-- -- packages/lors/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-0.5d-0.6d.sql -- -- @author Jonatan Tierno (jonatan@int.it.uc3m.es) -- @creation-date 2005-02-24 -- @arch-tag: c62faf32-6b47-4f29-80aa-ea606bd0112e -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-0.5d-0.6d.sql,v 1.2 2006/06/07 13:45:20 daveb Exp $ -- -- Adds the option to show a course with different presentation formats -- --create table with available presentation formats. create table lors_available_presentation_formats ( presentation_name varchar(100), folder_name varchar(100), presentation_id integer ); insert into lors_available_presentation_formats values ('Classic style','delivery_clasico',1); insert into lors_available_presentation_formats values ('E-LANE style','delivery',2); comment on table lors_available_presentation_formats is ' This table stores the available presentation formats for the courses. Its contains the pretty name for the format, an id, and the folder in packages/lorsm/www/ where the presentation is stored by now, just two presentations, which we store on creation'; --Add field presentation_id to table imscp_organizations. alter table ims_cp_manifests add presentation_id integer;