the Attachment [ admin ] [ editor ] [ viewer ] Add Add an image: Add Group Add One Add User All All Authors All Revisions all WimpyPoint users. arrow as a link attach Audience: Audience Authorization Available to Public? Background: Background Background Color:&nbsp; Background Image:&nbsp; Bad Password Bullet Items: Change Color Scheme:&nbsp; Confirm Add User Confirm Add Users Copyright Notice: Copyright Notice Create Create a new style Create A Slide Create Presentation Create Style (creator) CSS Code:&nbsp; CSS Source:&nbsp; default delete Delete a Slide Delete %name% Delete Presentation Details details Display as an image done down E-mail:&nbsp; Edit edit Edit Presentation Edit Slide Edit Style Edit your styles. Email Sent Error Everyone's for email "%email%" go live Images:&nbsp; in %group_name% Insert Invite User Last Month Last Name:&nbsp; Last Two Weeks Last Week Link Color:&nbsp; Linked Text Linked Text (Active) Linked Text (Visited) List Attachments List of Attachments log in A descriptive name, like %ramdom_name%. a Wimpy Point Presentation owned by Active Link Color:&nbsp; Add an Image or Attachment: after the bullets (aligned center) after the preamble (aligned center) All Revisions of This Presentation All revisions of this presentation All Revisions of This Slide All viewers can see the comments ( and the associated image Are you sure that you want to delete this slide? Are you sure you want to give %first_names_from_search% %last_name_from_search% permission to view the presentation test? Are you sure you want to give the following users permission to %role% the presentation %title%? at the very bottom (aligned center) at the very top (aligned center) attachments currently associated with this slide. Available to other people? (Public):&nbsp; Change order of slides Change people who can view/edit this presentation Could not get a pres_item_id and slide_item_id out of url=%url% Could not get a pres_item_id and a pres_revision_id out of url=%url% Could not get a pres_item_id and slide_item_id out of url=@url@ Could not get a pres_item_id, slide_item_id and slide_revision_id out of url=%url% Couldn't update your style. Create a new presentation. Create a new revision Create the first slide. created by <a href="/shared/community-member?user_id=%allpresentations.creation_user%">%allpresentations.full_name%</a> on %allpresentations.creation_date% Created by %revisions.full_name% from %revisions.creation_ip% at %revisions.creation_date% Created by %revisions.full_name% from %revisions.creation_ip% at %revisions.creation_date% Created by %revisions.full_name% from %revisions.creation_ip% at %revisions.creation_date% created on %presentations.creation_date% Delete this presentation. Display a link the viewer can use to download the file Do you really want to delete %title%? All slides will be permanently deleted. Edit one of your styles Edit presentation properties. Editors can see the comments ( Everyone can view the presentation, since it is public. Everyone's Presentations Finally, if you're planning on making the presentation public, you might want to let the world know whom you gave the presentation to and for what purpose. for last name "%last_name%" for name or email matching "%keyword%" %form_vars% Are you sure that you want to delete the style %name% %images_str%? From: %user_name% %user_email% To: %name% %email% Hello! I have invited you to work on the WimpyPoint presentation named %title% on %server%. To do so, you'll need to register for an account on %server%. Please visit %location% and follow the instructions. %message% from WimpyPoint's main page.) Give this presentation a title. Pick a title that you've never used before, otherwise you won't be able to tell this new presentation from old ones. Also, keep the title reasonably short so that if you choose a style where the overall presentation title is presented on each slide, it won't take up too much space. If you can't find the person you're looking for, he or she probably hasn't yet registered on ArsDigita, but you can <a href="invite?pres_item_id=%pres_item_id%&role=%role%&title=%encoded_title%">invite him or her to view your presentation</a>. If you like, you can provide a brief message to include in the invitation E-mail. If you want a copyright notice somewhere on each slide, enter it here: If you want a signature at the bottom of each slide, then enter it here: If you want to hide this presentation from everyone except yourself and any collaborators that you add, you should say so. Eventually you'll probably want to change this and make the presentation public, unless you are only using WimpyPoint to generate .html pages and/or hardcopy slides that you will show privately. If you're really sure, please reenter your password. in collaboration with Include the following message (optional): including %num_images% associated images Last modified %modified_date% make available only for editors make available to all viewers %name% (%email%) has been invited to work on the presentation test. The following E-mail was sent: next to the bullets (aligned right) next to the postamble (aligned right) next to the preamble (aligned right) Note: this is not a complete list of the users. Users who are collaborators on presentations owned by others are excluded. Users who have created only private presentations are excluded. (optional random text that goes above the bullet list) (optional random text that goes after the bullet list) or you can <a href="presentation-public?pres_item_id=%pres_item_id%&public_p=t">make the presentation public</a> so everyone can view it (Personally, I like to have my email address, hyperlinked to my home page; remember that HTML is OK here and you can have up to 200 characters.) Please enter part of the E-mail address or last name of the user you wish to give permission to view the presentation test. Please provide the name and E-mail address of the person whom you want to invite to %role% the presentation, and we'll send an E-mail inviting him or her to do so, and describing how to register with ArsDigita. The E-mail will appear to come from you, and you'll receive a copy. Please select the name of the group you wish to give permission to %role% thee presentation test. Printer friendly view. Revision in <font color=red>red</font> is the current live revision. Select an author from this list of users who have created presentations (number of presentations shown in parentheses.) Send an E-mail message to %first_names_from_search% with a link to the presentation. Send Invitation E-Mail Show Modification Date? Suggestion: if you have truly secret information for a presentation, you'd be best off keeping it on your desktop machine. We try to keep our database secure but remember that your packets are being sent in the clear. Target was not specified. This shouldn't have happened, please contact the <a href=\"mailto:%host_administrator%\">administrator</a> and let them know what happened. %text_color_font%Plain Text%text_color_font_end% That user can already %role% the presentation. Maybe you want to <a href=\"presentation-acl?%vars%\">try again</a> The file is neither a .gif file nor a .jpg file. Therefore we cannot display it as an image. The following users may view the presentation: The following users may view and make changes to the presentation: The following users may view and make changes to the presentation, and decide who gets to view/edit it: The presentation is public, so anyone is allowed to view it. There are not yet any uploaded images to use as the background. There was an error trying to add your content. Most likely causes you've <ul><li>Tried to upload a non-image file when you've select the \"display image in-line\" option. <li>Tried to add multiple copies of the same attachment to the slide <li>Double-clicking the \"Add\" button on the previous page. </ul><p>Here is the actual error message: There was an error trying to add your image. Most likely causes you've <ul><li>Tried to upload a non-image file. <li>Double-clicking the \"Save Image\" button on the previous page. </ul><p>Here is the actual error message: To create or edit presentations, please To move a slide in your presentation, select its title and click the Up or Down arrow. When you're done, click Uploaded from %revisions.creation_ip% at %revisions.creation_date% Uploaded from %revisions.creation_ip% at %revisions.creation_date% ( User Already Had That Privilege Viewers / Collaborators Visited Link Color:&nbsp; Want to make your presentation pretty? Select a style to give your presentation some pizzazz. If you select "I'll provide my own," once you submit this form you'll be given the opportunity to create a style, selecting your own color scheme, background image, etc. (You can access your personal style repository by clicking the link entitled WimpyPoint Authorization WimpyPoint Invitation WimpyPoint keeps track of the last modification time of each slide. If you'd like that displayed on each slide, you can say so here: You can add additional bullets later. You can <nobr><a href="presentation-public?pres_item_id=%pres_item_id%&public_p=f">make the presentation private</a></nobr> if you want only certain users to be able to view it. You can only specify either email or last name, not both. You forgot to type a search string! You haven't created any styles. You haven't uploaded a file. You must specify either an email address or last name to search for. Your file is too large. The publisher of %system_name% has chosen to limit attachments to %bytes% bytes. Message:&nbsp; My Presentations Name:&nbsp; #&nbsp;Images New Slide next No No, I want to cancel. No, I want to go back. No users. No users found. (none) none One Presentation one presentation One Revision One Slide one slide One Style Options or Page Signature: Page Signature Password: Postamble: Preamble: Presentation presentation Presentation Top Preview the Slide previous Print View print view Public? remove Reorder Slides Return to test %role% Style Save Changes Save Image Save Presentation Save Slide Save Style Search Show a list of Show Modified Date? Show presentation. Slide Comments Slide Revisions Slide Title:&nbsp; Style: Style Text Color:&nbsp; The Slides There are Title: Title Title: %slide_title% top Total Size up Upload Attachments User Search "User search" Versioning view view revisions Wimpy Point Wimpy Point Users WimpyPoint Wrong password. Yes Yes, delete the slide. Yes, proceed. (You) Your Styles your styles Yours