package require XOTcl; xotcl::use xotcl1 package require xotcl::test proc ? {cmd expected} { set t [Test new -cmd $cmd -count 100] $t expected $expected $t run } proc t {cmd expected {txt ""}} { set t [Test new -cmd $cmd -msg $txt] $t expected $expected $t run } # what's new: # - slots instances are manager objects for slot values # - generalization of slots to have different kind of domains and managers # - slots for objects and classes (slot parameter 'per-object' true|false, # when to used on a class object) # - works for mixins/filters/class/superclass (e.g ... superclass add ::M) # - initcmd and valuecmd # initcmd: is executed when the instance variable is read the first time # valuecmd: is executed whenever the instance variable is read # (implemented via trace; alternate approach for similar behavior # is to define per-object procs for get/assign, see e.g. slots for # class and superclass; slots require methods to be invoked, # not var references; # otoh, trace are somewhat more fragile and harder to debug) # default, initcmd and valuecmd are to be used mutually exclusively # - valuechangedcmd: executed after the change of an instance variable, # can be used e.g. for validation # # -gustaf neumann 21.Jan. 2006 package require xotcl::serializer ####################################################### # testing __initcmds set ::hu 0 proc T1 {var sub op} {c1 set $var t1} proc T2 {var sub op} {c1 set $var t2} #Class C -array set __initcmds { # x {set x 1} # y {incr ::hu} # z {my trace add variable z read T1}} Class C -slots { Attribute create x -initcmd {set x 1} Attribute create y -initcmd {incr ::hu} Attribute create z -initcmd {my trace add variable z read T1} } C create c1 ? {c1 info vars x} "" ? {c1 x} "1" ? {c1 info vars x} "x" ? {c1 info vars y} "" ? {c1 y} 1 ? {c1 set x} 1 ? {set ::hu} 1 Class D -slots { Attribute create x -initcmd {set x 2} Attribute create z -initcmd {my trace add variable z read T2} } -superclass C D create c1 ? {c1 set x} 2 ? {c1 z} "" ? {c1 z} t2 ? {c1 y} 2 ? {set ::hu} 2 ####################################################### # # a small helper Object instproc slots cmds { if {![my isobject [self]::slot]} {Object create [self]::slot} namespace eval [self]::slot $cmds } ###################### # system slots ###################### Class M Class O -mixin M ? {O mixin} ::M ? {catch {Object o -mixin check1 M}} 1 ? {O mixin} ::M Class M2 O mixin add M2 ? {O mixin} {::M2 ::M} O mixin M2 ? {O mixin} ::M2 O mixin "" ? {O mixin} "" O mixin set M ;# not sure, whether we should keep set here, or use assign or some better term ? {O mixin} ::M ? {O mixin ""} "" # with slots like class etc. we have to option to # a) rename the original command like in the following # b) provide a no-op value, such that we define only meta-data in the slot # c) define a low-level tcl command like setrelation (or extend it) to handle the setter # "class" is not multivalued, therefore we should not add (or remove) add/delete # from the set of subcommands... ? {::xotcl::InfoSlot class} "::xotcl::MetaSlot" O o1 ? {o1 class} "::O" o1 class Object ? {o1 class} "::xotcl::Object" ? {catch {o1 class add M}} 1 ? {O superclass} "::xotcl::Object" Class O2 -superclass O #t {O2 superclass O} "superclass 1" ? {O superclass} "::xotcl::Object" ::xotcl::Slot method slot {object name property} { switch $property { self {return [self]} domain {return [my domain]} } } ? {O superclass slot self} "::xotcl::Class::slot::superclass" ? {O superclass slot domain} "::xotcl::Class" ? {O2 superclass} "::O" O2 superclass add M ? {O2 superclass} "::M ::O" O2 superclass delete ::O ? {O2 superclass} "::M" # the main difference between an Attribute and a Role is that # it references some other objects #Class Attribute -superclass ::xotcl::Slot Class Role -superclass Attribute -parameter {references} ###################### # application classes ###################### Class Person -slots { Attribute create name Attribute create age -default 0 } Class Article -slots { Attribute create title Attribute create date } Class publishes -slots { Role create written_by -references Person -multivalued true Role create has_published -references Paper -multivalued true } Class Project -slots { Attribute create name Role create manager -references Person Role create member -references Person -multivalued true } puts [Person serialize] Person slot name default "gustaf" ? {Person slot name default} gustaf Person p1 -name neophytos ? {p1 name} neophytos ? {p1 age} 0 p1 age 123 ? {p1 age} 123 Object o1 o1 set i 0 ::xotcl::alias o1 Incr -objscope ::incr t {o1 incr i} 1 "method incr" t {o1 Incr i} 1002 "aliased tcl incr" t {o1 incr i} 2003 "method incr" t {o1 Incr i} 3004 "aliased tcl incr" ::xotcl::alias ::xotcl::Object Set -objscope ::set t {o1 set i 1} 1 "method set" t {o1 set i} 1 "method set" t {o1 Set i 1} 1 "aliased tcl set" t {o1 Set i} 1 "aliased tcl set" ::xotcl::alias o1 Set -objscope ::set t {o1 Set i 1} 1 "aliased object tcl set" t {o1 Set i} 1 "aliased object tcl set" ::xotcl::Object instforward SSet -earlybinding -objscope ::set t {o1 SSet i 1} 1 "forward earlybinding tcl set" t {o1 SSet i} 1 "forward earlybinding tcl set" #exit o1 set z 100 #o1 forward z o1 [list %argclindex [list set set]] %proc #o1 proc get name {my set $name} o1 forward get -earlybinding ::xotcl::setinstvar %self %1 ? {o1 get z 101} 101 ? {o1 get z} "101" t {o1 get z} 101 "get value via new parametercmd get" t {o1 get z 124} 124 "set value via new parametercmd get" o1 forward zz -earlybinding ::xotcl::setinstvar %self %proc ? {o1 zz 123} 123 ? {o1 zz} 123 t {o1 zz} 123 "parametercmd forward earlybinding setinstvar" t {o1 zz 124} 124 "parametercmd forward earlybinding setinstvar" o1 forward z2 -earlybinding -objscope ::set %proc t {o1 z2 111} 111 "parametercmd forward earlybinding tcl set" t {o1 z2} 111 "parametercmd forward earlybinding tcl set" o1 forward z3 -objscope ::set %proc t {o1 z3 111} 111 "parametercmd forward tcl set" t {o1 z3} 111 "parametercmd forward tcl set" o1 set y 11 o1 parametercmd y t {o1 y} 11 "parametercmd" t {o1 y 1} 1 "parametercmd" #Class C -parameter {a {b 10} {c "Hello World"}} #C copy V #puts [C serialize] #puts [V serialize] #C destroy #V v1 #puts [v1 b] # ::xotcl::Object instproc param arglist { # foreach arg $arglist { # puts "arg=$arg" # set l [llength $arg] # set name [lindex $arg 0] # if {![my isobject [self]::slot]} {::xotcl::Object create [self]::slot} # if {$l == 1} { # Attribute create [self]::slot::$name # } elseif {$l == 2} { # Attribute create [self]::slot::$name -default [lindex $arg 1] # } else { # set paramstring [string range $arg [expr {[string length $name]+1}] end] # #puts stderr "remaining arg = '$paramstring'" # if {[string match {[$\[]*} $paramstring]} { # #puts stderr "match, $cl set __defaults($name) $paramstring" # Attribute create [self]::slot::$name -default $paramstring # continue # } # } # } # } ::xotcl::Attribute mixin delete ::xotcl::Slot::Optimizer Class C1 -parameter {a {b 10} {c "Hello World"}} C1 c1 -a 1 ? {c1 a} 1 ? {c1 b} 10 ? {c1 c} "Hello World" ##### is short form of Class C2 -slots { Attribute create a Attribute create b -default 10 Attribute create c -default "Hello World" } C2 c2 -a 1 ? {c2 procsearch a} "::C2 instforward a" ? {c2 a} 1 ? {c2 b} 10 ? {c2 c} "Hello World" t {c2 a} 1 "new indirect parametercmd" t {c2 a 1} 1 "new indirect parametercmd" ::xotcl::Slot mixin add ::xotcl::Slot::Optimizer Class C3 -slots { Attribute create a Attribute create b -default 10 Attribute create c -default "Hello World" } C3 c3 -a 1 ? {c3 procsearch a} "::C3 instparametercmd a" ? {c3 a} 1 ? {c3 b} 10 ? {c3 c} "Hello World" t {c3 a} 1 "new indirect parametercmd optimized" t {c3 a 1} 1 "new indirect parametercmd optimized" ####### nasty names Class create D -slots { Attribute create create -default 1 } D d1 ####### gargash 2 Class create A -parameter {{foo 1}} # or Class create A -slots { Attribute create foo -default 1 } A create a1 -foo 234 ;# calls default foo setter A instproc f1 {} {puts hu} A instforward f2 puts hu A create a0 #a0 f1 a0 proc f3 {} {puts hu} a0 forward f4 puts hu ? {a0 procsearch f1} "::A instproc f1" ? {a0 procsearch f2} "::A instforward f2" ? {a0 procsearch f3} "::a0 proc f3" ? {a0 procsearch f4} "::a0 forward f4" ? {a0 procsearch set} "::xotcl::Object instcmd set" ? {A slot foo info callable -which assign} "::xotcl::Slot alias assign ::xotcl::setinstvar" # redefine setter for foo of class A A slot foo method assign {domain var val} { # Do something with [self] that isn't valid pre-init puts setter-[self proc] $domain set $var $val } a1 foo ;# calls default foo getter a1 foo 123 ;# calls overridden foosetter ? {a1 foo} 123 #puts [A serialize] ################### # Application Slots # Class Person -slots { Attribute create name Attribute create age -default 0 Attribute create projects -default {} -multivalued true } Person p1 -name "Gustaf" ? {p1 name} Gustaf ? {p1 age} 0 ? {p1 projects} {} Class Project -slots { Attribute create name Attribute create description } Project project1 -name XOTcl -description "A highly flexible OO scripting language" p1 projects add ::project1 ? {p1 projects} ::project1 #p1 projects add some-other-value #? {p1 projects} "some-other-value ::project1" ::xotcl::Slot method check { {-keep_old_value:boolean true} value predicate type obj var } { puts "+++ checking $value with $predicate ==> [expr $predicate]" if {![expr $predicate]} { if {[$obj exists __oldvalue($var)]} { $obj set $var [$obj set __oldvalue($var)] } else { $obj unset $var } error "$value is not of type $type" } if {$keep_old_value} {$obj set __oldvalue($var) $value} } ::xotcl::Slot method checkall {values predicate type obj var} { foreach value $values { my check -keep_old_value false $value $predicate $type $obj $var } $obj set __oldvalue($var) $value } Person slots { Attribute create projects -default "" -multivalued true -type ::Project Attribute create salary -type integer } Person p2 -name "Gustaf" p2 projects add ::project1 ? {catch {p2 projects add ::o1}} 1 p2 salary 100 ? {catch {p2 salary 100.9}} 1 ? {p2 salary} 100 p2 append salary 9 ? {p2 salary} 1009 ? {catch {p2 append salary b}} 1 ? {p2 salary} 1009 Person slots { Attribute sex -type "my sex" -proc sex {value} { switch -glob $value { m* {my uplevel {$obj set $var m}; return 1} f* {my uplevel {$obj set $var f}; return 1} default {return 0} } } } Person p3 -sex male ? {p3 sex} m set ::hu 0 Class C -slots { Attribute x -initcmd {incr ::hu; set x 101} } C c1 ? {c1 info vars} "" ? {c1 set x} 101 ? {c1 info vars} "x" ? {set ::hu 1} 1 Class Point -parameter {{x 100} {y 300}} Class Rectangle -parameter {color} Rectangle r0 -color pink -contains { Rectangle r1 -color red -contains { Point x1 -x 1 -y 2 Point x2 -x 1 -y 2 } Rectangle r2 -color green -contains { Point x1 Point x2 } } ? {r0 color} pink ? {r0 r1 color} red ? {r0 r1 x1 x} 1 ? {r0 r1 x2 y} 2 ? {r0 r2 color} green #puts [r0 serialize] ##### Class create A -slots { Attribute create foo -default 1 -proc assign { domain var value} { if {$value < 0 || $value > 99} { error "$value is not in the range of 0 .. 99" } $domain set $var $value } } A create a1 ? {a1 foo 10} 10 ? {a1 foo 20} 20 ? {a1 foo} 20 ? {catch {a1 foo -1}} 1 ? {catch {a1 foo 100}} 1 ? {catch {a1 foo 99}} 0 set x [Object new -set x 1 -contains { Object new -set x 1.1 Object new -set x 1.2 -contains { Object new -set x 1.2.1 Object new -set x 1.2.2 -contains { Object new -set x } Object new -set x 1.2.3 } Object new -set x 1.3 }] ? {llength [$x info children]} 3 ? {llength [[lindex [lsort [$x info children]] 0] info children]} 0 ? {llength [[lindex [lsort [$x info children]] 1] info children]} 3 ? {llength [[lindex [lsort [$x info children]] 2] info children]} 0 exit #puts [Person array get __defaults] #puts [Person serialize] puts [Serializer all] eval [Serializer all] ? {p2 salary} 1009 ? {catch {p2 append salary b}} 1 ? {p2 salary} 1009 #p2 projects add ::o1 exit p1 set x 0 t {p1 set x} "get instvar value via set" t {p1 set x 1} "set instvar value via set" Object o1 proc f {x} {return $x} o1 forward myf -earlybinding f ? {o1 myf abc} abc rename f "" proc f {x} {return 11} ? {o1 myf abc} 11 Object o2 o2 proc f {x} {expr {$x*2}} o1 forward myf -earlybinding o2 f ? {o1 myf 100} 200 o1 set x 42 o1 forward x -earlybinding ::xotcl::setinstvar %self %proc ? [list o1 x] 42 ? [list o1 x 41] 41 t {o1 x} "get parametercmd via forward (earlybinding)" t {o1 x 41} "set parametercmd via forward (earlybinding)" #obj forward Mixin -default {getter setter} mixin %1 %self o1 forward z -default {getter setter} %self o1 forward myfset -objscope set o1 myfset y 102 ? {o1 myfset y} 102 t {o1 myfset y} "get instvar value via forward" t {o1 myfset y 122} "set instvar value via forward" o1 forward myfdset -earlybinding -objscope set o1 myfdset y 103 ? {o1 myfdset y} 103 t {o1 myfdset y} "get instvar value via forward -earlybinding" t {o1 myfdset y 123} "set instvar value via forward -earlybinding" ::xotcl::alias o1 myset -objscope ::set o1 myset x 101 ? {o1 myset x} 101 t {o1 myset x} "get instvar value via set alias" t {o1 myset x 123} "set instvar value via set alias" t {p1 age} "slot read" Class P -parameter {age {s -setter sets}} P instproc sets {var value} { my set $var $value } P create p2 -age 345 -s 567 t {p2 age} "parametercmd read" t {::xotcl::setinstvar p2 age} "via setinstvar" t {p2 s} "parameter read with setter" Slot create Project::fullbudget \ -initcmd {$obj set __x 100} \ -valuechangedcmd { puts "budget is now [$obj set fullbudget]" $obj set __x [$obj set fullbudget] } Slot create Project::currentbudget -valuecmd {$obj incr __x -1} Person p2 -name gustaf Person p3 -name frido Article a1 -title "My life as a saint" -date "1.1.2006" publishes new -written_by p1 -has_published a1 set p [Project new -name icamp -manager p2 -member add p1 -member add p3] $p member add X end puts [$p member] ? [list $p fullbudget] 100 ? [list $p fullbudget] 100 ? [list $p currentbudget] 99 ? [list $p currentbudget] 98 ? [list $p fullbudget 200] 200 ? [list $p currentbudget] 199 exit foreach o [Object allinstances] { if {[$o isclass]} continue if {[$o istype Slot]} continue if {$o eq "::xotcl::relmgr"} continue set string "$o\n" foreach v [$o info vars] { append string " $v = [$o set $v]\n" } puts $string } puts stderr DONE-[p1 name]-[p1 age] p3 age 77 exit puts [XoXML asXML] puts ==== foreach n [XoXML selectNodes {//object[age > 1]}] {puts [$n asXML]} exit