4.1 Wimpy Point Basics

4.1.1Where can I use Wimpy point?

Wimpy point can be used from anywhere in the world with Internet access and a browser.

4.1.2How much does it cost?

Since Wimpy Point is an open source software, it is absolutely free of charge.

4.1.3Can anyone view my presentations online?

It is up to you what permissions you decides to grant, permissions can be granted in three categories
* General public viewing your presentation.
* Registered Users
* The Owner 

Depending your needs you could grant permissions, for eg the owner would have read/write/execute 
permission, where as a registered user and a general user might only have read permission.

4.2 Creating an online presentation

4.2.1How do I create a presentation?

Once logged in to your workspace for wimpy point, simply click on Create Presentation found at 
the bottom left of your screen.

4.2.2Giving the presentation a title and some optional details.

Once the user click on create presentation he/she will be taken to the next page where the user 
is asked for the presentation title, copyright notice and whether or not the creator wants to 
set and audience and background. All the options are provided on this page. Once all the 
options are chosen the creator can click the save button at the bottom page to proceed to 
create the slides for the presentation.

4.2.3Creating my First Slide 

Once you have provided a title for the presentation, you ready set go to create the first slide. 
The option to create the first slide is provided on this page, by simply clicking create first 
slide you will be asked to provide necessary details for the first slide.

* The user must provide a preamble, which is the introduction/title of the slide
* Bullet items, the content of the slide the user wants add
* Postamble - the creators name could come here perhaps or his/her email.

Once all the fields are filled in, you have to simply click on save slide. The first slide is 
now online. Similarly additional slides can be created by clicking on the add slides and by 
following the same procedure.

4.2.4 Adding an Attachment to the slide

Once the presentation is complete and the user wants to add an attachment to the slide, next 
to the slide title there is an attach button. Upon clicking this, the user can browse through 
the local hard disk or a floppy disk and upload the image to the slide. The procedure is 
relatively simple. 

4.2.5 Modifying a slide

A slide can also be modified, upon clicking the edit button found next to the slide title, one 
can edit the contents of a slide add different attachments.

4.3 Viewing existing presentations

Once logged into your workspace, the existing presentations are listen under My presentations,
upon clicking any listed presentation one can access it. One can also view presentation created 
by other users under Everyone’s Presentations

4.4 Deleting a slide

Once inside your workspace, the user simply finds the presentation under My Presentations from 
which he/she wants to delete the slide. Next the user must click on the edit button as shown below,
The user is now shown the entire presentation and containing all slides, next to each slide title 
can be found a delete button, by simply clicking delete the slide can be deleted from the presentation.
( This function is not yet implemented in wimpy point, after implementation it will function as 
mentioned above.)

4.5 Deleting a presentation
Similar to delete slide, once the user has seleted which presentation to delete, he/she simply clicks
on the edit button as shown above, next the presentation title can be found under the slide titles,
along with edit and delete buttons, by simply clicking on the delete button found next to the 
presentation title one can delete the presentation. 

4.6 Selecting Style sheets for the presentation 

The user has the option to choose different style sheets for the presentation, once the user 
is in the process of creating a presentation, the initial page asking for a presentation tile 
also offers an option to choose style sheets from a pull down list, the user can scroll down the 
pull down list and choose the style sheet best suited for the presentation.( Currently Wimpy Point 
only supports one standard style sheet, more could be added as a later option.)