@title;noquote@ @graphic@ @graphic_width@
@form_vars;noquote@ @dc_export;noquote@
 Please fill out the following e-mail form to apply
Your Application
My contact data
Email of my Line Manager
My professional background can be described as follows:
Role / Function
Please select your areas of expertise - Hold 'ctrl' key and click to select multiple entries
If 'Other' please specify
Working Area
Please describe your professional tasks and responsibilities of the previous years
Language skills
Please indicate your capability
Native language: 
Second language:    proficiency:   
Third language:    proficiency:   
Other language skills
Please also specify your level of fluency
I am available from:
Interests & Experiences
Please describe your strengths
If leadership is required in the demand
Intercultural experience
If intercultural experience is required in the demand
Personal comments
Commercial conditions or contact person for this application
If you cannot give information about the commercial conditions, please give the email address of the responsible person.
Feel free to attach more information to your application, e.g. your CV or relevant documents
Size    Filename    
@attachments.size@ Bytes  @attachments.filename@  
"I hereby confirm that I have consulted my direct line manager about the possible transfer. He agrees with this application."