-- -- acs-workflow/sql/workflow-case-package.sql -- -- Creates the PL/SQL package that provides the API for interacting -- with a workflow case. -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) -- -- @creation-date 2000-05-18 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: workflow-case-package.sql,v 2001/03/13 22:59:27 ben Exp $ -- create or replace package workflow_case is function new ( case_id in number default null, workflow_key in varchar2, context_key in varchar2 default null, object_id in integer, creation_date in date default sysdate, creation_user in integer default null, creation_ip in varchar2 default null ) return integer; procedure add_manual_assignment ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, party_id in number ); procedure remove_manual_assignment ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, party_id in number ); procedure clear_manual_assignments ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2 ); procedure start_case ( case_id in number, creation_user in integer default null, creation_ip in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ); procedure delete( case_id in number ); procedure suspend( case_id in number, user_id in number default null, ip_address in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ); procedure resume( case_id in number, user_id in number default null, ip_address in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ); procedure cancel( case_id in number, user_id in number default null, ip_address in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ); procedure fire_message_transition ( task_id in number ); /* To perform an action on the workflow: * (numbers in parenthesis is the number of times each function should get called) * * 1. begin_task_action (1) * 2. set_attribute_value (0..*) * 3. clear_manual_assignments (0..1) * 4. add_manual_assignment (0..*) * 5. end_task_action (1) */ function begin_task_action ( task_id in number, action in varchar2, action_ip in varchar2, user_id in number, msg in varchar2 default null ) return number; procedure set_attribute_value ( journal_id in number, attribute_name in varchar2, value in varchar2 ); procedure end_task_action ( journal_id in number, action in varchar2, task_id in number ); /* Shortcut, that does both begin and end, when you have no attributes to set or assignments to make */ function task_action ( task_id in number, action in varchar2, action_ip in varchar2, user_id in number, msg in varchar2 default null ) return number; function get_attribute_value ( case_id in number, attribute_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2; procedure add_task_assignment ( task_id in number, party_id in number ); procedure remove_task_assignment ( task_id in number, party_id in number ); procedure clear_task_assignments ( task_id in number ); /* DBMS_JOBS */ procedure sweep_timed_transitions; procedure sweep_hold_timeout; end workflow_case; / show errors; create or replace package body workflow_case is /* * FORWARD DECLARATIONS */ procedure add_token ( case_id in number, place_key in varchar2, journal_id in number ); procedure lock_token ( case_id in number, place_key in varchar2, journal_id in number, task_id in number ); procedure release_token ( task_id in number, journal_id in number ); procedure consume_token ( case_id in number, place_key in varchar2, journal_id in number, task_id in number default null ); procedure execute_unassigned_callback ( callback in varchar2, task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ); procedure enable_transitions ( case_id in number ); procedure sweep_automatic_transitions ( case_id in number, journal_id in number ); function finished_p( case_id in number, journal_id in number ) return char; procedure fire_transition_internal ( task_id in number, journal_id in number ); procedure start_task( task_id in number, user_id in number, journal_id in number ); procedure cancel_task( task_id in number, journal_id in number ); procedure finish_task ( task_id in number, journal_id in number ); procedure notify_assignee( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in users.user_id%TYPE, callback in wf_context_transition_info.notification_callback%TYPE, custom_arg in wf_context_transition_info.notification_custom_arg%TYPE ); /* * CURSORS */ cursor input_places( workflow_key in wf_workflows.workflow_key%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_transition_places%ROWTYPE is select * from wf_transition_places tp where tp.workflow_key = input_places.workflow_key and tp.transition_key = input_places.transition_key and direction = 'in'; cursor output_places ( workflow_key in wf_workflows.workflow_key%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_transition_places%ROWTYPE is select * from wf_transition_places tp where tp.workflow_key = output_places.workflow_key and tp.transition_key = output_places.transition_key and direction = 'out'; /* * PUBLIC API */ function new ( case_id in number default null, workflow_key in varchar2, context_key in varchar2 default null, object_id in integer, creation_date in date default sysdate, creation_user in integer default null, creation_ip in varchar2 default null ) return integer is v_case_id number; v_workflow_case_table varchar2(30); v_context_key_for_query varchar2(100); begin if context_key is null then v_context_key_for_query := 'default'; else v_context_key_for_query := context_key; end if; /* insert a row into acs_objects */ v_case_id := acs_object.new( object_id => new.case_id, object_type => new.workflow_key, creation_date => new.creation_date, creation_user => new.creation_user, creation_ip => new.creation_ip ); /* insert the case in to the general wf_cases table */ insert into wf_cases (case_id, workflow_key, context_key, object_id, state) values (v_case_id, new.workflow_key, v_context_key_for_query, new.object_id, 'created'); /* insert the case into the workflow-specific cases table */ select table_name into v_workflow_case_table from acs_object_types where object_type = new.workflow_key; execute immediate 'insert into '||v_workflow_case_table||' (case_id) values (:1)' using v_case_id; return v_case_id; end new; procedure add_manual_assignment ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, party_id in number ) is v_workflow_key varchar2(100); begin select workflow_key into v_workflow_key from wf_cases where case_id = add_manual_assignment.case_id; insert into wf_case_assignments (case_id, workflow_key, transition_key, party_id) values (add_manual_assignment.case_id, v_workflow_key, add_manual_assignment.transition_key, add_manual_assignment.party_id); end add_manual_assignment; procedure remove_manual_assignment ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, party_id in number ) is v_workflow_key varchar2(100); begin select workflow_key into v_workflow_key from wf_cases where case_id = remove_manual_assignment.case_id; delete from wf_case_assignments where workflow_key = v_workflow_key and case_id = remove_manual_assignment.case_id and transition_key = remove_manual_assignment.transition_key and party_id = remove_manual_assignment.party_id; end remove_manual_assignment; procedure clear_manual_assignments ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2 ) is v_workflow_key varchar2(100); begin select workflow_key into v_workflow_key from wf_cases where case_id = clear_manual_assignments.case_id; delete from wf_case_assignments where workflow_key = v_workflow_key and case_id = clear_manual_assignments.case_id and transition_key = clear_manual_assignments.transition_key; end clear_manual_assignments; procedure start_case ( case_id in number, creation_user in integer default null, creation_ip in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ) is v_journal_id number; begin /* Add an entry to the journal */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => start_case.case_id, action => 'case start', action_pretty => 'Case started', creation_user => start_case.creation_user, creation_ip => start_case.creation_ip, msg => start_case.msg ); update wf_cases set state = 'active' where case_id = start_case.case_id; add_token( case_id => start_case.case_id, place_key => 'start', journal_id => v_journal_id ); /* Turn the wheels */ sweep_automatic_transitions( case_id => start_case.case_id, journal_id => v_journal_id ); end start_case; procedure delete( case_id in number ) is v_workflow_case_table varchar2(30); begin /* delete attribute_value_audit, tokens, tasks */ delete from wf_attribute_value_audit where case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id; delete from wf_case_assignments where case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id; delete from wf_case_deadlines where case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id; delete from wf_tokens where case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id; delete from wf_task_assignments where task_id in (select task_id from wf_tasks where case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id); delete from wf_tasks where case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id; /* delete the journal */ journal_entry.delete_for_object(workflow_case.delete.case_id); /* delete from the workflow-specific cases table */ select table_name into v_workflow_case_table from acs_object_types ot, wf_cases c where c.case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id and object_type = c.workflow_key; execute immediate 'delete from '||v_workflow_case_table||' where case_id = :case_id' using in workflow_case.delete.case_id; /* delete from the generic cases table */ delete from wf_cases where case_id = workflow_case.delete.case_id; /* delete from acs-objects */ acs_object.delete(workflow_case.delete.case_id); end delete; procedure suspend( case_id in number, user_id in number default null, ip_address in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ) is v_state varchar2(40); v_journal_id number; begin select state into v_state from wf_cases where case_id = suspend.case_id; if v_state != 'active' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Only active cases can be suspended'); end if; /* Add an entry to the journal */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => suspend.case_id, action => 'case suspend', action_pretty => 'case suspended', creation_user => suspend.user_id, creation_ip => suspend.ip_address, msg => suspend.msg ); update wf_cases set state = 'suspended' where case_id = suspend.case_id; end suspend; procedure resume( case_id in number, user_id in number default null, ip_address in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ) is v_state varchar2(40); v_journal_id number; begin select state into v_state from wf_cases where case_id = resume.case_id; if v_state != 'suspended' and v_state != 'canceled' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Only suspended or canceled cases can be resumed'); end if; /* Add an entry to the journal */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => resume.case_id, action => 'case resume', action_pretty => 'case resumed', creation_user => resume.user_id, creation_ip => resume.ip_address, msg => resume.msg ); update wf_cases set state = 'active' where case_id = resume.case_id; end resume; procedure cancel( case_id in number, user_id in number default null, ip_address in varchar2 default null, msg in varchar2 default null ) is v_state varchar2(40); v_journal_id number; begin select state into v_state from wf_cases where case_id = cancel.case_id; if v_state != 'active' and v_state != 'suspended' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Only active or suspended cases can be canceled'); end if; /* Add an entry to the journal */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => cancel.case_id, action => 'case cancel', action_pretty => 'Case canceled', creation_user => cancel.user_id, creation_ip => cancel.ip_address, msg => cancel.msg ); update wf_cases set state = 'canceled' where case_id = cancel.case_id; end cancel; procedure fire_message_transition ( task_id in number ) is v_case_id number; v_transition_name varchar2(100); v_trigger_type varchar2(40); v_journal_id number; begin select t.case_id, tr.transition_name, tr.trigger_type into v_case_id, v_transition_name, v_trigger_type from wf_tasks t, wf_transitions tr where t.task_id = fire_message_transition.task_id and tr.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and tr.transition_key = t.transition_key; if v_trigger_type != 'message' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Transition '''||v_transition_name||''' is not message triggered'); end if; /* Add an entry to the journal */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => v_case_id, action => 'task '||fire_message_transition.task_id||' fire', action_pretty => v_transition_name || ' fired' ); fire_transition_internal( task_id => fire_message_transition.task_id, journal_id => v_journal_id ); sweep_automatic_transitions( case_id => v_case_id, journal_id => v_journal_id ); end fire_message_transition; /* * A wrapper for user tasks that uses the start/commit/cancel model for firing transitions. */ function begin_task_action ( task_id in number, action in varchar2, action_ip in varchar2, user_id in number, msg in varchar2 default null ) return number is v_state varchar2(40); v_journal_id number; v_case_id number; v_transition_name varchar2(100); v_num_rows number; begin select state into v_state from wf_tasks where task_id = begin_task_action.task_id; if begin_task_action.action = 'start' then if v_state != 'enabled' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Task is in state '''||v_state||''', '|| 'but it must be in state ''enabled'' to be started.'); end if; select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_num_rows from wf_user_tasks where task_id = begin_task_action.task_id and user_id = begin_task_action.user_id; if v_num_rows = 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'You are not assigned to this task.'); end if; elsif begin_task_action.action = 'finish' or begin_task_action.action = 'cancel' then if v_state = 'started' then /* Is this user the holding user? */ select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_num_rows from wf_tasks where task_id = begin_task_action.task_id and holding_user = begin_task_action.user_id; if v_num_rows = 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'You are the user currently working on this task.'); end if; elsif v_state = 'enabled' then if begin_task_action.action = 'cancel' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'You can only cancel a task in state ''started'', '|| 'but this task is in state '''||v_state||''''); end if; /* Is this user assigned to this task? */ select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_num_rows from wf_user_tasks where task_id = begin_task_action.task_id and user_id = begin_task_action.user_id; if v_num_rows = 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'You are not assigned to this task.'); end if; /* This task is finished without an explicit start. * Store the user as the holding_user */ update wf_tasks set holding_user = begin_task_action.user_id where task_id = begin_task_action.task_id; else raise_application_error(-20000, 'Task is in state '''||v_state||''', '|| 'but it must be in state ''enabled'' or ''started'' to be finished'); end if; elsif begin_task_action.action = 'comment' then -- We currently allow anyone to comment on a task -- (need this line because PL/SQL doens't like empty if blocks) v_num_rows := 0; end if; select t.case_id, tr.transition_name into v_case_id, v_transition_name from wf_tasks t, wf_transitions tr where t.task_id = begin_task_action.task_id and tr.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and tr.transition_key = t.transition_key; /* Insert a journal entry */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => v_case_id, action => 'task '||begin_task_action.task_id||' '||begin_task_action.action, action_pretty => v_transition_name || ' ' || begin_task_action.action, creation_user => begin_task_action.user_id, creation_ip => begin_task_action.action_ip, msg => begin_task_action.msg ); return v_journal_id; end begin_task_action; procedure end_task_action ( journal_id in number, action in varchar2, task_id in number ) is v_user_id number; begin select creation_user into v_user_id from acs_objects where object_id = end_task_action.journal_id; /* Update the workflow state */ if end_task_action.action = 'start' then start_task(end_task_action.task_id, v_user_id, end_task_action.journal_id); elsif end_task_action.action = 'finish' then finish_task(end_task_action.task_id, end_task_action.journal_id); elsif end_task_action.action = 'cancel' then cancel_task(end_task_action.task_id, end_task_action.journal_id); elsif end_task_action.action != 'comment' then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unknown action ''' || end_task_action.action || ''''); end if; end end_task_action; function task_action ( task_id in number, action in varchar2, action_ip in varchar2, user_id in number, msg in varchar2 default null ) return number is v_journal_id integer; begin v_journal_id := begin_task_action( task_id => task_action.task_id, action => task_action.action, action_ip => task_action.action_ip, user_id => task_action.user_id, msg => task_action.msg ); end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => task_action.action, task_id => task_action.task_id ); return v_journal_id; end task_action; procedure set_attribute_value ( journal_id in number, attribute_name in varchar2, value in varchar2 ) is v_workflow_key varchar2(100); v_case_id number; v_attribute_id number; begin select o.object_type, o.object_id into v_workflow_key, v_case_id from journal_entries je, acs_objects o where je.journal_id = set_attribute_value.journal_id and o.object_id = je.object_id; select attribute_id into v_attribute_id from acs_attributes where object_type = v_workflow_key and attribute_name = set_attribute_value.attribute_name; acs_object.set_attribute( object_id_in => v_case_id, attribute_name_in => set_attribute_value.attribute_name, value_in => set_attribute_value.value ); insert into wf_attribute_value_audit (case_id, attribute_id, journal_id, attr_value) values (v_case_id, v_attribute_id, set_attribute_value.journal_id, set_attribute_value.value); end set_attribute_value; function get_attribute_value ( case_id in number, attribute_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is begin return acs_object.get_attribute( object_id_in => get_attribute_value.case_id, attribute_name_in => get_attribute_value.attribute_name ); end get_attribute_value; procedure add_task_assignment ( task_id in number, party_id in number ) is v_count integer; v_workflow_key wf_workflows.workflow_key%TYPE; v_context_key wf_contexts.context_key%TYPE; v_case_id wf_cases.case_id%TYPE; v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; v_notification_callback wf_context_transition_info.notification_callback%TYPE; v_notification_custom_arg wf_context_transition_info.notification_custom_arg%TYPE; -- might need to tune this query further cursor c_new_assigned_users is select distinct u.user_id from users u where u.user_id not in ( select distinct u2.user_id from wf_task_assignments tasgn2, party_approved_member_map m2, users u2 where tasgn2.task_id = add_task_assignment.task_id and m2.party_id = tasgn2.party_id and u2.user_id = m2.member_id) and exists ( select 1 from party_approved_member_map m where m.member_id = u.user_id and m.party_id = add_task_assignment.party_id ); cursor c_callback is select notification_callback, notification_custom_arg from wf_context_transition_info where context_key = v_context_key and workflow_key = v_workflow_key and transition_key = v_transition_key; callback_rec c_callback%ROWTYPE; begin -- check that we don't hit the unique constraint select count(*) into v_count from wf_task_assignments where task_id = add_task_assignment.task_id and party_id = add_task_assignment.party_id; if v_count > 0 then return; end if; -- get the notification callback info select case_id, workflow_key, transition_key into v_case_id, v_workflow_key, v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = add_task_assignment.task_id; select context_key into v_context_key from wf_cases where case_id = v_case_id; open c_callback; fetch c_callback into callback_rec; if c_callback%FOUND then v_notification_callback := callback_rec.notification_callback; v_notification_custom_arg := callback_rec.notification_custom_arg; else v_notification_callback := null; v_notification_custom_arg := null; end if; -- notify any new assignees for v_assigned_user in c_new_assigned_users loop notify_assignee( task_id => add_task_assignment.task_id, user_id => v_assigned_user.user_id, callback => v_notification_callback, custom_arg => v_notification_custom_arg ); end loop; -- do the insert insert into wf_task_assignments (task_id, party_id) values (add_task_assignment.task_id, add_task_assignment.party_id); end add_task_assignment; procedure remove_task_assignment ( task_id in number, party_id in number ) is v_num_assigned number; v_case_id number; v_workflow_key varchar2(100); v_transition_key varchar2(100); v_context_key varchar2(100); cursor c_callback is select unassigned_callback, unassigned_custom_arg from wf_context_transition_info where workflow_key = v_workflow_key and context_key = v_context_key and transition_key = v_transition_key; callback_rec c_callback%ROWTYPE; begin delete from wf_task_assignments where task_id = remove_task_assignment.task_id and party_id = remove_task_assignment.party_id; select count(*) into v_num_assigned from wf_task_assignments where task_id = remove_task_assignment.task_id; if v_num_assigned > 0 then return; end if; select case_id, transition_key into v_case_id, v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = remove_task_assignment.task_id; select workflow_key, context_key into v_workflow_key, v_context_key from wf_cases where case_id = v_case_id; open c_callback; fetch c_callback into callback_rec; if c_callback%FOUND then execute_unassigned_callback ( callback => callback_rec.unassigned_callback, task_id => task_id, custom_arg => callback_rec.unassigned_custom_arg ); end if; close c_callback; end remove_task_assignment; procedure clear_task_assignments ( task_id in number ) is v_case_id number; v_transition_key varchar2(100); v_workflow_key varchar2(100); v_context_key varchar2(100); v_callback varchar2(100); v_custom_arg varchar2(4000); begin delete from wf_task_assignments where task_id = clear_task_assignments.task_id; select case_id, transition_key into v_case_id, v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = clear_task_assignments.task_id; select workflow_key, context_key into v_workflow_key, v_context_key from wf_cases where case_id = v_case_id; select unassigned_callback, unassigned_custom_arg into v_callback, v_custom_arg from wf_context_transition_info where workflow_key = v_workflow_key and context_key = v_context_key and transition_key = v_transition_key; execute_unassigned_callback ( callback => v_callback, task_id => task_id, custom_arg => v_custom_arg ); end clear_task_assignments; /* * PRIVATE */ function evaluate_guard ( callback in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2, case_id in number, workflow_key in varchar2, transition_key in varchar2, place_key in varchar2, direction in varchar2 ) return char is v_guard_happy_p char(1); begin if callback is null then -- null guard evaluates to true return 't'; else if callback = '#' then return 'f'; else execute immediate 'begin :1 := ' || callback || '(:2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7); end;' using out v_guard_happy_p, in case_id, in workflow_key, in transition_key, in place_key, in direction, in custom_arg; return v_guard_happy_p; end if; end if; end evaluate_guard; procedure execute_transition_callback( callback in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2, case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2 ) is begin if callback is not null then execute immediate 'begin '||callback || '(:1, :2, :3); end;' using in case_id, in transition_key, in custom_arg; end if; end execute_transition_callback; function execute_time_callback ( callback in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2, case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2 ) return date is v_trigger_time date; begin if callback is null then raise_application_error(-20000, 'There''s no time_callback function for the timed transition ''' || transition_key || ''''); end if; execute immediate 'begin :1 := ' || callback || '(:2, :3, :4); end;' using out v_trigger_time, in case_id, in transition_key, in custom_arg; return v_trigger_time; end execute_time_callback; function get_task_deadline ( callback in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2, attribute_name in varchar2, case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2 ) return date is cursor case_deadline_cur is select deadline from wf_case_deadlines where case_id = get_task_deadline.case_id and transition_key = get_task_deadline.transition_key; v_deadline date; begin /* * 1. or if there's a row in wf_case_deadlines, we use that * 2. if there is a callback, we execute that * 3. otherwise, if there is an attribute, we use that */ /* wf_case_deadlines */ open case_deadline_cur; fetch case_deadline_cur into v_deadline; if case_deadline_cur%NOTFOUND then if callback is not null then /* callback */ execute immediate 'begin :1 := ' || callback || '(:2, :3, :4); end;' using out v_deadline, in case_id, in transition_key, in custom_arg; elsif attribute_name is not null then /* attribute */ v_deadline := acs_object.get_attribute( object_id_in => get_task_deadline.case_id, attribute_name_in => get_task_deadline.attribute_name ); else v_deadline := null; end if; end if; return v_deadline; end get_task_deadline; function execute_hold_timeout_callback ( callback in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2, case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2 ) return date is v_hold_timeout date; begin if callback is null then return null; end if; execute immediate 'begin :1 := ' || callback || '(:2, :3, :4); end;' using out v_hold_timeout, in case_id, in transition_key, in custom_arg; return v_hold_timeout; end execute_hold_timeout_callback; procedure execute_unassigned_callback ( callback in varchar2, task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ) is begin if callback is not null then execute immediate 'begin ' || callback || '(:1, :2); end;' using in task_id, in custom_arg; end if; end execute_unassigned_callback; procedure set_task_assignments( task_id in number, callback in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2 ) is cursor case_assignments is select party_id from wf_case_assignments ca, wf_tasks t where t.task_id = set_task_assignments.task_id and ca.case_id = t.case_id and ca.transition_key = t.transition_key; cursor context_assignments is select party_id from wf_context_assignments ca, wf_cases c, wf_tasks t where t.task_id = set_task_assignments.task_id and c.case_id = t.case_id and ca.context_key = c.context_key and ca.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and ca.transition_key = t.transition_key; v_done_p char(1); begin /* Find out who to assign the given task to. * * 1. See if there are rows in wf_case_assignments. * 2. If not, and a callback is defined, execute that. * 3. Otherwise, grab the assignment from the workflow context. * * (We used to use the callback first, but that makes * reassignment of tasks difficult.) */ v_done_p := 'f'; for case_assignment_rec in case_assignments loop v_done_p := 't'; add_task_assignment ( task_id => task_id, party_id => case_assignment_rec.party_id ); end loop; if v_done_p != 't' then if callback is not null then execute immediate 'begin '|| set_task_assignments.callback || '(:1, :2); end;' using in set_task_assignments.task_id, in set_task_assignments.custom_arg; else for context_assignment_rec in context_assignments loop add_task_assignment ( task_id => task_id, party_id => context_assignment_rec.party_id ); end loop; end if; end if; end set_task_assignments; procedure add_token ( case_id in number, place_key in varchar2, journal_id in number ) is v_token_id number; v_workflow_key varchar2(100); begin select wf_token_id_seq.nextval into v_token_id from dual; select workflow_key into v_workflow_key from wf_cases c where c.case_id = add_token.case_id; insert into wf_tokens (token_id, case_id, workflow_key, place_key, state, produced_journal_id) values (v_token_id, add_token.case_id, v_workflow_key, add_token.place_key, 'free', add_token.journal_id); end add_token; procedure lock_token ( case_id in number, place_key in varchar2, journal_id in number, task_id in number ) is begin update wf_tokens set state = 'locked', locked_task_id = lock_token.task_id, locked_date = sysdate, locked_journal_id = lock_token.journal_id where case_id = lock_token.case_id and place_key = lock_token.place_key and state = 'free' and rownum = 1; end lock_token; procedure release_token ( task_id in number, journal_id in number ) is cursor token_cur is select token_id, case_id, place_key from wf_tokens where state = 'locked' and locked_task_id = release_token.task_id; begin /* Add a new token for each released one */ for token_rec in token_cur loop add_token( case_id => token_rec.case_id, place_key => token_rec.place_key, journal_id => release_token.journal_id ); end loop; /* Mark the released ones canceled */ update wf_tokens set state = 'canceled', canceled_date = sysdate, canceled_journal_id = release_token.journal_id where state = 'locked' and locked_task_id = release_token.task_id; end release_token; procedure consume_token ( case_id in number, place_key in varchar2, journal_id in number, task_id in number default null ) is begin if task_id is null then update wf_tokens set state = 'consumed', consumed_date = sysdate, consumed_journal_id = consume_token.journal_id where case_id = consume_token.case_id and place_key = consume_token.place_key and state = 'free' and rownum = 1; else update wf_tokens set state = 'consumed', consumed_date = sysdate, consumed_journal_id = consume_token.journal_id where case_id = consume_token.case_id and place_key = consume_token.place_key and state = 'locked' and locked_task_id = consume_token.task_id; end if; end consume_token; procedure sweep_automatic_transitions ( case_id in number, journal_id in number ) is cursor enabled_automatic_transitions is select task_id from wf_tasks ta, wf_transitions tr where tr.workflow_key = ta.workflow_key and tr.transition_key = ta.transition_key and tr.trigger_type = 'automatic' and ta.state = 'enabled' and ta.case_id = sweep_automatic_transitions.case_id; v_done_p char(1); v_finished_p char(1); begin enable_transitions(case_id => sweep_automatic_transitions.case_id); loop v_done_p := 't'; v_finished_p := finished_p( case_id => sweep_automatic_transitions.case_id, journal_id => sweep_automatic_transitions.journal_id); if v_finished_p = 'f' then for task_rec in enabled_automatic_transitions loop fire_transition_internal( task_id => task_rec.task_id, journal_id => sweep_automatic_transitions.journal_id ); v_done_p := 'f'; end loop; enable_transitions(case_id => sweep_automatic_transitions.case_id); end if; exit when v_done_p = 't'; end loop; end sweep_automatic_transitions; function finished_p ( case_id in number, journal_id in number ) return char is v_case_state varchar2(40); v_token_id number; v_num_rows number; v_journal_id number; begin select state into v_case_state from wf_cases where case_id = finished_p.case_id; if v_case_state = 'finished' then return 't'; else /* Let's see if the case is actually finished, but just not marked so */ select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_num_rows from wf_tokens where case_id = finished_p.case_id and place_key = 'end'; if v_num_rows = 0 then return 'f'; else /* There's a token in the end place. * Count the total number of tokens to make sure the wf is well-constructed. */ select decode(count(*),0,0,1,1,2) into v_num_rows from wf_tokens where case_id = finished_p.case_id and state in ('free', 'locked'); if v_num_rows > 1 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'The workflow net is misconstructed: Some parallel executions have not finished.'); end if; /* Consume that token */ select token_id into v_token_id from wf_tokens where case_id = finished_p.case_id and state in ('free', 'locked'); consume_token( case_id => finished_p.case_id, place_key => 'end', journal_id => finished_p.journal_id ); update wf_cases set state = 'finished' where case_id = finished_p.case_id; /* Add an extra entry to the journal */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => finished_p.case_id, action => 'case finish', action_pretty => 'Case finished' ); return 't'; end if; end if; end finished_p; /* This procedure should be scheduled to run as a dbms_job. */ procedure sweep_timed_transitions is cursor timed_transitions_to_fire is select t.task_id, t.case_id, tr.transition_name from wf_tasks t, wf_transitions tr where trigger_time <= sysdate and state = 'enabled' and tr.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and tr.transition_key = t.transition_key; v_journal_id number; begin for trans_rec in timed_transitions_to_fire loop /* Insert an entry to the journal so people will know it fired */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => trans_rec.case_id, action => 'task '||trans_rec.task_id|| ' fire time', action_pretty => trans_rec.transition_name || ' automatically finished', msg => 'Timed transition fired.' ); /* Fire the transition */ fire_transition_internal( task_id => trans_rec.task_id, journal_id => v_journal_id ); /* Update the workflow internal state */ sweep_automatic_transitions( case_id => trans_rec.case_id, journal_id => v_journal_id ); end loop; end sweep_timed_transitions; /* This procedure should be scheduled to run as a dbms_job. */ procedure sweep_hold_timeout is cursor tasks_to_cancel is select t.task_id, t.case_id, tr.transition_name from wf_tasks t, wf_transitions tr where hold_timeout <= sysdate and state = 'started' and tr.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and tr.transition_key = t.transition_key; v_journal_id number; begin for task_rec in tasks_to_cancel loop /* Insert an entry to the journal so people will know it was canceled */ v_journal_id := journal_entry.new( object_id => task_rec.case_id, action => 'task '||task_rec.task_id||' cancel timeout', action_pretty => task_rec.transition_name || ' timed out', msg => 'The user''s hold on the task timed out and the task was automatically canceled' ); /* Cancel the task */ cancel_task( task_id => task_rec.task_id, journal_id => v_journal_id ); end loop; end sweep_hold_timeout; procedure notify_assignee( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in users.user_id%TYPE, callback in wf_context_transition_info.notification_callback%TYPE, custom_arg in wf_context_transition_info.notification_custom_arg%TYPE ) is v_deadline_pretty varchar2(400); v_object_name varchar2(4000); v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; v_transition_name wf_transitions.transition_name%TYPE; v_party_from parties.party_id%TYPE; v_party_to parties.party_id%TYPE; v_subject varchar2(4000); v_body varchar2(4000); v_request_id integer; begin select to_char(ta.deadline,'Mon fmDDfm, YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), acs_object.name(c.object_id), tr.transition_key, tr.transition_name into v_deadline_pretty, v_object_name, v_transition_key, v_transition_name from wf_tasks ta, wf_transitions tr, wf_cases c where ta.task_id = notify_assignee.task_id and c.case_id = ta.case_id and tr.workflow_key = c.workflow_key and tr.transition_key = ta.transition_key; /* Default values */ v_party_from := -1; /* This default value should probably be pulled from somewhere */ v_subject := 'Assignment: '||v_transition_name||' '||v_object_name; v_body := 'You have been assigned to a task. '||' Task : '||v_transition_name||' Object : '||v_object_name||' '; if v_deadline_pretty != '' then v_body := v_body ||'Deadline: '||v_deadline_pretty||' '; end if; /* We'd like to add a URL to go visit, but how do we get that URL? */ /* The notifications should really be sent from the application server layer, not from the database */ if notify_assignee.callback is not null then execute immediate 'begin '||notify_assignee.callback||'(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6); end;' using in notify_assignee.task_id, in notify_assignee.custom_arg, in notify_assignee.user_id, in out v_party_from, in out v_subject, in out v_body; end if; v_request_id := nt.post_request ( party_from => v_party_from, party_to => notify_assignee.user_id, expand_group => 'f' , subject => v_subject, message => v_body, max_retries => 3 ); end notify_assignee; /* * This procedure synchronizes the actually enabled transitions * (i.e., the ones where tokens are currently present on the * input places), with the cached version of that information, * in wf_tasks. * It is entirely idempotent and will at any given time sync up with * the actual state of the workflow (as per the tokens), so we don't * need to pass in a journal_id. */ procedure enable_transitions ( case_id in number ) is cursor tasks_to_create is select transition_key, transition_name, trigger_type, enable_callback, enable_custom_arg, assignment_callback, assignment_custom_arg, time_callback, time_custom_arg, deadline_callback, deadline_custom_arg, deadline_attribute_name, notification_callback, notification_custom_arg, unassigned_callback, unassigned_custom_arg, estimated_minutes from wf_enabled_transitions et where et.case_id = enable_transitions.case_id and not exists (select 1 from wf_tasks where case_id = enable_transitions.case_id and transition_key = et.transition_key and state in ('enabled', 'started')); v_task_id number; v_workflow_key varchar2(100); v_trigger_time date; v_deadline_date date; v_party_from integer; v_subject varchar2(500); v_body varchar2(4000); v_num_assigned number; request_id nt_requests.request_id%TYPE; cursor assignees_cur is select distinct u.user_id from wf_task_assignments tasgn, party_approved_member_map m, users u where tasgn.task_id = v_task_id and m.party_id = tasgn.party_id and u.user_id = m.member_id; begin select workflow_key into v_workflow_key from wf_cases where case_id = enable_transitions.case_id; /* we mark tasks overridden if they were once enabled, but are no longer so */ update wf_tasks set state = 'overridden', overridden_date = sysdate where case_id = enable_transitions.case_id and state = 'enabled' and transition_key not in (select transition_key from wf_enabled_transitions where case_id = enable_transitions.case_id); /* insert a task for the transitions that are enabled but have no task row */ for trans_rec in tasks_to_create loop v_trigger_time := null; v_deadline_date := null; if trans_rec.trigger_type = 'user' then v_deadline_date := get_task_deadline( callback => trans_rec.deadline_callback, custom_arg => trans_rec.deadline_custom_arg, attribute_name => trans_rec.deadline_attribute_name, case_id => enable_transitions.case_id, transition_key => trans_rec.transition_key ); elsif trans_rec.trigger_type = 'time' then v_trigger_time := execute_time_callback(trans_rec.time_callback, trans_rec.time_custom_arg, enable_transitions.case_id, trans_rec.transition_key); end if; /* we're ready to insert the row */ select wf_task_id_seq.nextval into v_task_id from dual; insert into wf_tasks ( task_id, case_id, workflow_key, transition_key, deadline, trigger_time, estimated_minutes ) values ( v_task_id, enable_transitions.case_id, v_workflow_key, trans_rec.transition_key, v_deadline_date, v_trigger_time, trans_rec.estimated_minutes ); set_task_assignments( task_id => v_task_id, callback => trans_rec.assignment_callback, custom_arg => trans_rec.assignment_custom_arg ); /* Execute the transition enabled callback */ execute_transition_callback( callback => trans_rec.enable_callback, custom_arg => trans_rec.enable_custom_arg, case_id => enable_transitions.case_id, transition_key => trans_rec.transition_key ); select count(*) into v_num_assigned from wf_task_assignments where task_id = v_task_id; if v_num_assigned = 0 then execute_unassigned_callback ( callback => trans_rec.unassigned_callback, task_id => v_task_id, custom_arg => trans_rec.unassigned_custom_arg ); end if; end loop; end enable_transitions; procedure fire_transition_internal ( task_id in number, journal_id in number ) is v_case_id number; v_state varchar2(40); v_transition_key varchar2(100); v_workflow_key varchar2(100); v_place_key varchar2(100); v_direction varchar2(3); v_guard_happy_p char(1); v_fire_callback varchar2(100); v_fire_custom_arg varchar2(4000); v_found_happy_guard char(1); v_locked_task_id number; begin select t.case_id, t.state, t.workflow_key, t.transition_key, ti.fire_callback, ti.fire_custom_arg into v_case_id, v_state, v_workflow_key, v_transition_key, v_fire_callback, v_fire_custom_arg from wf_tasks t, wf_cases c, wf_transition_info ti where t.task_id = fire_transition_internal.task_id and c.case_id = t.case_id and ti.context_key = c.context_key and ti.workflow_key = c.workflow_key and ti.transition_key = t.transition_key; /* Check that the state is either started or enabled */ if v_state = 'enabled' then v_locked_task_id := null; elsif v_state = 'started' then v_locked_task_id := fire_transition_internal.task_id; else raise_application_error(-20000, 'Can''t fire the transition if it''s not in state enabled or started'); end if; /* Mark the task finished */ update wf_tasks set state = 'finished', finished_date = sysdate where task_id = fire_transition_internal.task_id; /* Consume the tokens */ for place_rec in input_places(v_workflow_key, v_transition_key) loop consume_token( case_id => v_case_id, place_key => place_rec.place_key, journal_id => fire_transition_internal.journal_id, task_id => v_locked_task_id ); end loop; /* Spit out new tokens in the output places */ v_found_happy_guard := 'f'; for place_rec in output_places(v_workflow_key, v_transition_key) loop v_place_key := place_rec.place_key; v_direction := place_rec.direction; v_guard_happy_p := evaluate_guard( callback => place_rec.guard_callback, custom_arg => place_rec.guard_custom_arg, case_id => v_case_id, workflow_key => v_workflow_key, transition_key => v_transition_key, place_key => v_place_key, direction => v_direction ); if v_guard_happy_p = 't' then v_found_happy_guard := 't'; add_token( case_id => v_case_id, place_key => place_rec.place_key, journal_id => fire_transition_internal.journal_id ); end if; end loop; /* If we didn't find any happy guards, look for arcs with the special hash (#) guard */ if v_found_happy_guard = 'f' then for place_rec in ( select place_key from wf_transition_places tp where tp.workflow_key = v_workflow_key and tp.transition_key = v_transition_key and tp.direction = 'out' and tp.guard_callback = '#') loop add_token( case_id => v_case_id, place_key => place_rec.place_key, journal_id => fire_transition_internal.journal_id ); end loop; end if; /* Execute the transition fire callback */ execute_transition_callback( callback => v_fire_callback, custom_arg => v_fire_custom_arg, case_id => v_case_id, transition_key => v_transition_key ); end fire_transition_internal; /* A small helper to make sure we're in the state we expect to be */ procedure ensure_task_in_state ( task_id in number, state in varchar2 ) is v_count number; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from wf_tasks where task_id = ensure_task_in_state.task_id and state = ensure_task_in_state.state; if v_count != 1 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'The task '|| ensure_task_in_state.task_id || ' is not in state ''' || ensure_task_in_state.state || ''''); end if; end ensure_task_in_state; /* Marks a task started and reserves one token from each input place */ procedure start_task( task_id in number, user_id in number, journal_id in number ) is v_case_id number; v_workflow_key wf_workflows.workflow_key%TYPE; v_transition_key varchar2(100); v_hold_timeout_callback varchar2(100); v_hold_timeout_custom_arg varchar2(4000); v_hold_timeout date; begin ensure_task_in_state(task_id => start_task.task_id, state => 'enabled'); select t.case_id, t.workflow_key, t.transition_key, ti.hold_timeout_callback, ti.hold_timeout_custom_arg into v_case_id, v_workflow_key, v_transition_key, v_hold_timeout_callback, v_hold_timeout_custom_arg from wf_tasks t, wf_cases c, wf_transition_info ti where t.task_id = start_task.task_id and c.case_id = t.case_id and ti.context_key = c.context_key and ti.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and ti.transition_key = t.transition_key; v_hold_timeout := execute_hold_timeout_callback(v_hold_timeout_callback, v_hold_timeout_custom_arg, v_case_id, v_transition_key); /* Mark it started */ update wf_tasks set state = 'started', started_date = sysdate, holding_user = start_task.user_id, hold_timeout = v_hold_timeout where task_id = start_task.task_id; /* Reserve one token from each input place */ for place_rec in input_places(v_workflow_key,v_transition_key) loop lock_token( case_id => v_case_id, place_key => place_rec.place_key, journal_id => start_task.journal_id, task_id => start_task.task_id ); end loop; end start_task; /* Mark the task canceled and release the reserved tokens */ procedure cancel_task( task_id in number, journal_id in number ) is v_case_id number; begin ensure_task_in_state(task_id => cancel_task.task_id, state => 'started'); select case_id into v_case_id from wf_tasks where task_id = cancel_task.task_id; /* Mark the task canceled */ update wf_tasks set state = 'canceled', canceled_date = sysdate where task_id = cancel_task.task_id; /* Release our reserved tokens */ release_token( task_id => cancel_task.task_id, journal_id => cancel_task.journal_id ); /* The workflow state has now changed, so we must run this */ sweep_automatic_transitions( case_id => v_case_id, journal_id => cancel_task.journal_id ); end cancel_task; /* Fire the transition */ procedure finish_task ( task_id in number, journal_id in number ) is v_case_id number; begin select case_id into v_case_id from wf_tasks where task_id = finish_task.task_id; fire_transition_internal( task_id => finish_task.task_id, journal_id => finish_task.journal_id ); sweep_automatic_transitions( case_id => v_case_id, journal_id => finish_task.journal_id ); end finish_task; end workflow_case; / show errors; -- -- schedule processing of the notification queue -- begin nt.schedule_process(1,'localhost',25); end; / show errors;