package_types
where implements_subsite_p = 't'
order by pretty_name