# $Id: Agent.xotcl,v 1.4 2006/09/14 06:36:02 neumann Exp $ package provide xotcl::actiweb::agent 0.8 package require xotcl::trace package require xotcl::comm::httpAccess package require xotcl::actiweb::webObject package require xotcl::store::persistence package require XOTcl # # current response codes for agent requests: # # OK -- content arrived (can be retrieved with sinks content method) # ERROR -- error on the place invocation # FAILED -- call itself failed, e.g. cancel # namespace eval ::xotcl::actiweb::agent { namespace import ::xotcl::* Class AgentMemSink \ -superclass MemorySink \ -parameter {{agent ""} responseCode} AgentMemSink instproc startCb {r} { my set d "" next } AgentMemSink instproc notifyCb {r} {next} AgentMemSink instproc incCb {r t c} {next} AgentMemSink instproc endCb {r} { if {[Agent exists responseCodes([$r set responseCode])]} { my set responseCode OK } else { my set responseCode ERROR } next } AgentMemSink instproc cancelCb {r} { my set responseCode FAILED next } AgentMemSink instproc endReq {r} { my instvar agent if {[Object isobject $agent]} { if {[$agent exists sinks($r)]} { $agent unset sinks($r) } } } # sink class that calls the agent's endcmd in async calls # the sink is destroyed automatically after endCmd is called Class AgentAsyncSink -superclass AgentMemSink AgentAsyncSink instproc endCb {r} { next my instvar endCmd responseCode set result [my content] if {[info exists endCmd]} { eval [concat $endCmd $responseCode \"$result\"] } my endReq $r } AgentAsyncSink instproc cancelCb {r} { my instvar endCmd responseCode if {[info exists endCmd]} { eval [concat $endCmd $responseCode ""] } next my endReq $r } # sink type for sync request # has to be destroyed with endReq when content is # read (see createSyncRequest) Class AgentSyncSink -superclass AgentMemSink Class Agent -superclass WebObject Agent array set responseCodes { 200 {OK} } Agent instproc init args { #my showCall #my exportProcs invoke my array set endCmds {} my array set sinks {} next } # # method to create async requests # # endCmd specifies the command (or object method or proc ...) that # is to be called, when the request has ended, empty for sync requests # # args are to be given in the form -name value, like: # -contentType text/xml # -method PUT # -data XXX # # returns the request object name # Agent instproc createRequest {endCmd url args} { #my showCall puts stderr "[self] [self proc]" my instvar place set s [AgentAsyncSink create [$place autoname agentmemsink] \ -agent [self]] set cmd [list Access createRequest -caching 0 -url $url \ -informObject $s] foreach {n v} $args {lappend cmd $n $v} $s set endCmd $endCmd set t ::[string trimleft [::eval $cmd $args] :] my set sinks($t) $s return $t } # # method to create sync reqs ... url and args identical to # async req # # returns the result of sync request, if "OK" # otherwise: Raises an error # Agent instproc createSyncRequest {url args} { #my showCall puts stderr "[self] [self proc]" my instvar place set s [AgentSyncSink [$place autoname agentmemsink] -agent [self]] set cmd [list Access createRequest \ -httpVersion 1.0 \ -caching 0 -url $url -informObject $s -blocking 1] foreach {n v} $args {lappend cmd $n $v} set t ::[string trimleft [::eval $cmd] :] #puts stderr "After SyncRequest t=$t [$s responseCode]" if {[$s responseCode] eq "OK"} { set content [$s content] # kill the sink $s endReq $t return $content } $s endReq $t error "[self] -- Sync request failed: url=$url, responseCode=[$s responseCode]" } # # invoke a remote method directly along the places' dispatcher # Agent instproc invoke {endCmd host receiver args} { puts stderr [self proc]----host=$host #my showCall set url http://$host/${receiver}+[url encode $args] my createRequest $endCmd $url } Agent instproc syncInvoke {host receiver args} { puts stderr [self proc]----host=$host #[self] showCall set url http://$host/${receiver}+[url encode $args] my createSyncRequest $url } # # invoke a cloning migration # Agent instproc cloneImpl {async host startcmd {endCmd ""}} { #my showCall set ai [my agentInfo] set place [Place getInstance] # get the full name of the agent ns from the places's agent mgr #set ns [${place}::agentMgr::rdfNS searchPrefix agent] $ai set agentData(script) [${place}::scriptCreator makeScript [self]] $ai append agentData(script) [my makeVarScript] $ai set agentData(startcmd) $startcmd set data [$ai getXMLScript [$ai name]] ###puts $data #set data [[Place getInstance]::rdfCreator createFromTriples [$ai getTriples]] if {$async} { return [my createRequest $endCmd http://$host/[my selfName] \ -contentType text/xml \ -method PUT \ -data $data] } else { return [my createSyncRequest http://$host/[my selfName] \ -contentType text/xml \ -method PUT \ -data $data] } } Agent instproc clone {host startCmd endCmd} { my cloneImpl 1 $host $startCmd $endCmd } Agent instproc syncClone {host startCmd} { my cloneImpl 0 $host $startCmd } # # invoke a migration that destroys the object in the current place # Agent instproc migrateImpl {async host startcmd {endCmd ""}} { ### GN ??? puts stderr "--- async=$async" if {$async} { set r [my clone $host $startcmd $endCmd] } else { set r [my syncClone $host $startcmd] } puts stderr "--- [self] destroy +++ " my destroy ;### FIXME: this does not work in the asynchronous case return $r } Agent instproc migrate {host startCmd endCmd} { #my migrateImpl 1 $host $startCmd $endCmd my migrateImpl 0 $host $startCmd $endCmd } Agent instproc syncMigrate {host startCmd} { my migrateImpl 0 $host $startCmd } # # query a place with its hostname for its name # Agent instproc getPlaceFromHostName {endCb host} { set r [my autoname __result] my createRequest "[self]::$r set" http://$host/ return [set [self]::$r] } namespace export AgentMemSink AgentAsyncSink AgentSyncSink Agent } namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::agent::*