#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # $Id: AgentClient.xotcl,v 1.5 2006/09/27 08:12:39 neumann Exp $ #if {![info exists ACTIWEB_HOME]} {source ~/actiweb/paths.xotcl} package require XOTcl; namespace import -force xotcl::* package require xotcl::package package verbose 1 package require xotcl::actiweb::agent package require xotcl::actiweb::httpPlace Place p set receiverHost localhost:8087 # # if we migrate an object, we cannot send the result to [self] # in this example we just use a small result printer object to # print the result to the stderr stream # Object resultPrinter resultPrinter proc printResult {o m code result} { if {$code eq "OK"} { puts stderr "[self] -- Result -- $m:\n$result" } else { puts stderr "[self] -- Error -- $m: \n$result" } } Class CloneableClass -superclass {Agent Class} CloneableClass AgentExample -superclass Agent -parameter { {invokeAgent hallo.txt} {invokeMethod content} } AgentExample proc test-calls {} { #showObj [self] set host [::set ::receiverHost] my clone $host "" [list [self] class-cloned] } AgentExample proc class-cloned {args} { my a1 my a2 my a3 my a4 a1 synchronousInvokeCall a3 synchronousMigrateCall a4 synchronousCloneCall #a1 asynchronousInvokeCall #a1 asynchronousCloneCall #a2 asynchronousMigrateCall exit } AgentExample instproc computeXXX args { return XXX--[my set var1]--XXXX } AgentExample instproc init args { next my set var1 xyz my persistent var1 } AgentExample instproc synchronousInvokeCall args { set host [::set ::receiverHost] my instvar invokeAgent invokeMethod puts stderr "*******************[self]: [self proc]" puts stderr "Result: [my syncInvoke $host $invokeAgent $invokeMethod]" } AgentExample instproc synchronousMigrateCall args { set host [::set ::receiverHost] puts stderr "*******************[self]: [self proc]" set result [my syncMigrate $host computeXXX] puts stderr "Result: '$result'" } AgentExample instproc synchronousCloneCall args { set host [::set ::receiverHost] puts stderr "*******************[self]: [self proc]" set result [my syncClone $host computeXXX] puts stderr "Result: '$result'" } AgentExample instproc asynchronousInvokeCall args { set host [::set ::receiverHost] my instvar invokeAgent invokeMethod puts stderr "*******************[self]: [self proc]" my invoke [list resultPrinter printResult my INVOKE] $host $invokeAgent $invokeMethod } AgentExample instproc asynchronousCloneCall args { set host [::set ::receiverHost] puts stderr "*******************[self]: [self proc]" my clone $host computeXXX [list resultPrinter printResult my CLONE] } AgentExample instproc asynchronousMigrateCall args { set host [::set ::receiverHost] puts stderr "*******************[self]: [self proc]" my migrate $host computeXXX [list resultPrinter printResult my MIGRATE] } #AgentExample instproc callSet args { # set host localhost:8087 # set agent welcome # # puts stderr INVOKE******************************* # set r [my invoke $host welcome set+a+1] # puts stderr result=$r #} AgentExample instproc destroy args { next } Agent registryTest registryTest proc test args { set host localhost:8087 my createRequest "[self] testOnPlaceName $host" http://$host/ } registryTest proc testOnPlaceName {host placeName} { set place [Place getInstance] set subject "http://[$place host]:[$place port]/[self]" RDFdb [self]::db [self]::db add "http://nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/schema/service#name" \ $subject registryTest [self]::db add "http://nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/schema/xotcl#class" \ $subject [my info class] # # place info als bag machen ... # [self]::db add "http://nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/schema/agent#place" \ $subject $place set rdfText [${place}::rdfCreator createFromTriples [[self]::db getTriples]] [self]::db destroy my invoke $host ${placeName}::registry register $rdfText set r [my invoke $host ${placeName}::registry query registryTest] puts "************************Query: $r\n" set r [my invoke $host ${placeName}::registry queryProperty http://nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/schema/agent\#place ::p] puts "************************QueryProperty: $r\n" } p exportedObjs client #p startEventLoop "registryTest test" #p startEventLoop "client callWelcome; registryTest test" p startEventLoop "AgentExample test-calls"