
Class [:print_name -status] [:?var :@superclass { - subclass of [:for super ${:@superclass} { [$super name] }] }]

[:?var :@see {
See also:${:@see}
[:?var :@class-attribute { [:!let class_attrs [:!get -sortedby name -with name @class-attribute]]

Provided Parameters

These parameter can be used to configure instances of this class: [:for attr [dict values $class_attrs] { [$attr name] }]

[:for attr [dict values $class_attrs] {

[$attr print_name -status]

[:? {[$attr pinfo exists validation]} { [$attr pinfo get validation] }] [$attr as_text]
[:?objvar $attr default {
Default Value: $default
}] [:? {[$attr eval {info exists :deprecated}]} {
Deprecated: [$attr default]
}] [:!let iattrs [:inherited @class-attribute]] [:? {$iattrs ne ""} {
[:for superclass [dict keys $iattrs] { [:!let attrs [dict values [dict get $iattrs $superclass]]]

Inherited Parameters from [$superclass name]:

[:for a $attrs { [$a name] }]
}] [:?var :@object-attribute {

Per-object parameters

[:for attr ${:@object-attribute} {

[$attr name]

[$attr as_text]
[:? {[$attr eval {info exists :default}]} {
Default Value: [$attr default]
}] [:? {[$attr eval {info exists :deprecated}]} {
Deprecated: [$attr]
}] [:?var :@class-method { [:!let class_methods [:!get -sortedby name -where {${:@modifier} eq "public"} @class-method]]

Provided Methods

[:for m $class_methods { [$m name] }]

[:for method $class_methods { [:? {[info exists class_attrs] && [dict exists $class_attrs [$method name]]} { [$method render -initscript [list set owning_attribute [dict get $class_attrs [$method name]]] attributemethod.html.tmpl] } - { [$method render method.html.tmpl] }] }]
}] [:!let imethods [:inherited @class-method]] [:? {$imethods ne ""} {
[:for superclass [dict keys $imethods] { [:!let ms [dict values [dict get $imethods $superclass]]]

Inherited Methods from [$superclass name]:

[:for m $ms { [$m name] }]
}] [:?var :@method { Undocumented Methods: [:undocumented] }] [:?var :@object-method { [:!let omethods [:!get -sortedby name @object-method]]

Per-object methods

[:for m $omethods { [$m name] }]

[:for omethod $omethods { [$omethod render method.html.tmpl] }]