[comment {-*- tcl -*- manpage fragment for forward method, shared by nx::Object and nx::Class}] [keywords "value checker"] [keywords "forward method"] [call [arg [vset CMD]] [opt "public | protected | private"] [const [vset SCOPE]] [method forward] [arg methodName] [opt [option "-default [arg value]"]] [opt [option "-methodprefix [arg prefixName]"]] [opt [option "-frame object"]] [opt [option "-onerror [arg cmdName]"]] [opt [option "-returns [arg valueChecker]"]] [opt [option "-verbose"]] [arg arg] [opt "[arg arg] ..."]] Define a [term "forward method"] for the given [vset SCOPE]. The definition of a [term "forward method"] registers a predefined, but changeable list of forwarder arguments under the (forwarder) name [arg methodName]. Upon calling the [term "forward method"], the forwarder arguments are evaluated as a Tcl command call. That is, the first argument [arg arg] is interpreted as a Tcl command (e.g., a Tcl [cmd proc] or an object) and the remainder of the forwarder arguments as arguments passed into this command. The actual method arguments to the invocation of the [term "forward method"] itself are appended to the list of forwarder arguments. [para] As for a regular [method "[vset SCOPE] method"], [option "-returns"] allows for setting a [term "value checker"] on the values returned by the resulting Tcl command call. When passing [const object] to [option "-frame"], the resulting Tcl command is evaluated in the context of the object receiving the [term "forward method"] call. [option "-onerror"] sets a Tcl command [arg cmdName] which is called as the handler for errors caught during evaluating the resulting Tcl command. [para] The list of forwarder arguments [arg arg] can contain as its elements a mix of literal values and placeholder values. Placeholders are prefixed with a percent symbol (%) and substituted for concrete values upon calling the [term "forward method"]. These placeholders allow for constructing and for manipulating the list of forwarder arguments on the fly: [list_begin itemized] [item] [const %method] becomes substituted for the name of the [term "forward method"], i.e. [arg methodName]. [item] [const %self] becomes substituted for the name of the object receiving the call of the [term "forward method"]. [item] [const %1] becomes substituted for the first method argument passed to the call of [term "forward method"]. [item] {[const %@][arg index] [arg value]} becomes substituted for the specified [arg value] at position [arg index] in the forwarder-arguments list, with [arg index] being either a positive integer, a negative integer, or the literal value [const end] (such as in Tcl's [cmd lindex]). Positive integers specify a list position relative to the list head, negative integers give a position relative to the list tail. Indexes for positioning placeholders in the definition of a [term "forward method"] are evaluated from left to right and should be used in ascending order. [para] Note that [arg value] can be a literal or any of the placeholders (e.g., [const %method], [const %self]). An exception are position prefixes themselves which are evaluated according to the [const %][arg cmdName]-rule (see below). [item] {[const %argclindex] [arg list]} becomes substituted for the [emph n]th element of the provided [arg list] , with [emph n] corresponding to the number of method arguments passed to the [term "forward method"] call. [item] [const %%] is substituted for a single literal percent (%) symbol. [item] [const %][arg cmdName] is substituted for the value returned from executing the Tcl command [arg cmdName]. To pass arguments to [arg cmdName], the placeholder should be wrapped into a Tcl [cmd list]: {[const %][arg cmdName] [opt "[arg arg] ..."]}. [para] Consider using fully-qualified Tcl command names for [arg cmdName] to avoid possible name conflicts with the predefined placeholders, e.g., [const %self] vs. %[cmd ::nx::self]. [list_end] [para] [comment { # @parameter -default Is used for default method names (only # in connection with %1) # @parameter -methodprefix Prepends the specified prefix to the second # argument of the invocation. }] [para] To inspect and to debug the substitutions performed by the above placeholder values, setting the [term "switch"] [option "-verbose"] will have the resulting Tcl command (i.e., after substitution) printed to [const stdout] upon calling the [term "forward method"]. [comment {# # @parameter method The name of the delegating or forwarder method # @parameter -objframe Causes the target to be evaluated in # the scope of the object. # @parameter -onerror Register an error handler # @parameter -returns Provide an out parameter # specification, used to check the # return value of the forward dispatch. # @parameter -verbose Print the substituted command string to stderr # before performing the command # execution. For debugging purposes. }]