Album Description
Album Story
Album Name
An error occurred while processing your input. Please let the system owner know about this.
An error occurred while processing your input. Please let the system owner know about this.
Choose New Folder for Album
Choose New Folder for Folder
Choose a Photo to Upload
Choose a tar or zip file to upload
Clipboard name
Create a New Album
Create New Folder
Delete Folder
Delete Photo
Edit Album Attributes
Edit Folder Attributes
Edit Photo Attributes
Edit page $page
Edit page $page
Either there is already an album with the name \"$name\"
or you clicked on the button more than once. You can <a href=\"index?parent_id=$parent_id\">
return to the directory listing</a> to see if your album is there.
Either there is already an album in the specified folder with the name \"$folder_name\" or you clicked on the button more than once. You can <a href=\"?folder_id=$new_folder_id\">return to the new folder</a> to see if your album is there.
Either there is already a folder with the name \"$name\"
or you clicked on the button more than once. You can <a href=\"index?parent_id=$parent_id\">
return to the directory listing</a> to see if your folder is there.
Either there is already an folder in the specified folder with the name \"$folder_name\" or you clicked on the button more than once. You can <a href=\"?folder_id=$new_folder_id\">return to the new folder</a> to see if your folder is there.
Either there is already a photo in the specified album with the name \"$filename\" or you clicked on the button more than once. You can <a href=\"album?album_id=$new_album_id\">return to the new album</a> to see if your photo is there.
Folder Name
Folder Description
For show this photo <a href=photo-edit?photo_id=$photo_id>edit the attributes</a> an uncheck the option hide
Full Size Image
Hide the image html source
Modify this package's parameters
Move Album
Move Folder
Move photo to album:
No Access. The Administrator of this sub-site has restricted access base photos.
Or choose a server directory to upload
Photo Description
photo not found
Photo Story
Photo not found or photo is hidden
Please select album
Show the image html source for copy&paste
The specified parent folder is not valid.
the directory must exist on server and be readable by the server process
The specified album is not valid.
The specified photo is not valid.
The specified folder is not valid.
The specified album is not valid.
The parameter AcceptableUploadMIMETypes is not satisfied
The parameter ConverttoJpgorPng is not in automatic mode
This photo couldn't be showed because :
Upload photos
Use the \"Browse...\" button find a file
Use the \"Browse...\" button to locate your file, then click \"Open\"
We got an error that we couldn't readily identify. Please let the system owner know about this.
We got an error that we couldn't readily identify. Please let the system owner know about this.
Yes, Delete It
You must provide a non-empty name for the clipboard
You may not delete the root folder.
You may not move the root folder.
You can click <a href=album?album_id=$old_album_id> here </a> to view all photos of the album
Add a new album
Add a new folder
Album Name
"Clipboard add/edit"
Create a New Album
Create a New Folder
delete clipboard
Delete this album
Delete this folder
Delete this photo
Edit page
Edit the Album:
Edit the Folder:
Edit these photos
log in
Add a collection of photos to this album
Add a single photo to this album
and add them to a clipboard to use
this part of the site.
Are you sure you want to delete the album "%title%"? This action cannot be reversed.
Are you sure you want to delete the folder "%title%"? This action cannot be reversed.
Are you sure you want to delete the photo "%title%"? This action cannot be undone.
Click on the small photos to see a bigger
version, the numbers to see different pages, or the Next or Previous
page links to move back and forth. You can also pick photos for
printing or emailing on the individual photo display page.
( photos)
Description: %description%
Edit album attributes
Edit folder information
Edit photo attributes
printing from a
Image removed from clipboard.
Image saved to clipboard.
Image thumbnail index
Image thumbnail index
in order to manage clipboards.
Make this photo the cover photo for this album
Modify album permissions
Modify this album's permissions
Modify this folder's permissions
Move album to another folder
Move Album to new folder:
Move folder to new folder:
Move this album to another folder
Move this folder to another folder
No photos in the clipboard.
OPTIONAL, Displayed on the thumbnail page
OPTIONAL, Displayed when viewing the photo
Photo Album System : %title%
Save this photo to print or view later
Save this photo to print or view later. Place in folder
Taken: %child_photo.datetaken% %child_photo.camera_model% %child_photo.focal_length%mm %child_photo.aperture%
There are no items in this folder.
This album does not contain anything.
This photo clipped to:
To order prints of these photos you will first need to add them
to a clipboard (you can do this when viewing an individual
photo). Once they are in a clipboard you can send them off to
Upload a Photo collection
View all of your clipboards
View all your clipboards
You do not currently have any clipboards defined. You will
need to browse the
Your text updates have been made and any rotations are
currently being processed...
Modify this package's parameters
Name: %title%
Photo clipboard
Smaller image
Story: %story%
Upload a Photo
You will have to
Your clipboards