-- Dropping obsolete tables (see http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=5330206) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- 1) Make sure to upgrade to at least acs-kernel 5.9.1d13 -- 2) Make a database dump as a backup; dropping is faster than recreating! -- -- -- Drop the unused (potentially huge) materialized view -- "acs_object_context_index" and its maintenance infrastructure. -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS acs_object_context_index CASCADE; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS acs_objects_context_id_in_tr ON acs_objects CASCADE; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS acs_objects_context_id_up_tr ON acs_objects CASCADE; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS acs_objects_context_id_in_tr(); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS acs_objects_context_id_up_tr(); -- -- Drop the two (!) materialized views for the privilege hierarchy. -- -- -- In case the script was already executed, the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS -- will lead to an error that "acs_privilege_descendant_map" is not a table -- HINT: Use DROP VIEW to remove a view. -- So, we apply here the old fashioned approach by querying pg_tables. -- DO $$ DECLARE v_found boolean; BEGIN SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'acs_privilege_descendant_map' ) into v_found; if v_found IS TRUE then DROP TABLE acs_privilege_descendant_map; end if; END $$; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS acs_privilege_hierarchy_index CASCADE; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr ON acs_privilege_hierarchy; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS acs_priv_del_tr ON acs_privileges; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS acs_priv_del_tr(); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS priv_recurse_subtree(varbit, varchar); -- -- Create "acs_privilege_descendant_map" as view (similar to the -- Oracle implementation) -- -- The clause after the first UNION ALL is just here to return the -- identity column on the highest hierarchy ("admin, admin"). -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acs_privilege_descendant_map AS WITH RECURSIVE privilege_desc(parent, child) AS ( SELECT child_privilege as parent, child_privilege as child FROM acs_privilege_hierarchy UNION ALL SELECT privilege as parent, privilege as child FROM (SELECT privilege FROM acs_privilege_hierarchy EXCEPT SELECT child_privilege FROM acs_privilege_hierarchy) identity UNION ALL SELECT h.privilege as parent, pd.child FROM acs_privilege_hierarchy h, privilege_desc pd WHERE pd.parent = h.child_privilege ) SELECT privilege_desc.parent, privilege_desc.child FROM privilege_desc; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS acs_object__check_representation(integer);