-- -- acs-workflow/sql/wf-core-drop.sql -- -- Drops the data model and views for the workflow package. -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) -- -- @creation-date 2000-05-18 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: wf-core-drop.sql,v 2001/03/13 22:59:27 ben Exp $ -- /* Drop all cases and all workflows */ begin for workflow_rec in (select w.workflow_key, t.table_name from wf_workflows w, acs_object_types t where t.object_type = w.workflow_key) loop workflow.delete_cases(workflow_key => workflow_rec.workflow_key); execute immediate 'drop table '||workflow_rec.table_name; workflow.drop_workflow(workflow_key => workflow_rec.workflow_key); end loop; end; / show errors; /* Sequences */ drop sequence wf_task_id_seq; drop sequence wf_token_id_seq; /* Views */ drop view wf_user_tasks; drop view wf_enabled_transitions; drop view wf_transition_places; drop view wf_transition_info; drop view wf_transition_contexts; /* Operational level */ drop table wf_attribute_value_audit; drop table wf_tokens; drop table wf_task_assignments; drop table wf_tasks; drop table wf_case_assignments; drop table wf_case_deadlines; drop table wf_cases; /* Context level */ drop table wf_context_assignments; drop table wf_context_task_panels; drop table wf_context_transition_info; drop table wf_contexts; /* Knowledge Level */ drop table wf_attribute_info; drop table wf_transition_assignment_map; drop table wf_transition_attribute_map; drop table wf_arcs; drop table wf_transitions; drop table wf_places; drop table wf_workflows; /* acs_object_type */ begin acs_object_type.drop_type( object_type => 'workflow', cascade_p => 't' ); end; / show errors