oracle8.1.6 select r.sort_order, r.role_key, r.role_name, '' as delete_url, '' as edit_url, '' as static_url, '' as manual_url, '' as programmatic_url, 0 as is_static_p, cri.assignment_callback, cri.assignment_custom_arg, map.transition_key as assigning_transition_key, t.transition_name as assigning_transition_name from wf_roles r, wf_context_role_info cri, wf_transition_role_assign_map map, wf_transitions t where r.workflow_key = :workflow_key and cri.context_key (+) = :context_key and cri.workflow_key (+) = r.workflow_key and cri.role_key (+) = r.role_key and map.workflow_key (+) = r.workflow_key and map.assign_role_key (+) = r.role_key and t.workflow_key (+) = map.workflow_key and t.transition_key (+) = map.transition_key order by r.sort_order