Properties Methods Events Config Options Direct Link

Class Ext.layout.BorderLayout

Defined In:BorderLayout.js

This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple nested panels, automatic split bars between regions and built-in expanding and collapsing of regions. This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'border' Ext.Container.layout config, and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.

BorderLayout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones). All configs available for customizing the BorderLayout are at the Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region and Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion levels. Example usage:

var border = new Ext.Panel({
    title: 'Border Layout',
    items: [{
        title: 'South Panel',
        region: 'south',
        height: 100,
        minSize: 75,
        maxSize: 250,
        margins: '0 5 5 5'
        title: 'West Panel',
        margins: '5 0 0 5',
        cmargins: '5 5 0 5',
        width: 200,
        minSize: 100,
        maxSize: 300
        title: 'Main Content',
        margins: '5 5 0 0'

Config Options

Config Options Defined By
  renderHidden : Boolean
True to hide each contained item on render (defaults to false).

Public Properties

This class has no public properties.

Public Methods

This class has no public methods.

Public Events

This class has no public events.