-- -- acs-workflow/sql/workflow-package.sql -- -- Creates the PL/SQL package that provides the API for defining and dropping -- workflow cases. -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) -- -- @creation-date 2000-05-18 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: workflow-package.sql,v 2001/03/13 22:59:27 ben Exp $ -- create or replace package workflow as /* Call this function after you have created a table */ function create_workflow ( workflow_key in varchar2, pretty_name in varchar2, pretty_plural in varchar2 default null, description in varchar2 default null, table_name in varchar2, id_column in varchar2 default 'case_id' ) return varchar2; procedure drop_workflow ( workflow_key in varchar2 ); procedure delete_cases ( workflow_key in varchar2 ); function create_attribute ( workflow_key in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, datatype in varchar2, pretty_name in varchar2, pretty_plural in varchar2 default null, table_name in varchar2 default null, column_name in varchar2 default null, default_value in varchar2 default null, min_n_values in integer default 1, max_n_values in integer default 1, sort_order in integer default null, storage in varchar2 default 'generic', wf_datatype in varchar2 default 'none' ) return acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; procedure drop_attribute ( workflow_key in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2 ); procedure add_place ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, place_key in wf_places.place_key%TYPE, place_name in wf_places.place_name%TYPE, sort_order in wf_places.sort_order%TYPE ); procedure delete_place ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, place_key in wf_places.place_key%TYPE ); procedure add_transition ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE, transition_name in wf_transitions.transition_name%TYPE, sort_order in wf_transitions.sort_order%TYPE, trigger_type in wf_transitions.trigger_type%TYPE default 'user' ); procedure delete_transition ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ); procedure add_arc ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_arcs.transition_key%TYPE, place_key in wf_arcs.place_key%TYPE, direction in wf_arcs.direction%TYPE, guard_callback in wf_arcs.guard_callback%TYPE default null, guard_custom_arg in wf_arcs.guard_custom_arg%TYPE default null, guard_description in wf_arcs.guard_description%TYPE default null ); procedure delete_arc ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_arcs.transition_key%TYPE, place_key in wf_arcs.place_key%TYPE, direction in wf_arcs.direction%TYPE ); /* * A simple workflow is essentially one that we can display nicely using HTML tables. * More specifically, it's a workflow containing only sequential routing and * simple iteration, where the choice is always between moving to the next task * in the sequence or looping back to some prior task. */ function simple_p ( workflow_key in varchar2 ) return char; end workflow; / show errors create or replace package body workflow as function create_workflow ( workflow_key in varchar2, pretty_name in varchar2, pretty_plural in varchar2 default null, description in varchar2 default null, table_name in varchar2, id_column in varchar2 default 'case_id' ) return varchar2 is v_num_rows number; v_workflow_key varchar2(100); begin select count(*) into v_num_rows from user_tables where table_name = upper(create_workflow.table_name); if v_num_rows = 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'The table '''||create_workflow.table_name||''' must be created before calling workflow.create_workflow.'); end if; if substr(create_workflow.workflow_key, length(create_workflow.workflow_key) - 2, 3) != '_wf' then v_workflow_key := create_workflow.workflow_key||'_wf'; else v_workflow_key := create_workflow.workflow_key; end if; acs_object_type.create_type( object_type => v_workflow_key, pretty_name => create_workflow.pretty_name, pretty_plural => create_workflow.pretty_plural, supertype => 'workflow', table_name => create_workflow.table_name, id_column => create_workflow.id_column ); insert into wf_workflows (workflow_key, description) values (v_workflow_key, create_workflow.description); return v_workflow_key; end create_workflow; /* Note: The workflow-specific cases table must be dropped before calling this proc */ procedure drop_workflow ( workflow_key in varchar2 ) is v_table_name varchar2(100); v_num_rows number; cursor attribute_cur is select attribute_id, attribute_name from acs_attributes where object_type = drop_workflow.workflow_key; begin select table_name into v_table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = drop_workflow.workflow_key; select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_num_rows from user_tables where table_name = upper(v_table_name); if v_num_rows > 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'The table '''||v_table_name||''' must be dropped before calling workflow.drop_workflow.'); end if; select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_num_rows from wf_cases where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; if v_num_rows > 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'You must delete all cases of workflow '''||drop_workflow.workflow_key||''' before dropping the workflow definition.'); end if; /* Delete all the auxillary stuff */ delete from wf_context_task_panels where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; delete from wf_context_assignments where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; delete from wf_context_transition_info where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; delete from wf_arcs where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; delete from wf_places where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; delete from wf_transition_attribute_map where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; delete from wf_transition_assignment_map where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; delete from wf_transitions where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; /* Drop all attributes */ for attribute_rec in attribute_cur loop /* there's no on delete cascade, so we have to manually delete all the values */ delete from acs_attribute_values where attribute_id = attribute_rec.attribute_id; drop_attribute( workflow_key => drop_workflow.workflow_key, attribute_name => attribute_rec.attribute_name ); end loop; /* Delete the workflow */ delete from wf_workflows where workflow_key = drop_workflow.workflow_key; acs_object_type.drop_type( object_type => drop_workflow.workflow_key ); end drop_workflow; procedure delete_cases ( workflow_key in varchar2 ) is cursor workflow_cases is select case_id from wf_cases where workflow_key = delete_cases.workflow_key; begin for case_rec in workflow_cases loop workflow_case.delete(case_rec.case_id); end loop; end delete_cases; function create_attribute ( workflow_key in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, datatype in varchar2, pretty_name in varchar2, pretty_plural in varchar2 default null, table_name in varchar2 default null, column_name in varchar2 default null, default_value in varchar2 default null, min_n_values in integer default 1, max_n_values in integer default 1, sort_order in integer default null, storage in varchar2 default 'generic', wf_datatype in varchar2 default 'none' ) return acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE is v_attribute_id number; begin v_attribute_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute( object_type => create_attribute.workflow_key, attribute_name => create_attribute.attribute_name, datatype => create_attribute.datatype, pretty_name => create_attribute.pretty_name, pretty_plural => create_attribute.pretty_plural, table_name => create_attribute.table_name, column_name => create_attribute.column_name, default_value => create_attribute.default_value, min_n_values => create_attribute.min_n_values, max_n_values => create_attribute.max_n_values, sort_order => create_attribute.sort_order, storage => create_attribute.storage ); insert into wf_attribute_info (attribute_id, wf_datatype) values (v_attribute_id, create_attribute.wf_datatype); return v_attribute_id; end create_attribute; procedure drop_attribute ( workflow_key in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2 ) is v_attribute_id number; begin select attribute_id into v_attribute_id from acs_attributes where object_type = drop_attribute.workflow_key and attribute_name = drop_attribute.attribute_name; delete from wf_attribute_info where attribute_id = v_attribute_id; acs_attribute.drop_attribute( object_type => drop_attribute.workflow_key, attribute_name => drop_attribute.attribute_name ); end drop_attribute; procedure add_place ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, place_key in wf_places.place_key%TYPE, place_name in wf_places.place_name%TYPE, sort_order in wf_places.sort_order%TYPE ) is begin insert into wf_places (workflow_key, place_key, place_name, sort_order) values (add_place.workflow_key, add_place.place_key, add_place.place_name, add_place.sort_order); end add_place; procedure delete_place ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, place_key in wf_places.place_key%TYPE ) is begin delete from wf_places where workflow_key = delete_place.workflow_key and place_key = delete_place.place_key; end delete_place; procedure add_transition ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE, transition_name in wf_transitions.transition_name%TYPE, sort_order in wf_transitions.sort_order%TYPE, trigger_type in wf_transitions.trigger_type%TYPE default 'user' ) is begin insert into wf_transitions (workflow_key, transition_key, transition_name, sort_order, trigger_type) values (add_transition.workflow_key, add_transition.transition_key, add_transition.transition_name, add_transition.sort_order, add_transition.trigger_type); end add_transition; procedure delete_transition ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) is begin delete from wf_transitions where workflow_key = delete_transition.workflow_key and transition_key = delete_transition.transition_key; end delete_transition; procedure add_arc ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_arcs.transition_key%TYPE, place_key in wf_arcs.place_key%TYPE, direction in wf_arcs.direction%TYPE, guard_callback in wf_arcs.guard_callback%TYPE default null, guard_custom_arg in wf_arcs.guard_custom_arg%TYPE default null, guard_description in wf_arcs.guard_description%TYPE default null ) is begin insert into wf_arcs (workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction, guard_callback, guard_custom_arg, guard_description) values (add_arc.workflow_key, add_arc.transition_key, add_arc.place_key, add_arc.direction, add_arc.guard_callback, add_arc.guard_custom_arg, add_arc.guard_description); end add_arc; procedure delete_arc ( workflow_key in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE, transition_key in wf_arcs.transition_key%TYPE, place_key in wf_arcs.place_key%TYPE, direction in wf_arcs.direction%TYPE ) is begin delete from wf_arcs where workflow_key = delete_arc.workflow_key and transition_key = delete_arc.transition_key and place_key = delete_arc.place_key and direction = delete_arc.direction; end delete_arc; function simple_p ( workflow_key in varchar2 ) return char is type t_place_table is table of wf_places.place_key%TYPE index by binary_integer; type t_guard_table is table of wf_arcs.guard_callback%TYPE index by binary_integer; previous_place_list t_place_table; target_place_list t_place_table; guard_list t_guard_table; row_count integer := 0; v_count integer; v_count2 integer; v_place_key wf_places.place_key%TYPE; v_end_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; cursor transition_targets is select place_key,guard_callback,rownum from wf_arcs where workflow_key = simple_p.workflow_key and transition_key = v_transition_key and direction = 'out'; begin /* Let's do some simple checks first */ /* Places with more than one arc out */ select count(*) into v_count from wf_places p where p.workflow_key = simple_p.workflow_key and 1 < (select count(*) from wf_arcs a where a.workflow_key = p.workflow_key and a.place_key = p.place_key and direction = 'in'); if v_count > 0 then return 'f'; end if; /* Transitions with more than one arc in */ select count(*) into v_count from wf_transitions t where t.workflow_key = simple_p.workflow_key and 1 < (select count(*) from wf_arcs a where a.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and a.transition_key = t.transition_key and direction = 'in'); if v_count > 0 then return 'f'; end if; /* Transitions with more than two arcs out */ select count(*) into v_count from wf_transitions t where t.workflow_key = simple_p.workflow_key and 2 < (select count(*) from wf_arcs a where a.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and a.transition_key = t.transition_key and direction = 'out'); if v_count > 0 then return 'f'; end if; /* Now we do the more complicated checks. * We keep a list of visited places because I couldn't think * of a nicer way that wasn't susceptable to infinite loops. */ v_place_key := 'start'; v_end_place := 'end'; loop exit when v_place_key = v_end_place; previous_place_list(row_count) := v_place_key; select unique transition_key into v_transition_key from wf_arcs where workflow_key = simple_p.workflow_key and place_key = v_place_key and direction = 'in'; select count(*) into v_count from wf_arcs where workflow_key = simple_p.workflow_key and transition_key = v_transition_key and direction = 'out'; if v_count = 1 then select unique place_key into v_place_key from wf_arcs where workflow_key = simple_p.workflow_key and transition_key = v_transition_key and direction = 'out'; elsif v_count = 0 then /* deadend! */ return 'f'; else /* better be two based on our earlier test */ for v_target in transition_targets loop target_place_list(v_target.rownum) := v_target.place_key; guard_list(v_target.rownum) := v_target.guard_callback; end loop; /* Check that the guard functions are the negation of each other * by looking for the magic entry "#" (exactly once) */ if ((guard_list(1) != '#' and guard_list(2) != '#') or (guard_list(1) = '#' and guard_list(2) = '#')) then return 'f'; end if; /* Check that exactly one of the targets is in the previous list */ v_count2 := 0; for i in 0..row_count loop if target_place_list(1) = previous_place_list(i) then v_count2 := v_count2 + 1; v_place_key := target_place_list(2); end if; if target_place_list(2) = previous_place_list(i) then v_count2 := v_count2 + 1; v_place_key := target_place_list(1); end if; end loop; if v_count2 != 1 then return 'f'; end if; end if; row_count := row_count + 1; end loop; /* if we got here, it must be okay */ return 't'; end simple_p; end workflow; / show errors