<?xml version="1.0"?> <queryset> <fullquery name="permission_info"> <querytext> select b.bug_id from bt_bugs b where b.bug_number = :bug_number and b.project_id = :package_id </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="select_resolve_role"> <querytext> select a.assigned_role from workflow_actions a, workflow_fsm_action_en_in_st aeis where a.action_id = aeis.action_id and aeis.state_id = :initial_state and a.workflow_id = :workflow_id and a.assigned_role is not null </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="filter_bug_numbers"> <querytext> select b.bug_number from $from_bug_clause, workflow_cases cas left outer join (select rpm.case_id, p.party_id, p.email, acs_object__name(p.party_id) as name from workflow_case_role_party_map rpm, parties p where rpm.role_id = :action_role and p.party_id = rpm.party_id ) assignee on (cas.case_id = assignee.case_id), workflow_case_fsm cfsm, workflow_fsm_states st where cas.workflow_id = :workflow_id and cas.object_id = b.bug_id and cfsm.case_id = cas.case_id and st.state_id = cfsm.current_state and [join $where_clauses " and "] order by $order_by_clause </querytext> </fullquery> </queryset>