-- contacts-create.sql -- -- @author Dekka Corp. -- @ported from sql-ledger and combined with parts from OpenACS ecommerce package -- @license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991 -- @cvs-id -- this table needs split, moved into accounts-payroll package which will use the contacts package -- create table qal_employee ( -- id integer default nextval('qal_id'), -- login varchar(100), -- name varchar(64), -- address1 varchar(32), -- address2 varchar(32), -- city varchar(32), -- state varchar(32), -- zipcode varchar(10), -- country varchar(32), -- workphone varchar(20), -- homephone varchar(20), -- startdate date default current_date, -- enddate date, -- notes text, -- role varchar(20), -- sales bool default 'f', -- email text, -- ssn varchar(20), -- iban varchar(34), -- bic varchar(11), -- managerid integer, -- employeenumber varchar(32), -- dob date -- ); -- -- This table is to be *somehow* get integrated into contacts package -- CREATE TABLE qal_vendor ( -- id integer default nextval('qal_id'), -- name varchar(64), -- address1 varchar(32), -- address2 varchar(32), -- city varchar(32), -- state varchar(32), -- zipcode varchar(10), -- country varchar(32), -- contact varchar(64), -- phone varchar(20), -- fax varchar(20), -- email text, -- notes text, -- terms integer default 0, -- taxincluded bool default 'f', -- vendornumber varchar(32), -- cc text, -- bcc text, -- gifi_accno varchar(30), -- business_id integer, -- taxnumber varchar(32), -- sic_code varchar(15), -- discount numeric, -- creditlimit numeric default 0, -- iban varchar(34), -- bic varchar(11), -- employee_id integer, -- language_code varchar(6), -- pricegroup_id integer, -- curr char(3), -- startdate date, -- enddate date -- ); -- -- SIC, NAICS codes -- -- code has been extended to allow use of UNSPC (and other) categorizations -- -- references: -- -- NAICS codes http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics/naicscod.txt -- -- SIC crossreferences http://www.census.gov/pub/epcd/www/naicstab.htm -- -- ISIC and others http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/ -- CREATE TABLE qal_sic ( -- code varchar(15), -- sictype varchar(3), -- description text -- ); -- -- -- This table is to be *somehow* get integrated into contacts package -- CREATE TABLE qal_customer ( -- id integer default nextval('qal_id'), -- name varchar(64), -- address1 varchar(32), -- address2 varchar(32), -- city varchar(32), -- state varchar(32), -- zipcode varchar(10), -- country varchar(32), -- contact varchar(64), -- phone varchar(20), -- fax varchar(20), -- email text, -- notes text, -- discount numeric, -- taxincluded bool default 'f', -- creditlimit numeric default 0, -- terms integer default 0, -- customernumber varchar(32), -- cc text, -- bcc text, -- business_id integer, -- taxnumber varchar(32), -- sic_code varchar(6), -- iban varchar(34), -- bic varchar(11), -- employee_id integer, -- language_code varchar(6), -- pricegroup_id integer, -- curr char(3), -- startdate date, -- enddate date -- ); -- -- CREATE TABLE qal_customertax ( -- customer_id integer, -- chart_id integer -- ); -- -- CREATE TABLE qal_vendortax ( -- vendor_id integer, -- chart_id integer -- ); -- -- -- create index qal_customer_id_key on qal_customer (id); -- create index qal_customer_customernumber_key on qal_customer (customernumber); -- create index qal_customer_name_key on qal_customer (lower(name)); -- create index qal_customer_contact_key on qal_customer (lower(contact)); -- create index qal_customer_customer_id_key on qal_customertax (customer_id); -- create index qal_employee_id_key on qal_employee (id); -- create unique index qal_employee_login_key on qal_employee (login); -- create index qal_employee_name_key on qal_employee (lower(name)); -- -- create index qal_vendor_id_key on qal_vendor (id); -- create index qal_vendor_name_key on qal_vendor (lower(name)); -- create index qal_vendor_vendornumber_key on qal_vendor (vendornumber); -- create index qal_vendor_contact_key on qal_vendor (lower(contact)); -- create index qal_vendortax_vendor_id_key on qal_vendortax (vendor_id); -- -- -- CREATE FUNCTION qal_del_customer() RETURNS OPAQUE AS ' -- begin -- delete from qal_shipto where trans_id = old.id; -- delete from qal_customertax where customer_id = old.id; -- delete from qal_partscustomer where customer_id = old.id; -- return NULL; -- end; -- ' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- end function -- CREATE TRIGGER qal_del_customer AFTER DELETE ON qal_customer FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE qal_del_customer(); -- -- end trigger -- CREATE FUNCTION qal_del_vendor() RETURNS OPAQUE AS ' -- begin -- delete from ecst_shipto where trans_id = old.id; -- delete from qal_vendortax where vendor_id = old.id; -- delete from ecca_partsvendor where vendor_id = old.id; -- return NULL; -- end; -- ' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- end function -- CREATE TRIGGER qal_del_vendor AFTER DELETE ON qal_vendor FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE qal_del_vendor(); -- -- end trigger -- -- -- following from ecommerce needs to be adapted to contacts etc. -- with the shipto stuff moved to shipping-tracking package -- create sequence ec_address_id_seq start 1; -- create view ec_address_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_address_id_seq') as nextval; -- -- create table ec_addresses ( -- address_id integer not null primary key, -- user_id integer not null references users, -- address_type varchar(20) not null, -- e.g., billing -- attn varchar(100), -- line1 varchar(100), -- line2 varchar(100), -- city varchar(100), -- -- state -- -- Jerry, we'll need to creat the states table as part of this -- usps_abbrev char(2) references us_states(abbrev), -- -- big enough to hold zip+4 with dash -- zip_code varchar(10), -- phone varchar(30), -- -- for international addresses -- -- Jerry, same for country_codes -- country_code char(2) references countries(iso), -- -- this can be the province or region for an international address -- full_state_name varchar(30), -- -- D for day, E for evening -- phone_time varchar(10) -- ); -- -- create index ec_addresses_by_user_idx on ec_addresses (user_id); -- -- create sequence ec_user_class_id_seq start 1; -- create view ec_user_class_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_user_class_id_seq') as nextval; -- -- create table ec_user_classes ( -- user_class_id integer not null primary key, -- -- human-readable -- user_class_name varchar(200), -- e.g., student -- last_modified timestamptz not null, -- last_modifying_user integer not null references users, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null -- ); -- -- create table ec_user_classes_audit ( -- user_class_id integer, -- user_class_name varchar(200), -- e.g., student -- last_modified timestamptz, -- last_modifying_user integer, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20), -- delete_p boolean default 'f' -- ); -- -- create function ec_user_classes_audit_tr () -- returns trigger as ' -- begin -- insert into ec_user_classes_audit ( -- user_class_id, user_class_name, -- last_modified, -- last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address -- ) values ( -- old.user_class_id, old.user_class_name, -- old.last_modified, -- old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address -- ); -- return new; -- end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- create trigger ec_user_classes_audit_tr -- after update or delete on ec_user_classes -- for each row execute procedure ec_user_classes_audit_tr (); -- create table qar_ec_product_user_class_prices ( product_id integer not null references qci_ec_products, user_class_id integer not null references qar_ec_user_classes, price numeric, last_modified timestamptz not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, primary key (product_id, user_class_id) ); create index qar_ec_product_user_class_idx on qar_ec_product_user_class_prices(user_class_id); -- qar_ec_product_user_class_prices_audit abbreviated as -- qar_ec_product_u_c_prices_audit create table qar_ec_product_u_c_prices_audit ( product_id integer, user_class_id integer, price numeric, last_modified timestamptz, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function qar_ec_product_u_c_prices_audit_tr () returns trigger as ' begin insert into qar_ec_product_u_c_prices_audit ( product_id, user_class_id, price, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_id, old.user_class_id, old.price, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger qar_ec_product_u_c_prices_audit_tr after update or delete on qar_ec_product_user_class_prices for each row execute procedure qar_ec_product_u_c_prices_audit_tr (); -- -- one row per customer-user; all the extra info that the ecommerce -- -- system needs -- -- create table ec_user_class_user_map ( -- user_id integer not null references users, -- user_class_id integer not null references ec_user_classes, -- primary key (user_id, user_class_id), -- user_class_approved_p boolean, -- last_modified timestamptz not null, -- last_modifying_user integer not null references users, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null -- ); -- -- create index ec_user_class_user_map_idx on ec_user_class_user_map (user_class_id); -- create index ec_user_class_user_map_idx2 on ec_user_class_user_map (user_class_approved_p); -- -- create table ec_user_class_user_map_audit ( -- user_id integer, -- user_class_id integer, -- user_class_approved_p boolean, -- last_modified timestamptz, -- last_modifying_user integer, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20), -- delete_p boolean default 'f' -- ); -- -- -- create function ec_user_class_user_audit_tr () -- returns trigger as ' -- begin -- insert into ec_user_class_user_map_audit ( -- user_id, user_class_id, user_class_approved_p, -- last_modified, -- last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address -- ) values ( -- old.user_id, old.user_class_id, old.user_class_approved_p, -- old.last_modified, -- old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address -- ); -- return new; -- end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- create trigger ec_user_class_user_audit_tr -- after update or delete on ec_user_class_user_map -- for each row execute procedure ec_user_class_user_audit_tr (); -- -- -- -- -- -- -- these tables are used if MultipleRetailersPerProductP is 1 in the -- -- parameters .ini file -- -- create sequence ec_retailer_seq start 1; -- create view ec_retailer_sequence as select nextval('ec_retailer_seq') as nextval; -- -- create table ec_retailers ( -- retailer_id integer not null primary key, -- retailer_name varchar(300), -- primary_contact_name varchar(100), -- secondary_contact_name varchar(100), -- primary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- line1 varchar(100), -- line2 varchar(100), -- city varchar(100), -- -- state -- -- Jerry -- usps_abbrev char(2) references us_states(abbrev), -- -- big enough to hold zip+4 with dash -- zip_code varchar(10), -- phone varchar(30), -- fax varchar(30), -- -- for international addresses -- -- Jerry -- country_code char(2) references countries(iso), -- --national, local, international -- reach varchar(15) check (reach in ('national','local','international','regional','web')), -- url varchar(200), -- -- space-separated list of states in which tax must be collected -- nexus_states varchar(200), -- financing_policy varchar(4000), -- return_policy varchar(4000), -- price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), -- delivery_policy varchar(4000), -- installation_policy varchar(4000), -- last_modified timestamptz not null, -- last_modifying_user integer not null references users, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null -- ); -- -- create table ec_retailers_audit ( -- retailer_id integer, -- retailer_name varchar(300), -- primary_contact_name varchar(100), -- secondary_contact_name varchar(100), -- primary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- line1 varchar(100), -- line2 varchar(100), -- city varchar(100), -- usps_abbrev char(2), -- zip_code varchar(10), -- phone varchar(30), -- fax varchar(30), -- country_code char(2), -- reach varchar(15) check (reach in ('national','local','international','regional','web')), -- url varchar(200), -- nexus_states varchar(200), -- financing_policy varchar(4000), -- return_policy varchar(4000), -- price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), -- delivery_policy varchar(4000), -- installation_policy varchar(4000), -- last_modified timestamptz, -- last_modifying_user integer, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20), -- delete_p boolean default 'f' -- ); -- -- -- Jerry - I removed usps_abbrev and/or state here -- create function ec_retailers_audit_tr () -- returns trigger as ' -- begin -- insert into ec_retailers_audit ( -- retailer_id, retailer_name, -- primary_contact_name, secondary_contact_name, -- primary_contact_info, secondary_contact_info, -- line1, line2, -- city, usps_abbrev, -- zip_code, phone, -- fax, country_code, -- reach, url, -- nexus_states, financing_policy, -- return_policy, price_guarantee_policy, -- delivery_policy, installation_policy, -- last_modified, -- last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address -- ) values ( -- old.retailer_id, old.retailer_name, -- old.primary_contact_name, old.secondary_contact_name, -- old.primary_contact_info, old.secondary_contact_info, -- old.line1, old.line2, -- old.city, old.usps_abbrev, -- old.zip_code, old.phone, -- old.fax, old.country_code, -- old.reach, old.url, -- old.nexus_states, old.financing_policy, -- old.return_policy, old.price_guarantee_policy, -- old.delivery_policy, old.installation_policy, -- old.last_modified, -- old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address -- ); -- return new; -- end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- create trigger ec_retailers_audit_tr -- after update or delete on ec_retailers -- for each row execute procedure ec_retailers_audit_tr (); -- -- create sequence ec_retailer_location_seq start 1; -- create view ec_retailer_location_sequence as select nextval('ec_retailer_location_seq') as nextval; -- -- create table ec_retailer_locations ( -- retailer_location_id integer not null primary key, -- retailer_id integer not null references ec_retailers, -- location_name varchar(300), -- primary_contact_name varchar(100), -- secondary_contact_name varchar(100), -- primary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- line1 varchar(100), -- line2 varchar(100), -- city varchar(100), -- -- state -- -- Jerry -- -- usps_abbrev reinstated by wtem@olywa.net -- usps_abbrev char(2) references us_states(abbrev), -- -- big enough 0to hold zip+4 with dash -- zip_code varchar(10), -- phone varchar(30), -- fax varchar(30), -- -- for international addresses -- -- Jerry -- -- country_code reinstated by wtem@olywa.net -- country_code char(2) references countries(iso), -- url varchar(200), -- financing_policy varchar(4000), -- return_policy varchar(4000), -- price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), -- delivery_policy varchar(4000), -- installation_policy varchar(4000), -- last_modified timestamptz not null, -- last_modifying_user integer not null references users, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null -- ); -- -- create table ec_retailer_locations_audit ( -- retailer_location_id integer, -- retailer_id integer, -- location_name varchar(300), -- primary_contact_name varchar(100), -- secondary_contact_name varchar(100), -- primary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), -- line1 varchar(100), -- line2 varchar(100), -- city varchar(100), -- usps_abbrev char(2), -- zip_code varchar(10), -- phone varchar(30), -- fax varchar(30), -- country_code char(2), -- url varchar(200), -- financing_policy varchar(4000), -- return_policy varchar(4000), -- price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), -- delivery_policy varchar(4000), -- installation_policy varchar(4000), -- last_modified timestamptz, -- last_modifying_user integer, -- modified_ip_address varchar(20), -- delete_p boolean default 'f' -- ); -- -- -- -- Jerry - I removed usps_abbrev and/or state here -- create function ec_retailer_locations_audit_tr () -- returns trigger as ' -- begin -- insert into ec_retailer_locations_audit ( -- retailer_location_id, retailer_id, location_name, -- primary_contact_name, secondary_contact_name, -- primary_contact_info, secondary_contact_info, -- line1, line2, -- city, usps_abbrev, -- zip_code, phone, -- fax, country_code, -- url, financing_policy, -- return_policy, price_guarantee_policy, -- delivery_policy, installation_policy, -- last_modified, -- last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address -- ) values ( -- old.retailer_location_id, -- old.retailer_id, old.location_name, -- old.primary_contact_name, old.secondary_contact_name, -- old.primary_contact_info, old.secondary_contact_info, -- old.line1, old.line2, -- old.city, old.usps_abbrev, -- old.zip_code, old.phone, -- old.fax, old.country_code, -- old.url, old.financing_policy, -- old.return_policy, old.price_guarantee_policy, -- old.delivery_policy, old.installation_policy, -- old.last_modified, -- old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address -- ); -- return new; -- end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- create trigger ec_retailer_locations_audit_tr -- after update or delete on ec_retailer_locations -- for each row execute procedure ec_retailer_locations_audit_tr (); -- -- --