# $Id: predefined.xotcl,v 1.16 2007/09/05 19:09:22 neumann Exp $ # provide the standard command set for ::xotcl::Object foreach cmd [info command ::xotcl::Object::instcmd::*] { ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Object [namespace tail $cmd] $cmd } # provide some Tcl-commands as methods for Objects foreach cmd {array append eval incr lappend trace subst unset} { ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Object $cmd -objscope ::$cmd } # provide the standard command set for ::xotcl::Class foreach cmd [info command ::xotcl::Class::instcmd::*] { ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Class [namespace tail $cmd] $cmd } unset cmd # init must exist on Object. per default it is empty. ::xotcl::Object instproc init args {} # documentation stub object -> just ignore # all documentations if xoDoc is not loaded ::xotcl::Object create ::xotcl::@ ::xotcl::@ proc unknown args {} proc ::xotcl::myproc {args} {linsert $args 0 [::xotcl::self]} proc ::xotcl::myvar {var} {::xotcl::my requireNamespace; return [::xotcl::self]::$var} namespace eval ::xotcl { namespace export @ myproc myvar Attribute} ######################## # Parameter definitions ######################## ::xotcl::setrelation ::xotcl::Class::Parameter superclass ::xotcl::Class ::xotcl::Class::Parameter instproc mkParameter {obj name args} { #puts "[::xotcl::self proc] $obj $name <$args>" if {[$obj exists $name]} { eval [$obj set $name] configure $args } else { $obj set $name [eval ::xotcl::my new -childof $obj $args] } } ::xotcl::Class::Parameter instproc getParameter {obj name args} { #puts "[::xotcl::self proc] $obj $name <$args>" [$obj set $name] } ::xotcl::Class::Parameter proc Class {param args} { #puts "*** [::xotcl::self] parameter: [::xotcl::self proc] '$param' <$args>" ::xotcl::my set access [lindex $param 0] ::xotcl::my set setter mkParameter ::xotcl::my set getter getParameter ::xotcl::my set extra {[::xotcl::self]} ::xotcl::my set defaultParam [lrange $param 1 end] } ::xotcl::Class::Parameter proc default {val} { [::xotcl::my set cl] set __defaults([::xotcl::my set name]) $val } ::xotcl::Class::Parameter proc setter x { ::xotcl::my set setter $x } ::xotcl::Class::Parameter proc getter x { ::xotcl::my set getter $x } ::xotcl::Class::Parameter proc access obj { ::xotcl::my set access $obj ::xotcl::my set extra \[::xotcl::self\] foreach v [$obj info vars] {::xotcl::my set $v [$obj set $v]} } ::xotcl::Class::Parameter proc values {param args} { set cl [::xotcl::my set cl] set ci [$cl info instinvar] set valueTest {} foreach a $args { ::lappend valueTest "\[\$cl set $param\] == [list $a]" } ::lappend ci [join $valueTest " || "] $cl instinvar $ci } ################## # Slot definitions ################## # bootstrap code; we cannot use -parameter yet ::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::MetaSlot ::xotcl::setrelation ::xotcl::MetaSlot superclass ::xotcl::Class ::xotcl::MetaSlot instproc new args { set slotobject [self callingobject]::slot if {![my isobject $slotobject]} {Object create $slotobject} #namespace eval [self]::slot $cmds #puts "metaslot $args // [namespace current] // [self callingobject]" eval next -childof $slotobject $args } ::xotcl::MetaSlot create ::xotcl::Slot -array set __defaults { name "[namespace tail [::xotcl::self]]" domain "[lindex [regexp -inline {^(.*)::slot::[^:]+$} [::xotcl::self]] 1]" defaultmethods {get assign} manager "[::xotcl::self]" multivalued false per-object false } foreach p {name domain defaultmethods manager default multivalued type per-object initcmd valuecmd valuechangedcmd} { ::xotcl::Slot instparametercmd $p } unset p ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Slot get ::xotcl::setinstvar ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Slot assign ::xotcl::setinstvar ::xotcl::Slot instproc add {obj prop value {pos 0}} { if {![my multivalued]} { error "Property $prop of [my domain]->$obj ist not multivalued" } if {[$obj exists $prop]} { $obj set $prop [linsert [$obj set $prop] $pos $value] } else { $obj set $prop [list $value] } } ::xotcl::Slot instproc delete {-nocomplain:switch obj prop value} { set old [$obj set $prop] set p [lsearch -glob $old $value] if {$p>-1} {$obj set $prop [lreplace $old $p $p]} else { error "$value is not a $prop of $obj (valid are: $old)" } } ::xotcl::Slot instproc unknown {method args} { set methods [list] foreach m [my info methods] { if {[::xotcl::Object info methods $m] ne ""} continue if {[string match __* $m]} continue lappend methods $m } error "Method '$method' unknown for slot [self]; valid are: {[lsort $methods]]}" } ::xotcl::Slot instproc init {} { my instvar name domain manager set forwarder [expr {[my per-object] ? "forward" : "instforward"}] #puts "domain=$domain /[self callingobject]/[my info parent]" if {$domain eq ""} { set domain [self callingobject] } $domain $forwarder $name -default [$manager defaultmethods] $manager %1 %self %proc } # # InfoSlot # ::xotcl::MetaSlot create ::xotcl::InfoSlot -array set __defaults { multivalued true } ::xotcl::setrelation ::xotcl::InfoSlot superclass ::xotcl::Slot ::xotcl::InfoSlot instproc get {obj prop} {$obj info $prop} ::xotcl::InfoSlot instproc add {obj prop value {pos 0}} { if {![my multivalued]} { error "Property $prop of [my domain]->$obj ist not multivalued" } $obj $prop [linsert [$obj info $prop] $pos $value] } ::xotcl::InfoSlot instproc delete {-nocomplain:switch obj prop value} { set old [$obj info $prop] set p [lsearch -glob $old $value] if {$p>-1} {$obj $prop [lreplace $old $p $p]} else { error "$value is not a $prop of $obj (valid are: $old)" } } # # InterceptorSlot # ::xotcl::MetaSlot create ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot ::xotcl::setrelation ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot superclass ::xotcl::InfoSlot ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot set ::xotcl::setrelation ;# for backwards compatibility ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot assign ::xotcl::setrelation ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot instproc add {obj prop value {pos 0}} { if {![my multivalued]} { error "Property $prop of [my domain]->$obj ist not multivalued" } $obj $prop [linsert [$obj info $prop -guards] $pos $value] } ###################### # system slots ###################### namespace eval ::xotcl::Class::slot {} namespace eval ::xotcl::Object::slot {} ::xotcl::InfoSlot create ::xotcl::Class::slot::superclass ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Class::slot::superclass assign ::xotcl::setrelation ::xotcl::InfoSlot create ::xotcl::Object::slot::class ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Object::slot::class assign ::xotcl::setrelation ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot create ::xotcl::Object::slot::mixin ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot create ::xotcl::Object::slot::filter ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot create ::xotcl::Class::slot::instmixin ::xotcl::InterceptorSlot create ::xotcl::Class::slot::instfilter # # Attribute # ::xotcl::MetaSlot create ::xotcl::Attribute -superclass ::xotcl::Slot foreach p {default value_check initcmd valuecmd valuechangedcmd} { ::xotcl::Attribute instparametercmd $p } unset p ::xotcl::Attribute array set __defaults { value_check once } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc __default_from_cmd {obj cmd var sub op} { #puts "GETVAR [self proc] obj=$obj cmd=$cmd, var=$var, op=$op" $obj trace remove variable $var $op [list [self] [self proc] $obj $cmd] $obj set $var [$obj eval $cmd] } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc __value_from_cmd {obj cmd var sub op} { #puts "GETVAR [self proc] obj=$obj cmd=$cmd, var=$var, op=$op" $obj set $var [$obj eval $cmd] } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc __value_changed_cmd {obj cmd var sub op} { #puts stderr "**************************" #puts "valuechanged obj=$obj cmd=$cmd, var=$var, op=$op, ... #$obj exists $var -> [$obj set $var]" eval $cmd } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc destroy {} { #puts stderr "++++ [my domain] unset __defaults([my name]) [my default]" #[my domain] unset -nocomplain __defaults([my name]) next } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc check_single_value { {-keep_old_value:boolean true} value predicate type obj var } { #puts "+++ checking $value with $predicate ==> [expr $predicate]" if {![expr $predicate]} { if {[$obj exists __oldvalue($var)]} { $obj set $var [$obj set __oldvalue($var)] } else { $obj unset -nocomplain $var } error "$value is not of type $type" } if {$keep_old_value} {$obj set __oldvalue($var) $value} } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc check_multiple_values {values predicate type obj var} { foreach value $values { my check_single_value -keep_old_value false $value $predicate $type $obj $var } $obj set __oldvalue($var) $value } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc mk_type_checker {} { set __initcmd "" if {[my exists type]} { my instvar type name if {[::xotcl::Object isclass $type]} { set predicate [subst -nocommands {[::xotcl::Object isobject \$value] && [\$value istype $type]}] } elseif {[llength $type]>1} { set predicate "\[$type \$value\]" } else { set predicate "\[string is $type \$value\]" } my append valuechangedcmd [subst { my [expr {[my multivalued] ? "check_multiple_values" : "check_single_value"}] \[\$obj set $name\] \ {$predicate} [list $type] \$obj $name }] append __initcmd [subst -nocommands { if {[my exists $name]} {my set __oldvalue($name) [my set $name]}\n }] } return $__initcmd } ::xotcl::Attribute instproc init {} { my instvar domain name next ;# do first ordinary slot initialization # there might be already default values registered on the class $domain unset -nocomplain __defaults($name) set __initcmd "" if {[my exists default]} { $domain set __defaults($name) [my default] } elseif [my exists initcmd] { append __initcmd "my trace add variable [list $name] read \ \[list [self] __default_from_cmd \[self\] [list [my initcmd]]\]\n" } elseif [my exists valuecmd] { append __initcmd "my trace add variable [list $name] read \ \[list [self] __value_from_cmd \[self\] [list [my valuecmd]]\]" } append __initcmd [my mk_type_checker] if {[my exists valuechangedcmd]} { append __initcmd "my trace add variable [list $name] write \ \[list [self] __value_changed_cmd \[self\] [list [my valuechangedcmd]]\]" } if {$__initcmd ne ""} { $domain set __initcmds($name) $__initcmd #puts stderr "$domain set __initcmds($name) $__initcmd" } } # mixin class for decativating all checks ::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::Slot::Nocheck \ -instproc check_single_value args {;} -instproc check_multiple_values args {;} \ -instproc mk_type_checker args {return ""} ::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::Slot::Optimizer \ -instproc proc args {::xotcl::next; ::xotcl::my optimize} \ -instproc forward args {::xotcl::next; ::xotcl::my optimize} \ -instproc init args {::xotcl::next; ::xotcl::my optimize} \ -instproc optimize {} { if {[::xotcl::my multivalued]} return if {[::xotcl::my defaultmethods] ne {get assign}} return if {[::xotcl::my procsearch assign] ne "::xotcl::Slot instcmd assign"} return if {[::xotcl::my procsearch get] ne "::xotcl::Slot instcmd get"} return set forwarder [expr {[::xotcl::my per-object] ? "parametercmd":"instparametercmd"}] #puts stderr "**** optimizing [::xotcl::my domain] $forwarder [::xotcl::my name]" [::xotcl::my domain] $forwarder [::xotcl::my name] } # register the optimizer per default ::xotcl::Slot instmixin add ::xotcl::Slot::Optimizer # # Create a mixin class to overload method "new", such it does not allocate # new objects in ::xotcl::*, but in the specified object (without # syntactic overhead). # ::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::ScopedNew -superclass ::xotcl::Class \ -array set __defaults {withclass ::xotcl::Object} ::xotcl::ScopedNew instparametercmd withclass ::xotcl::ScopedNew instparametercmd inobject ::xotcl::ScopedNew instproc init {} { ::xotcl::my instproc new {-childof args} { [::xotcl::self class] instvar {inobject object} withclass if {![::xotcl::my isobject $object]} { $withclass create $object } eval ::xotcl::next -childof $object $args } } # # change the namespace to the specified object and create # objects there. This is a friendly notation for creating # nested object structures. Optionally, creating new objects # in the specified scope can be turned off. # ::xotcl::Object instproc contains { {-withnew:boolean true} -object {-class ::xotcl::Object} cmds} { if {![info exists object]} {set object [::xotcl::self]} if {![::xotcl::my isobject $object]} {$class create $object} $object requireNamespace if {$withnew} { set m [::xotcl::ScopedNew new \ -inobject $object -withclass $class -volatile] ::xotcl::Class instmixin add $m end namespace eval $object $cmds ::xotcl::Class instmixin delete $m } else { namespace eval $object $cmds } } ::xotcl::Class instforward slots %self contains \ -object {%::xotcl::my subst [::xotcl::self]::slot} # # utilities # ::xotcl::Class instproc parameter arglist { if {![::xotcl::my isobject [self]::slot]} {::xotcl::Object create [self]::slot} foreach arg $arglist { #puts "arg=$arg" set l [llength $arg] set name [lindex $arg 0] if {$l == 1} { ::xotcl::Attribute create [::xotcl::self]::slot::$name } elseif {$l == 2} { #puts stderr "parameter $name has default '[lindex $arg 1]'" ::xotcl::Attribute create [::xotcl::self]::slot::$name [list -default [lindex $arg 1]] } elseif {$l == 3 && [lindex $arg 1] eq "-default"} { ::xotcl::Attribute create [::xotcl::self]::slot::$name [list -default [lindex $arg 2]] } else { set paramstring [string range $arg [expr {[string length $name]+1}] end] #puts stderr "remaining arg = '$paramstring'" if {[string match {[$\[]*} $paramstring]} { #puts stderr "match, $cl set __defaults($name) $paramstring" ::xotcl::Attribute create [::xotcl::self]::slot::$name [list -default $paramstring] continue } set po ::xotcl::Class::Parameter puts stderr "deprecated parameter usage '$arg'; use '-slots {Attribute ...}' instead" set cl [self] $po set name $name $po set cl [self] ::eval $po configure [lrange $arg 1 end] if {[$po exists extra] || [$po exists setter] || [$po exists getter] || [$po exists access]} { $po instvar extra setter getter access defaultParam if {![info exists extra]} {set extra ""} if {![info exists defaultParam]} {set defaultParam ""} if {![info exists setter]} {set setter set} if {![info exists getter]} {set getter set} if {![info exists access]} {set access ::xotcl::my} $cl instproc $name args " if {\[llength \$args] == 0} { return \[$access $getter $extra $name\] } else { return \[eval $access $setter $extra $name \$args $defaultParam \] }" foreach instvar {extra defaultParam setter getter access} { $po unset -nocomplain $instvar } } else { ::xotcl::my instparametercmd $name } } } [self]::slot set __parameter $arglist } # # utilities # ::xotcl::Object instproc self {} {::xotcl::self} ::xotcl::Object instproc defaultmethod {} { #if {"::" ne [::xotcl::my info parent] } { # [::xotcl::my info parent] __next #} return [::xotcl::self] } # support for XOTcl specifics ::xotcl::Object instproc hasclass cl { if {[::xotcl::my ismixin $cl]} {return 1} ::xotcl::my istype $cl } ::xotcl::Class instproc allinstances {} { set set [::xotcl::my info instances] foreach sc [::xotcl::my info subclass] { eval lappend set [$sc allinstances] } return $set } # Exit Handler ::xotcl::Object proc unsetExitHandler {} { ::xotcl::Object proc __exitHandler {} { # clients should append exit handlers to this proc body ; } } # pre-defined as empty method ::xotcl::Object unsetExitHandler ::xotcl::Object proc setExitHandler {newbody} { ::xotcl::Object proc __exitHandler {} $newbody } ::xotcl::Object proc getExitHandler {} { ::xotcl::Object info body __exitHandler } ::xotcl::Object instproc abstract {methtype methname arglist} { if {$methtype ne "proc" && $methtype ne "instproc"} { error "invalid method type '$methtype', \ must be either 'proc' or 'instproc'." } ::xotcl::my $methtype $methname $arglist " if {!\[::xotcl::self isnextcall\]} { error \"Abstract method $methname $arglist called\" } else {::xotcl::next} " } # # copy/move implementation # ::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::Object::CopyHandler -parameter { {targetList ""} {dest ""} objLength } # targets are all namspaces and objs part-of the copied obj ::xotcl::Object::CopyHandler instproc makeTargetList t { ::xotcl::my lappend targetList $t # if it is an object without namespace, it is a leaf if {[::xotcl::my isobject $t]} { if {[$t info hasNamespace]} { # make target list from all children set children [$t info children] } else { # ok, no namespace -> no more children return } } # now append all namespaces that are in the obj, but that # are not objects foreach c [namespace children $t] { if {![::xotcl::my isobject $c]} { lappend children [namespace children $t] } } # a namespace or an obj with namespace may have children # itself foreach c $children { ::xotcl::my makeTargetList $c } } ::xotcl::Object::CopyHandler instproc copyNSVarsAndCmds {orig dest} { ::xotcl::namespace_copyvars $orig $dest ::xotcl::namespace_copycmds $orig $dest } # construct destination obj name from old qualified ns name ::xotcl::Object::CopyHandler instproc getDest origin { set tail [string range $origin [::xotcl::my set objLength] end] return ::[string trimleft [::xotcl::my set dest]$tail :] } ::xotcl::Object::CopyHandler instproc copyTargets {} { #puts stderr "copy targetList = [::xotcl::my set targetList]" foreach origin [::xotcl::my set targetList] { set dest [::xotcl::my getDest $origin] if {[::xotcl::my isobject $origin]} { # copy class information if {[::xotcl::my isclass $origin]} { set cl [[$origin info class] create $dest -noinit] # class object set obj $cl $cl superclass [$origin info superclass] $cl parameterclass [$origin info parameterclass] $cl instinvar [$origin info instinvar] $cl instfilter [$origin info instfilter -guards] $cl instmixin [$origin info instmixin] my copyNSVarsAndCmds ::xotcl::classes::$origin ::xotcl::classes::$dest #$cl parameter [$origin info parameter] } else { # create obj set obj [[$origin info class] create $dest -noinit] } # copy object -> may be a class obj $obj invar [$origin info invar] $obj check [$origin info check] $obj mixin [$origin info mixin] $obj filter [$origin info filter -guards] # set md [$origin info metadata] # $obj metadata add $md # foreach m $md { $obj metadata $m [$origin metadata $m] } if {[$origin info hasNamespace]} { $obj requireNamespace } } else { namespace eval $dest {} } ::xotcl::my copyNSVarsAndCmds $origin $dest foreach i [$origin info forward] { eval [concat $dest forward $i [$origin info forward -definition $i]] } if {[::xotcl::my isclass $origin]} { foreach i [$origin info instforward] { eval [concat $dest instforward $i [$origin info instforward -definition $i]] } } set traces [list] foreach var [$origin info vars] { set cmds [$origin trace info variable $var] if {$cmds ne ""} { foreach cmd $cmds { foreach {op def} $cmd break $origin trace remove variable $var $op $def if {[lindex $def 0] eq $origin} { set def [concat $dest [lrange $def 1 end]] } $dest trace add variable $var $op $def } } } } # alter 'domain' and 'manager' in slot objects set origin [lindex [::xotcl::my set targetList] 0] if {[::xotcl::my isclass $origin]} { foreach oldslot [$origin info slots] { set newslot ${cl}::slot::[namespace tail $oldslot] if {[$oldslot domain] eq $origin} {$newslot domain $cl} if {[$oldslot manager] eq $oldslot} {$newslot manager $newslot} } } } ::xotcl::Object::CopyHandler instproc copy {obj dest} { #puts stderr "[::xotcl::self] copy <$obj> <$dest>" ::xotcl::my set objLength [string length $obj] ::xotcl::my set dest $dest ::xotcl::my makeTargetList $obj ::xotcl::my copyTargets } #Class create ::xotcl::NoInit #::xotcl::NoInit instproc init args {;} ::xotcl::Object instproc copy newName { if {[string compare [string trimleft $newName :] [string trimleft [::xotcl::self] :]]} { [[::xotcl::self class]::CopyHandler new -volatile] copy [::xotcl::self] $newName } } ::xotcl::Object instproc move newName { if {[string trimleft $newName :] ne [string trimleft [::xotcl::self] :]} { if {$newName ne ""} { ::xotcl::my copy $newName } ### let all subclasses get the copied class as superclass if {[::xotcl::my isclass [::xotcl::self]] && $newName ne ""} { foreach subclass [::xotcl::my info subclass] { set scl [$subclass info superclass] if {[set index [lsearch -exact $scl [::xotcl::self]]] != -1} { set scl [lreplace $scl $index $index $newName] $subclass superclass $scl } } } ::xotcl::my destroy } } ::xotcl::Object create ::xotcl::config ::xotcl::config proc load {obj file} { source $file foreach i [array names ::auto_index [list $obj *proc *]] { set type [lindex $i 1] set meth [lindex $i 2] if {[$obj info ${type}s $meth] == {}} { $obj $type $meth auto $::auto_index($i) } } } ::xotcl::config proc mkindex {meta dir args} { set sp {[ ]+} set st {^[ ]*} set wd {([^ ;]+)} foreach creator $meta { ::lappend cp $st$creator${sp}create$sp$wd ::lappend ap $st$creator$sp$wd } foreach method {proc instproc} { ::lappend mp $st$wd${sp}($method)$sp$wd } foreach cl [concat ::xotcl::Class [::xotcl::Class info heritage]] { eval ::lappend meths [$cl info instcommands] } set old [pwd] cd $dir ::append idx "# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0\n" ::append idx "# xotcl additions generated with " ::append idx "\"::xotcl::config::mkindex [list $meta] [list $dir] $args\"\n" set oc 0 set mc 0 foreach file [eval glob -nocomplain -- $args] { if {[catch {set f [open $file]} msg]} then { catch {close $f} cd $old error $msg } while {[gets $f line] >= 0} { foreach c $cp { if {[regexp $c $line x obj]==1 && [string index $obj 0]!={$}} then { ::incr oc ::append idx "set auto_index($obj) " ::append idx "\"::xotcl::config::load $obj \$dir/$file\"\n" } } foreach a $ap { if {[regexp $a $line x obj]==1 && [string index $obj 0]!={$} && [lsearch -exact $meths $obj]==-1} { ::incr oc ::append idx "set auto_index($obj) " ::append idx "\"::xotcl::config::load $obj \$dir/$file\"\n" } } foreach m $mp { if {[regexp $m $line x obj ty pr]==1 && [string index $obj 0]!={$} && [string index $pr 0]!={$}} then { ::incr mc ::append idx "set \{auto_index($obj " ::append idx "$ty $pr)\} \"source \$dir/$file\"\n" } } } close $f } set t [open tclIndex a+] puts $t $idx nonewline close $t cd $old return "$oc objects, $mc methods" } # # if cutTheArg not 0, it cut from upvar argsList # ::xotcl::Object instproc extractConfigureArg {al name {cutTheArg 0}} { set value "" upvar $al argList set largs [llength $argList] for {set i 0} {$i < $largs} {incr i} { if {[lindex $argList $i] == $name && $i + 1 < $largs} { set startIndex $i set endIndex [expr {$i + 1}] while {$endIndex < $largs && [string first - [lindex $argList $endIndex]] != 0} { lappend value [lindex $argList $endIndex] incr endIndex } } } if {[info exists startIndex] && $cutTheArg != 0} { set argList [lreplace $argList $startIndex [expr {$endIndex - 1}]] } return $value } ::xotcl::Object create ::xotcl::rcs ::xotcl::rcs proc date string { lreplace [lreplace $string 0 0] end end } ::xotcl::rcs proc version string { lindex $string 2 } # if HOME is not set, and ~ is resolved, Tcl chokes on that if {![info exists ::env(HOME)]} {set ::env(HOME) /root} set ::xotcl::confdir ~/.xotcl set ::xotcl::logdir $::xotcl::confdir/log ::xotcl::Class proc __unknown name { #unknown $name } # # package support # ::xotcl::Class instproc uses list { foreach package $list { ::xotcl::package import -into [self] $package puts stderr "*** using ${package}::* in [self]" } } ::xotcl::Class create ::xotcl::package -superclass ::xotcl::Class -parameter { provide {version 1.0} {autoexport {}} {export {}} } ::xotcl::package proc create {name args} { set nq [namespace qualifiers $name] if {$nq ne "" && ![namespace exists $nq]} {Object create $nq} next } ::xotcl::package proc extend {name args} { my require $name eval $name configure $args } ::xotcl::package instproc contains script { if {[my exists provide]} { package provide [my provide] [my version] } else { package provide [self] [my version] } namespace eval [self] {namespace import ::xotcl::*} namespace eval [self] $script foreach e [my export] { set nq [namespace qualifiers $e] if {$nq ne ""} { namespace eval [self]::$nq [list namespace export [namespace tail $e]] } else { namespace eval [self] [list namespace export $e] } } foreach e [my autoexport] { namespace eval :: [list namespace import [self]::$e] } } ::xotcl::package configure \ -set component . \ -set verbose 0 \ -set packagecmd ::package ::xotcl::package proc unknown args { #puts stderr "unknown: package $args" eval [my set packagecmd] $args } ::xotcl::package proc verbose value { my set verbose $value } ::xotcl::package proc present args { if {$::tcl_version<8.3} { my instvar loaded switch -exact -- [lindex $args 0] { -exact {set pkg [lindex $args 1]} default {set pkg [lindex $args 0]} } if {[info exists loaded($pkg)]} { return $loaded($pkg) } else { error "not found" } } else { eval [my set packagecmd] present $args } } ::xotcl::package proc import {{-into ::} pkg} { my require $pkg namespace eval $into [subst -nocommands { #puts stderr "*** package import ${pkg}::* into [namespace current]" namespace import ${pkg}::* }] # import subclasses if any foreach e [$pkg export] { set nq [namespace qualifiers $e] if {$nq ne ""} { namespace eval $into$nq [list namespace import ${pkg}::$e] } } } ::xotcl::package proc require args { #puts "XOTCL package require $args, current=[namespace current]" ::xotcl::my instvar component verbose uses loaded set prevComponent $component if {[catch {set v [eval package present $args]} msg]} { #puts stderr "we have to load $msg" switch -exact -- [lindex $args 0] { -exact {set pkg [lindex $args 1]} default {set pkg [lindex $args 0]} } set component $pkg lappend uses($prevComponent) $component set v [uplevel \#1 [my set packagecmd] require $args] if {$v ne "" && $verbose} { set path [lindex [::package ifneeded $pkg $v] 1] puts "... $pkg $v loaded from '$path'" set loaded($pkg) $v ;# loaded stuff needed for Tcl 8.0 } } set component $prevComponent return $v } ::xotcl::Object instproc method {name arguments body} { my proc name $arguments $body } ::xotcl::Class instproc method { -per-object:switch name arguments body} { if {${per-object}} { my proc $name $arguments $body } else { my instproc $name $arguments $body } } # setup a temp directory proc ::xotcl::tmpdir {} { foreach e [list TMPDIR TEMP TMP] { if {[info exists ::env($e)] \ && [file isdirectory $::env($e)] \ && [file writable $::env($e)]} { return $::env($e) } } if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { foreach d [list "C:\\TEMP" "C:\\TMP" "\\TEMP" "\\TMP"] { if {[file isdirectory $d] && [file writable $d]} { return $d } } } return /tmp }