OpenACS and .LRN automated install and test scripts

*** Prerequisites in brief
oracle or postgresql
For oracle a tablespace with same name as db user must exist
user named service0
root access to server

see /packages/acs-core-docs/www/index.html for more documentation
about installing OpenACS and its prerequisites

*** Quick Guide

edit install.tcl
su -

By default, this will 
  1) stop any OpenACS service supervised at /var/lib/svscan/service0
  2) drop the database service0 if it exists
  3) create a CVS HEAD checkout of OpenACS at 
  4) create the database service0
  5) install OpenACS, including configuring the web-driven pages, to

The script can also be used to perform a full .LRN test
data setup, or to only perform a cvs checkout, or only recreate the
database. Invoke --help to see command line switches.

*** Prerequisites in full

1) If you already have a server running that is to be recreated - move
away and save any local changes (patches) that you have made to the
source code. If the do_checkout parameter is set to true the whole
source code tree of the server will be moved away to temporary storage
and deleted on the next recreation. Any patches that you want to apply
on recreation should be executed by a script specified in the config
file (see below) as post_checkout_script. This script will be executed
after checkout is completed. If you keep AOLserver config file and log
files under the server root dir you might want to save them before the
checkout with the pre_checkout_script (specify path in config file),
otherwise any changes to the AOLServer config file will be lost as the
whole server tree is moved away for a new checkout from CVS.

2) A tablespace must exist with the same name as the oracle user of
the server. The oracle recreate script uses statements from Make sure you
are not connected to the database user that the server uses
so that that user can be dropped (i.e. log out of any sqlplus or
psql sessions you might have).

3) Use the config template install.tcl to create
   a server specific installation config file. Per default
   will use the file install.tcl in the same directory but you can specify
   any config file on the command line with the switch --config-file.

4) Make sure an AOLServer config file is prepared.  You can use
/etc/config.tcl as a template.

5) The server you are to create/recreate must be under supervise
(i.e. ln -s /web/dotlrn-test /service/dotlrn-test).

6) Make sure you have root access since you must run
as root.

7) Fetch a fresh checkout from CVS of TclWebTest (see and specify the directory the
tclwebtest executable resides in in your install.tcl file.

*** FAQ

Q: How do I copy files into the source tree after checkout, but before install?
A: You can specify