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Messages can come from a variety of sources. Handling replies to outbound email is a common case.

Currently there are these distinct paradigms for setting up return email:

  1. A fixed outbound email address. FixedSenderEmail parameter defines the fixed email address used. Each package sending email can create and set its own FixedSenderEmail parameter. The default is to use ACS-Mail-Lite's parameter. As an originating SMTP agent, orignator is set to the ACS-Mail-Lite's parameter, if it is not empty. The replying email's message-id is used to reference any mapped information about the email, such as package_id or object_id. The message-id includes a signed signature to detect and reject a tampered message-id, and prevents publishing of system ids.
  2. A dynamic originator address that results in a custom return email address for each outbound email. This provides an alternate way to supply the original message_id key, if the message_id key is altered. For this to work, the email system must be configured to accept email to any account at the domain specified by the BounceDomain parameter.


After installing nsimap, setup consists of filling out the relevant parameters in the acs-mail-lite package, mainly: BounceDomain, FixedSenderEmail and the IMAP section.

Postfix MailDir on Linux OS

After installing and configuring Postifx, a setup consists of filling out the relevant parameters in the acs-mail-lite package.