-- -- procedure acs_permission.permissions_all/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION acs_permission.permissions_all( p_object_id integer ) RETURNS table (object_id integer, grantee_id integer, privilege varchar) AS $$ DECLARE v_security_context_root integer; BEGIN v_security_context_root := acs__magic_object_id('security_context_root'); RETURN QUERY WITH RECURSIVE object_context(obj_id, context_id, orig_obj_id) AS ( SELECT p_object_id, p_object_id, p_object_id UNION ALL SELECT ao.object_id, CASE WHEN (ao.security_inherit_p = 'f' OR ao.context_id IS NULL) THEN v_security_context_root ELSE ao.context_id END, oc.orig_obj_id FROM object_context oc, acs_objects ao WHERE ao.object_id = oc.context_id AND ao.object_id != v_security_context_root ) select p_object_id, p.grantee_id, p.privilege from object_context oc, acs_permissions p where p.object_id = oc.context_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable;